Do you think Disney will make a Jeanne d'Arc cartoon? Or is it too problematic?

Do you think Disney will make a Jeanne d'Arc cartoon? Or is it too problematic?

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Probably not. It doesnt seem their style to have a movie where the protagonist is brutally killed at the end.

Also there's the whole thing of one of her closest allies also being history's most prolific child murderer.


Well they made a happy ending out of Pocahontas.

>What is the hunchback


They gave Hunchback and Hercules happy endings. They could do it.

Disney has a history of changing tragic ending into happy ones.

What could be the happy ending?

>Also there's the whole thing of one of her closest allies also being history's most prolific child murderer.
Those charges were falsified!

But Jannu has barely done shit.

All she did in the first half was look concerned and run around, while lusting after some guy's dick for reasons I don't entirely understand why yet.

Traditional animation is dead, user.

And I don't see them doing this story in 3D animation.

Little Mermaid
May I go on.

Wait, the original Mulan had a bad end?

no but one of its many adaptions did though

Most of these are fictional stories or fairy tales. There's a difference between changing their ending and the ending of a real person's life

Pocahontas then.

They changed like everything about the real girl, even her age so they could have a Disney romance.

Well you definitely have me there

At this point my argument would be it would require too many battles and too much related to God for Disney to want to touch it now

From what I remember of 8th grade history class, Pocahontas first met John Smith when she was eleven by doing naked summersaults outside of the English fort.

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And Pocahontas sucked.

Too religious and too white.

The only way they'd do it these days is if they were pushing the nonbinary angle hard, which is my biggest fucking pet peeve. She was a devout Catholic and one of the most badass women in history , and people love to shit all over this because hurr durr men's clothing? Clearly a tranny

Yes she killed herself because the emperor wanted her to be his cuncubine.

Do you think Disney will make an Anne Frank cartoon? Or is it too problematic?

I want to say that's too religious/Christian. I know Disney's had religious aspects etc. but you'd have to have the Christian God as an actual character

depending on the story
she either gets raped and killed once found out she is a woman. or when she returns home her father has died, her mother had married someone else and she was forced to become a concubine for the emperor/kubla khan

those are the 2 worst versions.
in others it's alittle more 'happy', with her just staying as a soldier and never returning back home.

They could do it this way.

They can do it but there will be a tone of changes.

Besides the ignorant will see it as a whitewashing of Mulan.

No, but I bet Don Bluth would. Anastasia is pretty much the same thing.

>the bad guys are literal nazis
That's the opposite of problematic. In fact, I don't know why Disney hasn't yet cashed in on the ongoing wave of hard liberalism sweeping the nation.

The poster says Walt Disney but the art feels more like Don bluth film

>cartoon about a french whore
Damn right it would be too problematic!
Just the part where she first gets gang-banged by her "army" would get the movie a NC-17 rating.

Gilles did nothing wrong! Those charges were made up to take his lands!

butthurt english fag, still salty that a 16 year old farm girl kicked the english ass.

Please don't bully the Jeanne. She has suffered enough already.

They could simply end the story at a high point in her career rather than at her death. Plus it'd be heavily altered to be more palatable for wider audiences.
However this seems more like something for Pre-CGI Dreamworks since they would've been cool with making a movie with religious themes

original mulan ending
she fought and won the war with her unit. They never found it out she was a woman during the war. In the middle of celebrating their victory she slips out and returns home. Her comrades are confused they decide to go to her home to pay their respects and restart their celebrations there.
They arrive and ask for her using her fake name. They're told no one of that name lives there. Her commanding officer requests to meet her so she can be rewarded a government post for her exceptional bravery failing that he wants to see all the males of the family.
Mulan comes out and laughs at them before donning mens clothes. Her friends are shocked that in their years of fighting together, they did not realize that she was a woman. They realize it doesn't change that she is a stalwart friend. The poem ends with them restarting their celebration at her house with her commanding officer along with several soldiers considering marrying her but not before proclaiming she is the bravest and most loyal woman in all of china.

she was never raped or killed in any of the adaptions of the original poem.
Her family discuss that this might be a possibility if she chooses to join the army either by her fellow soldiers or the enemies.

I know it isn't Disney, but Prince of Egypt does exist. It's not like they'd be forging new ground or anything.

>Prince of Egypt
It's not the 90s anymore, user.

Wasn't this story supposed to guilt cowardly Chinese boys into fighting? "See a girl can do it, what's your excuse?"

Why not?

>Don Bluth never worked for Disney

I dunno will their be plenty of PoC' s? This is essential also if Jeanne could be a dark skin woman. Then maybe.

Fox and the Hound.

>I dunno will their be plenty of PoC' s?
Well, it will be set on France, so I guess yes.

They'd also "disneyfy" Joan. Joan of Arc was a fierce patriot to a fanatical degree and was an aggressive commander. Cannons were new at the time and she used them to frightening effectiveness. She would tell towns that were being besieged to surrender or she'd slaughter them. Most surrendered, Jargeau didn't and she massacred 1100 people. The entire reason she was captured because she tried pressing a siege that she didn't have the supplies for because Joan of Arc hated the English and really wanted them either out of France or dead.

She's pretty cool in all honesty even if she wasn't swinging a sword on the battlefield.

I had no idea your mom's cunt was called France. I'll try to remember that tonight.

nah its more a legend passed down than anything although there are some who swear its a true story(grandma) there are numerous adaptions of mulan many new dynasties use her to prop their legitimacy. Fuck the sui-tang version that was a godawful adaption

She wound up married to someone else and dying in England too. I believe the Bush family are her descendants or in her family tree.

>Joan massacred the English

literally English propaganda

The only reason she even wore those clothes was to try and make herself unappealing to her guards to prevent herself from being raped. She wasn't dressed like a boy normally and by all accounts she was very pretty (but her soldiers didn't do anything for fear of pissing off God).

She was also a bantz master, her court statements are hilarious.

Didn't the second Pocahontas movie try to talk about her marriage to that one English guy whose name I can't remember?

it's part of a whole genre of south east asian stories about warrior women much like wuxia stories and water margin share similar origins

reports of that time do state while she had a sword that she barely used it. instead mostly using her spear/banner to inspire her troops
she was calm and collected (and had big tits acording to her squire) and even though she was never thought to read or write she was smarter then a lot of people at that time.

hell during the trial, the english brought up a lot of made up charges against her, but she outsmarted them constantly and they coudn't even prove those.
the only charge they could use against her was the crossdressing

yep thats it exactly.

Nah and in fact literally BTFOing the Eternal Anglo is worthy enough of sainthood.

get the fuck out numale

What source material could they use?

What is the /Joand'arc/ core reading list?

Mark Twain's version. Twain considered it his magnum opus even though almost nobody knows it exists and just remembers him for Huck Finn.

is there a reason why most movies or animated versions of jeanne have blonde hair. when she had black hair?

They can fix both of that at the same time.
Right as she's the stake is being lit, Gilles saves her from it and they ride off together and having a happy ending.

VS shit on almost every season one character (I'd say Azazel came out better) but she probably has it the worst

Still the cutest Joan. Prove me wrong

Because she is made for lewd. When the historical one was not.

Because french stereotypes have blonde hair, and Jean is from france, so obviously she was blonde.

There is going to be one, regardless.

I didn't even finish, last thing I watched was El getting knifed. What a shitshow. Original series wasn't even THAT good, and they still managed to fuck it all up.

She will probably be Algerian half-negro half-arab if they make it.

I hope they talk about her rampant masturbation. And wasn't she experimenting with some other girl, too? There's a ton of stuff her family removed from her diary when it went to print.

>the only charge they could use against her was the crossdressing
The only reason they got her on that was that after she told them she only did it to prevent herself from being raped, her regular clothes were stolen forcing her to wear boys' clothes thus "proving" she was a lying heretic.

I ended up just reading Sup Forums threads. I was really happy when I first heard the new season was two cours. The first season really could have used it

yeah the trial was rigged
the english wanted her dead
the French elite and the king (she helped put in place) had no use for her anymore so they didn't even bother try to rescue her.

What else would she do up there?

I heard one of the reasons Joan was so successful was because, due to her lack of military training, she could think outside the box and outsmart more experienced commanders and generals because she came up with strategies that would be either considered illogical or too risky.

I knew this woman was interesting, but I didn't know she was this damn amazing. Do you know of any good books, movies or documentaries I can check out that are historically accurate?

Watch The Trial of Joan of Arc and The Passion of Joan of Arc. Two of the greatest films ever made, you might just get some taste unlike the rest of this board.

Thanks user; will do!
Are they very romanticized, though?

>It's a Jannu thread

Punished Joan

But yeah, she risked her neck (literally considering she got shot there by an arrow) to see Louis crowned king and he then tossed her aside like she was nothing.

>Are they very romanticized, though?
Somewhat, but you can't really tell a story about Joan of Arc without some amount of romanticism. Even the documentaries about her are romanticized.

Wasn't she a schizo who heard voices she claimed to be God's?

As a New Orleanian this pissed me off so much. She didn't do nothing.

no, that was your mom.
But the voices were me last night in her bed.

Thanks. I'll check them out when I get the chance.

Yet, she stil won. Might have a teacher in local priest.

this one was also pretty good

She was a good girl.

>You've heard wrong. She was flag bearer.

Please read that. Joan was a damn good military commander and in particular was a very, very effective artillery commander. She didn't "just" hold a flag (a pretty dangerous position in and of itself).

lol what is this

Everyone has to pay for the alt-right's temper tantrum.

A town decided to take down a statue they liked, they drove in from all over the country to protest the town's own decision to do what they want with their own public space, ran someone over, and somehow they feel like enough of the victim to vandalize every other statue in retaliation.

Anglo literrature

Please, don't lewd the Jannu.

As she's burning on the stake, her unwavering belief causes the fires around her to flare up. When they die down, she's been transformed into an angel. Angel Jeanne uses a bunch of holy angel magic to overpower the villain and his army, causing the cowardly villain to beg for mercy. She forgives him and tells him that he can change, before flying off to heaven to hang out with God and her angel sidekick voiced by Lebron James. The musical montage at the end shows the king reopening the church he shut down earlier in the movie.

>We're justified in our senseless temper tantrum because they had one too.
Yeah, that seems about the course of things in modern politics.

Because blonde is cuter.

It was visions of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Margaret of Antioch and the Archangel Michael who told her to go and make sure Louis was crowned king. There's no evidence at all that she was schizophrenic, an epileptic or anything else as she didn't suffer from any of the other symptoms associated with those conditions.
