Andy Dick's finally getting blacklisted for being a drug pushing pervert!

Hi, i'm Troy Mcclure, and you may know me from such Halloween spooktaculars as "Vengeance from Beyond: The Haunting of Andy Dick."

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But Andy Dick had nothing to do with Hartman's death and that story was just gossip spread by Joe Rogan because he's permanently butthurt and at Dick.

>defending sandy dick

Now I've seen everything.

It was Lovitz what said it.

Rogan heard the rumor and told Lovitz and the Newsradio cast which is why Lovitz attacked Dick.

>In an interview with Dennis Miller on Tuesday, comedian Jon Lovitz explained that Andy Dick's constant complaining about his arrival on "Newsradio" led to an argument during which Lovitz accused Dick of contributing to the death of Phil Hartman.
>Lovitz had joined the show, of which Dick was a co-star, after his friend Hartman was shot and killed by Hartman's wife, Brynn.

>"[Andy] was just complaining and really giving me a hard time for no reason. Phil told me that they had a Christmas party and Andy was doing cocaine and he gave it to Phil's wife Brynn, who had been sober for 10 years. So Andy said to me, 'Well, you shouldn't be here,' and I said, 'Well, I wouldn't be here if you hadn't given Brynn coke in the first place.'"

Didn't Lovitz punch Dick in the face right after Hartman died?

He's a pretty based guy.

He slammed him into a bar repeatedly until the fight was broken up.

From what I can recall, it was at a comedy club in 2007, Andy Dick was completely wasted and being an obnoxious prick to everyone, as usual, when he confronted John Lovitz and said to him "'I put the "Phil Hartman hex" on you - you're the next one to die."

About a week later, they encounter each other again at the Laugh Factory; Lovitz was expecting Dick to apologize for his remark. Dick, of course, doesn't, and even asks Lovitz to be in his new movie. Well, Lovitz has had enough, grabs him by the shirt, and proceeds slamming his head against a railing.

God, I would have paid money to have seen that.

>when he confronted John Lovitz and said to him "'I put the "Phil Hartman hex" on you - you're the next one to die."

Fuck, right. I forgot about that part. Dick really is human garbage.

>Well, Lovitz has had enough, grabs him by the shirt, and proceeds slamming his head against a railing.

That's even better.

I was under the assumption he had been blacklisted for a long long time already for just being an insufferable human being, even to the soulless Hollywood types. I had forgotten about the whole Hartman thing actually. I'm pretty sure he's been absolutely obnoxious to a huge amount of people.
literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Andy Dick

I'd have paid money to see Jon Lovitz go beast on someone.

I prefer that killer hit, "Matricide: Hart to Hart".

>punching people you don't like is based
If you say so...

>defending a soyboy like andy dick
get out shariablue

>Acting like Andy Dick doesn’t have a punchable face.

Read this shit, it's fucking good

As a Yuropoor I only had a vague notion who Andy Dick was, so I looked him up. He hardly seems blacklisted.

>actually linking to Vice

>The Simpsons had Andy Dick as a guest star.

I nearly fucking puked when I heard that.

Just read the fucking article, ok?

I think Andy has always been pissed that he gets blamed for their deaths, and that's why he's snarky about it.

He's also a dick, so fuck him.

No, you're not my real dad.

Don't make me slap you, you little shit.

The money I would pay to see John Lovitz kick the shit out of Andy Dick, holy shit.

I totally forgot that Andy Dick was a thing until he showed up in Community and I remember thinking who the fuck would hire him for anything.