So let's assume Hillary wins on Tuesday

So let's assume Hillary wins on Tuesday.

Will she have a lot of political capital when she is inaugurated? She is unpopular, but it's getting better, or maybe that's just because right now she is running against Trump. When she gets into office will she be able to pass an agenda? The Republicans will still hold The House and possibly The Senate.

What about The FBI investigations, do they just stop when she becomes President or what exactly happens there.

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Idk dude -_-

I think it'd be hilarious if the first woman president was impeached. That's the only solace I could find with her winning.

Couldn't she just pardon herself or get a pardon from Obama? If there's a pardon what does that do to her political capital or popularity?

No one could pardon her, though perhaps VP Kaine could, once he assumed office. Not sure of how that would work though.

So basically it'd be a Nixon/Ford situation.

She'd resign, he'd become President, then immediately pardon her and he'd take the hit for the pardons and probably lose in 2020 provided The GOP doesn't nominate someone extremely conservative and/or unpopular.

If no indictment comes before inauguration, then she would most likely luck out on a series of technicalities (though this isn't guaranteed because no court has ever ruled on the issue). Basically, many claim that the president is immune from prosecution (unless impeached by the house and removed from office by the senate). Unfortunately, a president may not be impeached for offenses committed prior to the person serving as president. So basically, it sounds like if she wins she'll be safe from prosecution, but if she loses she'll take a bunch of felony convictions on the chin. It's also theoretically possible that she would be able to pardon herself (which really really should not be legal).

To be honest.. Hillary looks like she staged this. I've been a lifelong Hilldog supporter ever since she felt down that curb, but she's looking desesperada and doing whatever she can to gain attention. Very crooked. She lost me

Nooooo, impeachment is up to congress, at the end of the day they have full power. Given that people seem to hate her, even insiders, she might truly be fucked if she gets elected. Can only cover up so much dirt.

>tfw Canada's first (and only) female prime minister only lasted 4 months

That's hilarious.

drumpfpubliKKKlans Have utterly discredited themselves and burned their own party down in an autistic temper tantrum. Nobody is really paying much attention to them anymore; they are basically the retarded child sitting in the corner of the room playing with shit they're pulling out of their own loaded diaper.

> t. Sup Forums

Would be funny if both Clinton's got impeached. What a disaster for them.

If by "funny" you mean "really fucking unfortunate" then sure I guess. Whatever gets you Drumpf supporters off.

Pardon's have no effect on impeachment

>The President…shall have the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

>Couldn't she just pardon herself

couldn't you just kill yourself

News flash faggot, she's done, Trump has come through.

> Hillary wins
> impeachment for corruption in 2 months
> Kaine becomes president

What if she does absolutely nothing like Obama? I mean she lies so much so what's to stop her giving the finger to her supporters?

You faggots don't realize if she gets elected the Congress nor any other institution won't risk "putting US's image at risk" just because she deleted those emails or even if she did something worse, which she did but that's not the point.

I mean it would be great if she gets down like that but let's be fucking realistic, it won't happen

Hillary is so, corrupt, she got kicked off the Watergate commission. How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate commission? Pretty corrupt.