Continuing from yesterday

>Continuing from yesterday.

John K just said this on his Facebook (the post has since been deleted).

>In a post Studio Mir world it's sicking that nobody is catching up to them, seeing that Voltron:LD is only $90,000 per episode and Lego Elves:SOED being less then that. You think that studios would be catching up to them as was the case with Disney in the late 20s (this is what killed off Felix the Cat in 1930), Warner Bros in the mid 30s and TMS in the 80s but instead of doing the right thing (catching up with Studio Mir) they shit all over the industry by making the 70s look like the 50s.

Thoughts. If John K says we should we playing catch up with Mir then we should be playing catch up with Mir.

yesterday's thread.

He's A hack

He knows whats good for the industry however.

>If John K says we should we playing catch up with Mir then we should be playing catch up with Mir.
We should listen to only when he gets his own shit together. He can't even deliver products on time, to say nothing of how fucking ugly his shit looks.

He hasn't been a part of the industry for 20 or so years. Also, you know what's good for the industry? Delivering work on time, which he is unable to do.

The man doesn't know what he's talking about.

He wants to pretend he's some great oracle of industry knowledge even though he just monitors the culture and does almost nothing himself. He's like Amid.

John K just said this on his Facebook.

>TMS is a bad animation studio that pretends to do full animation but can't get basic things like posing and timing right, never mind facial expressions or body language.

>Basic walk cycles don't work, feet slide across the ground without making contact. Gestures bounce around nonsensically. Timing is usually completely evened out, and there's too much overshoot and too much settle, completely missing the point of basic animation principles.

Not him and a shop.

John K is a hack but he's right that if Studio Mir can budget a show like Voltron properly, which visually looks way better than stuff like Adventure Time which has way bigger of a budget, why can't anyone else?

It's the same issue as Titmouse being able to crack out gorgeous looking Flash shows on the same budget as outsourced Korean stiff crap.

>let's keep talking about a dead thread and what John K thinks

Let's don't


Nobody actually believes this. This shit was started by a guy named Dennis Tamayo AKA Famicom. Now people post his insane ramblings in his "style" (could be him, who knows) as a joke.

Isn't that $89k per AT episode? Which means 11 minutes, so around $180k for a half hour? While Voltron is $90k for a half hour?

Those are not the same person.

Doesn't matter if they're "the same person", this is an anonymous imageboard and if you post like a particular retard, you ARE a particular retard.

No, far from it.

>superficially criticizing others while accomplishing nothing himself
Truly the Sup Forums experience.

John K is a degenerate and cant keep a show in the air to save his life.

Well at least we know where Savino gets his behavior from.

Doesn't matter, anyone who posts like Famicom or even Barneyfag are on their level by default.

John never went to first base.

>Doesn't matter, anyone who posts like X and/or Y are on their level by default.
No, they're not.

Blow your brains out, Famicom.

Not a Famicom post, that was once on John's Facebook page.

>Not a Famicom post, that was once on John's Facebook page.
Stop lying Famicom, or should I say, Dennis Tamayo? Which one would you prefer, you sick freak?


John K is a literal pedophile. No one should be listening to him

John only likes adult women, I have never seen him gushing about seeing Sakura & Tomoyo naked and lezing out.

>Famicom is a literal pedophile. No one should be listening to him

Dude this has been over with in past threads, he likes adult women.

>No, they're not.
Stop deluding yourself. Also, John hit on Rice. I don't see how that's any different.

>Dude this has been over with in past threads, he likes prepubescent Laura Haruna lookalikes.

He did not touch her.

He did not.

Oh hai, Mark.

Oh hey, Johnny, what's up?