A possible way to save the white race

Was watching pic related and I began to seriously ponder.

What if we could engineer a biological weapon that could be lethal to blacks (and or arabs) but harmless to whites.
Think about it, we could reclaim our lands without firing a single shot.

Another more feasible option is one that is non-lethal but causes irreversible infertility to blacks.

Biologists get in here and tell me just how feasible this could be, I would definitely be willing to fund it.

>Engineer this weapon in secrecy
>Release it in major cities,watch black birth rates suddenly tumble
>Blacks forced to become a minority again
>Discouraged from ever entering the West again

Isn't that just milk?

Nah but seriously leaf how feasible could this be, if it could be implemented it could solve so many problems without a need for a race war.

could be easily used against us by traitor/jews

I wouldn't be suprised if somewhere,someone was already trying to create the equivalent against whites.

We may as well get started now too

The simplest solution would be to sabotage (quietly, so they don't know it's happening) the Vitamin D enrichment procedure at all the diary processing facilities. Without it, non-natives would be literally unable to grow proper bones in our climates,

Bioinformatics master here.
No this is technically infesible unless we do a major advancement in both nano material science and nanoengineering. Also certain certain DNA halo groups overlap disregarding race. The only way this is feasible if there is a engineered super virus that recognises certain combinations of gene sequences attributed to melamine production and infects and destroys the cell.

Not a biologist, but I don't think it could work like that. Niggers almost have the same DNA as us.

Though, a virus like that would be god-sent.

Underrated post.

They dont have to bother imo. We seem to be taking care of our own extinction quite well.

But i agree, something has to be done.

Keeping in mind that I'm no biologist,
why wouldn't natives be affected too?

If this could be implemented, wouldn't it too be easy for doctors to notice a osteoporosis trend amongst blacks and then correct it?

It's interesting but I'm not sure it would be effective or cause irreversible damage.

Russia is currently developing such described bioweapons. I'm pretty sure DoD is working on it as well. Bioweapons are scary tho. There is a reason its banned.

Weaponise White Privilege

This might be news to you, but all of humanity is more closely related than siblings of most other species.
It seems that some time in our past, only a few thousand individuals lived through some population bottleneck, and as a result, the descendents (us) are very similar genetically. A sci-fi plague like you posit would kill everyone.

Relatively easy to design, hard to replicate and render aerosol for widespread transmission.


monkeys have almost the same dna as us yet we get different diseases

Aerosolise milk, blacks will die from diahrea while whites get swole as fuck because GOMAD and the heavy lifting required to clear all the corpses and shit away.

this isn't a new idea

Surely this would work best on kikes and getting rid of them solves everything really. They have the most narrow genepool of all races thus one that's easier to work on things like this against.

Chinese probably have some covert plan to genocide all the nigs with their creeping African colonisation. They build all the infrastructure first making it look like a generous donation then genocide all the nigs once things are ready for them to move in. You know it's always been about more liebenstraum for the Chinese people.

Are you a military scientist?

it would leave white jews alive, though.
It wouldn't save the white race, only prolong it.
Jews are enemy #1.

>why wouldn't natives be affected too?
Vitamin D is created in the body when UV light is exposed to the skin. Europeans have lighter skin to make better use of the more limited sun: we don't need Vitamin D supplementation: yes, a modern lifestyle can lead to LOW vitamin D because not enough time spent outdoors, but it's almost impossible for a European to get life-threatening vitamin D deficiency even with a very sedentary lifestyle. A black, on the other hand, will have seriously stunted growth and bone decay without supplementation in northern latitudes.

>If this could be implemented, wouldn't it too be easy for doctors to notice a osteoporosis trend amongst blacks and then correct it?
Maybe, but as noted sabotage would be easy. Even if they fix one system breaking another would be easy enough, and it would be challenging for them to figure out which have been sabotaged.

Basically, all that needs to happen to fortify a fat-containing food with vitamin D is to expose it to a small amount of UV light. In a dairy processing facility, this is done with a simple grow-light type apparatus. All you need to do to sabotage this system would be to replace this bulb with another, similar looking bulb that does not produce UV spectrum. It would look the same to anyone else who works there, but there would be no vitamin D in the end product.

That said, yes, there are a number of ways the problem MIGHT be solved. They could easily fortify their own milk (or certain other foods) just by sticking it out in the sun for a few minutes. Are they smart enough to do that? I kind of doubt it.

niggers are lactose intolerant right? maybe it could be something milk related

Literally genophage for niggers.

It could be done. A virus that targets the RH region of blood cells could wipe out most of the world's population while leaving pure Europeans alone.

You... are RH-, right? Because you aren't white otherwise.