Florida has Clinton leading in virtually EVERY poll

Florida has Clinton leading in virtually EVERY poll.

Say it with me

Other urls found in this thread:


Al Gore will win Florida.


"User generated map"



But Clinton will kill black babies, Trump was adamant about it.

Even without Florida, Clinton will still win. She will win in NH and NV as well as the blue wall states. Game over.


>user generated map
go shill elsewhere, bozgor

Does this one make you feel better about losing?

>i can use ms paint and fill blue
>mdaam persidint cunton


Underrated post

M8 even nate hydrogen and betting sites have trump winning Florida, you need to try harder


Bull shit the betting sites have Hilldawg winning. Nate is just playing it safe.

What about no tossups faggot?

Check'd and Kek'd

and this shit had dubs???
lost and fukken check'd m9

>early voting shows Trump winning, romney lost early voting by 175k ballots, lost state by only 0.5%

>Hillary is going to win FL!


>She won FL bros!

redpill me on my own map Sup Forums

Trump isn't winning early voting ya dingus. Plus, there are more Latinos voting in this election than last time around.


what the fuck is wrong with this guys head?

He's got 2k more ballots cast. Learn how to do math shitskin.

say it with me

america is fucked

and romney lost early voting by 175k ballots

Doesn't even matter nigga...we are fucked no matter who wins. One side is going to be pissed anyways.

Are you retarded? Dems have 80,000 vote advantage based on early voting. And both parties have virtually the same number of mail ballots turned in plus yet to be returned. Fucking American education

You do realize that the Hispanic vote really isn't that much different between their support for Hillary and Trump? The LA poll actually has them pretty much in the margin of error.

It's African Americans that overwhelmingly vote Democrat and they're sitting this one out

This has been said in so many threads by now I feel it's just another CTR meme like Nevada being blue

I wanted to build a wall, too bad for you cracker.

too intelligent to vote for drumpht

you should check your math



this is nothing when it's a 60/40 split Trump/Clinton for those who plan to vote on election day.

>$.05 has been added to your account. Thank you for brightening America's future!

Convinced my brother-in-law and sister who weren't going to vote to come out and vote with me on Tuesday.

Is it possible to vote early still on Monday? Sister was asking about it, said she works Tuesday and might not be able to come with us. If that's the case we'll all go Monday.

Otherwise at least I'm bringing one extra vote with me.

>LA poll
kek you mean the most flawed poll used? The one that has a single black trump voter weighed x30?

Where are you getting these numbers?

This is where I am looking at.

I'm a Florida bro btw.


add up the totals, jackass.

>you mean the most flawed poll used
>most accurate poll of 2012
Lmao. Fuck off CTR.

god bless those who fight CTR even though they know it's CTR


republicans have a 300 million firearm advantage.. Hillary won't get shit.

Madam prison resident

pulling numbers out of your ass does nothing silly bong. Back that shit up or I assume you are a eurofag who knows nothing but feels.

kek President Romney is furious

Dude you have no idea what you are talking about. go look at the submitted votes by party you retard. Actually, don't I want your dumbass to be stupefied on Tuesday when trump loses and you can't figure out why

I already did the totals for you, europoor.

Add up early votes cast, and vote by mail ballots returned.

>President Romney
>LA Times is wrong

LA Times had Romney losing. By a lot. Newfag. Romney was a faggot

>kek President Romney is furious

You might want to get yourself checked for eye cancer

Checked. That cunt never had a chance.

>Romney was a faggot
just like you
>get yourself checked for eye cancer
being this retarded hahahahaha

>pulling numbers out of your ass does nothing silly bong. Back that shit up or I assume you are a eurofag who knows nothing but feels.

Compare your life to ours and kill yourself

t. Britfag who knows more about the US than you

The poll literally says Obama was going to win, your idiotic quip about "president romney" makes no sense unless you don't know how to read that poll

Are you just pretending at this point?

>open any of those videos
>immediately close it because of the wind

Heretics! Ye of little faith. It's not over till it's over. Kek will make Trump win. He has already shown us his will.

Nice try CTR! She isn't leading in ANY real polls lol get rekt fgt

yea those numbers look totally legit
>Compare your life to ours and kill yourself
brits are fags why would i want to be like you posh tossers?

>ask for data
>provide you with data
>the data is wrong!!!

we're done here

As a perecentage, Whites are relatively unchanged, while the decrease in Blacks has been replaced by Hispanics. Due to Hispanics voting for Clinton to a lesser degree (and the spike in more Trump-friendly independents), this is bad news for Clinton.

How about all of them except for 1?


Yea because that group has had the most questionable pro trump numbers throughout the last few months. I dont buy it fag

You dumb shit I live here it's 10 to 1 trump if you don't like in a state dont fucking act like you know shit about it

He's gay.

I was replying to somebody who said Trump is losing, and yes, I do live in Florida.

>Hillary wins the penis state

She really want's that D I guess

hopefully all those yard signs remember to vote on tuesday!

they usually do

ask gore

reddit please go

>poll shows trump winning
>must be wrong

Liberal logic

>polls show clinton winning
>must be wrong cuz brexit guiz

Conservatard logic

Must be wrong because the polls are sampling way more women and college graduates then there actually is

>1 post by this ID

What's interesting is that he's above the 95% confidence interval gray band too.

Don't you say African Americans ever again.




Both ABC and RCP show that Florida is gray


CTR working nights on a Saturday? Fucking shills really are nerd virgins.

i live here i can tell it will go Trump

>Arizona, Georgia
>not red

When will this meme end? I guess having a grey New Mexico balances out one

Yeah, I think so too.
Here's my prediction

Looks legit.

NH is probably the most far-fetched red state on your map, and it isn't even very far-fetched at all considering the polls.

Real Clear Politics is just a websites that collects all the poll data (skewed and unskewed), and takes the average out of all of them. Idk, it's the website I use the most, since it's technically the most accurate (or it should be in theory at least)



My Trump vote is in there somewhere. =')

What happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself.

You have done God's work, user
-Amerifag in Norway

I can see it being redder a lot of people don't realize that americans do not stand with corruption when it is so obvious. Every time it pops up in history it is shot down in an inferno this time will be no different.

>le red NV meme

Guys can we stop being delusional?

Even Ann Coulter has Clinton winning Nevada in her prediction

*nervous laughter*

trump will win the presidency



Very sure early botig ends sunday night, nothing open monday, then back open tuesday. Also the tuesday voting places are different than the early places we have now.

>getting btfo
>pretends it was all a ruse

>ignoring early voting trends
>Trump is certain to win 40% of Hispanics for some reason, this LA Times poll says so!

Sure thing pal

Dems always win early voting.

*nervous laughter*

that's because minorities are lazy and don't want to sit in line

>democrats outperformed republicans in the primaries in 2008 and won florida
>republicans absolutely destroyed democrats in primary turnout this year with massive 600k lead
>"florida will stay blue"

>what are demographic changes
Remember, women don't vote in the primaries (sad but true) so they're a TERRIBLE predictor as you're basically cutting out 50% of the population.

early voting heavily trends towards democrats though, this has always been the case. they also won early voting in florida in 2012 with a big margin but only won the state by like 0.6%

same thing happened in north carolina (it actually went to romney)

They won NV early voting by a similar margin and ended up winning the state

Most Nevada voters vote early

>muh primaries

Just ask President Dukakis