I just want to wake up on the 9th. The fucking wait is killing me.
Jordan Phillips
>sunday >MJ
Caleb Taylor
Gavin Wright
Repost: Don't argue with the fucks who act holier than thou while sitting on the fence. This man isn't even going to write in "my dick." Why wait in a long line to do that?
He pretends to be intellectual while actually being the biggest coward of them all. There are 8 candidates to choose from, and he chooses none? That is cowardice.
Christian Sullivan
Luke Rivera
This #RememberWhenTrump shit has been at the top of my twitter trending for three days now. I can't tell if it's because it's been co-opted or if normies are just circle jerking to old non stories.
David Clark
Awoos get in here!
Sebastian Green
I can't sleep, the anxiety is going to kill me literally
Jeremiah Sanchez
Just watched this video which talks about Hillary's connection to ISIS
They should really air this kind of stuff on US television. It would destroy her chances of being president.
Austin Roberts
Lucas Sanchez
Joshua Morgan
Stop making these threads. Trump is obviously finished.
Noah Price
Ryan Gonzalez
take all you need sempai
Leo Green
He's pretty much at or near the peak of his numbers in every demographic, except for the harder to quantify minorities, millennials, and blacks, which are more than offset by his sudden swing in Hispanics and women.
Aaron Parker
Christian Bailey
Shitposting in this thread?!
Austin Wilson
Nathan King
>Hillary wins the election >a few weeks go by and the FBI comes out and BTFO her and recommends indictment >evidence is overwhelming >electoral college meets and votes Trump in in light of these new revelations
He also pretty much endorsed Trump today, pic related.
Easton Price
What are our chances right now?
Hudson Morales
He needs to win one of Nevada, Colorado or Pennsylvania. Which one is likely to go his way?
Gabriel Williams
awoo posters need to get the fuck out.
Brandon Taylor
Wow, an electorate made of butter. My girls would love it. In fact, the first sentence Caroline ever said was "Only a True Conservativeā¢ can get a 538"
Connor Reyes
Pretty fucking good.
Andrew Baker
Here's hoping there are floods and dead niggers
Leo Ross
I asked the Lord for a sign
He gave me an Australian and a rainstorm on the most important day of our lives
Henry Foster
Andrew Hall
Matthew Adams
Tyler Howard
Dominic Wright
#rememberwhentrump >lit fire to the reischstag >called out the international clique >launched a blitzkrieg through the Ardens
Liam Brooks
>mom asks why I support Trump after she sw my Maga hat >explain to her about how the wall will help with the drug/guns/money problem from the whole region by fucking up cartels and shit, from mexico and colombia and shit >explain about obamacare, corruption in DC, global economy, refugee bullshit, cooperation with russia to defeat ISIS, no more police of the world bullshit etc etc
>yeah but he sees ALL latinos as rapists and scum and he fucked over contractors in ALL of his businesses and is running for president (despite having a fucking 10 billion dollar fortune, which I mentioned) because he wants more power
Women were a mistake. My dad by the end agreed with me, telling my mom that she actually didn't know much of the situation while I knew my shit pretty well.
Like and subscribe, gimme me (you)s, those help out as well, thank you for reading my blog
Elijah Cox
>Florida >red
Owen Morgan
Nathan Young
about 100%, but that's an approximation, it is probably higher
Sebastian Jenkins
The largest amount of salt in history.
Matthew Perez
Redpill me on Nevada
Why do the shills keep forcing the early voting meme when even Nate Plastic and RCP have him up there?
Brayden Harris
I wish I was neet so I could post in TRUMP general all day and follow all the rallies and watch morning Joe
Alexander Russell
But Nevada had greatest democratic early vote turnout ever...
Hold me Sup Forums, he is so close yet he still can lsoe.
worse than fucking canada
Dylan Anderson
Nevada, because he is already leading in the (((polls))) there
Angel James
then niggers won't bother voting. Only Trump voters will go and vote.
Owen Green
It's a will be a fking miracle if he even wins FL and OH.
Hudson Parker
Don't give me bullshit. Give me numbers.
Parker Gomez
Same. I always seem to come at the most inopportune times. I even missed him being ushered off stage.
Isaiah Nelson
Dubs of truth, chinks BTFO
Cameron Rogers
That's because he will lose
Lucas Powell
Trump looks like a pussy now
Kevin Morgan
None. Those are Hillary strongholds.
Luke Ramirez
Fuck off and get on our level son.
Ethan Richardson
why does california get so many fucking delegates?
Juan Brooks
Aaron Edwards
Means fucking cold
>Rains and floods on brexit >millennials didnt turn out
>Rains and cold as fuck weather on election day >....
Aiden Myers
>CTR nightcrew
Elijah Ramirez
cause it has that many people?
Jonathan Wilson
Lucas Thomas
It also has a massive amount of independents turning out and they lean trump
Brayden Rogers
Because the socialists need their marijuana.
Ryder Powell
check the last 2 digits of this post then
Grayson Johnson
Because it's best of the USA, oh yes Texas sucks
Jaxson Howard
dont listen to Asians are welcome in Australia, provided that the qts keep coming as well.
white women are trash and need to go extinct.
Isaiah Ross
I could actually see Trump losing Florida, Nevada, CO and NC and picking up MI, PA, WI and NH for the win. The south seems to be pretty cucked these days and north is waking up
Asher Collins
92% is pretty fucking good.
Cameron Thomas
well if its about 60 F and light showers its not stopping any blackies
Camden Wood
How did this happen?
Levi Lopez
Christian Young
White blonde tan women pussy tastes good though
Asian pussy not so good
Colton Richardson
This actually is a possibility. I mean, you've got people on MSNBC saying this for godsakes
Resposting for new thread. Thank you in advance to comments
Should I even bother? I haven't posted yet.
Gabriel Williams
Largest population.
Lucas Rodriguez
According to Nate Silver he has a 35% chance of winning and needs one more state to get to 270. Take that as you will.
It doesn't, Democratic turnout is down from 2012, albeit slightly.
Evan Fisher
So many fucking people
Like my small ass state is overrepresented in comparison
California would get like 80 delegates if it scaled up
Juan Ortiz
t. Ching Chong Ping Pong
Nathan Rivera
Mods just removed my 300 post pro Trump thread on Sup Forums.
Austin Price
Niggers never stop. That's why they make such good slaves.
Josiah Parker
so, has Trump explained why he ran from danger like a bitch?
Rand Paul would have fucked the cunt up. And no, I'm not joking. He would have drawn and fired on the piece of shit.
Robert James
Vermont got smart
Brayden Gonzalez
praise kek!
Owen Fisher
I heard somebody tried to assassinate Trump yesterday ? what happened ?
Sebastian Torres
At what time will be results of the elections be known? Or will it be a gradual thing where the end results can be sort of predicted as they come through?
Leo Miller
>2007+9 >posting on Sup Forums
Brandon Garcia
>He doesnt know that the current housing crisis is due to Chinese corporations buying up the market and having a monopoly on prices >He doesnt know the chinese have been buying up national assets like power grids, farms, land and buildings
>he thinks im just being a racist when i want my country to stop getting skullfucked by chinese mobsters
Owen Hill
>fire a gun into a tightly packed crowd
What could go wrong?
Kevin Long
literally perfect
Dominic Russell
>tfw nobody believes in Virginia going red
Jayden Diaz
What state? My state got gained one more elector in 2010.
Caleb Russell
Yeah. He came in screaming "Sic Semper Delegates" and tried to fire his gun. He looks very weird and like a rat.
Leo King
he would literally lose if he swapped those 4 for the other 4
David King
Jackson Jackson
Jeremiah Lopez
sorry kid. i don't eat corpses, with my evolutionarily herbivore body.