How do we fix Public Education?

How do we fix Public Education?

Make it private

This / thread



More male teachers

"We need to educate our children into blindly supporting open-border globalism because anything else is small minded backward racism"


Is still pic fake? They are literally admitting they want schools to teach "right" and "wrong" opinions. You can't make this shit up.

We stop teaching boys to rape girls and start teaching white people that they are racist and they should make up for their white priviledge.

Fire all white males who work in the schools


And I'm pretty sure the official Democrat line is that the education system needs more money.

It's already a reality. Schools are liberal indoctrination centers

>Let's fix the education system that we fucked up with Leftism by infesting it with MORE Leftism!

make it private

Fund it locally and remove common core.
Also remove sjw segregationists.


Won't work, just like it doesn't with everything else.

Money. Quit shitting all over public institutions.

Tried it, didn't work. Even with all the breaks charters are given there is no significant difference in outcome. If privatizing everything is your ideology, fine, but don't pretend it's fixing anything.

>Occupy Democrats

Can we stop doing this? The people who make these pics are fucking out-of-touch.

>We need to fix school. Why are we learning quadradixx equasion when we will never USE it? We should be learning real practical things!
Right? School should be teaching us how to apply for a job, buy a car, pay rent, manage your time, cash a check, cook, read a map, send an email, use a screwdriver, put gas in your car, assemble ikea furniture, do your laundry, brush your teeth, tie your shoes, fasten your helmet, and make sure you don't get tangled up in your leash

Exactly, stop fucking posting these clowns

If anyone thinks money is the solution then they haven't been in high school in a very long time

t. 18 year old

>we fix the education system that has created people willing to vote against our interests

Is anyone else concerned that the elites are so out of touch that they assume people are voting for Trump because of ignorance?

Kill all the Jews, eliminate the Common Core which is literally a brainwashing scheme to make it so our children have zero critical thinking skills, pay teachers more but require more hours and less retarded paperwork like IEPs and finally stop pulling kids out of the classroom to go to fucking Title 1 and AIS, its not working and only inhibiting their ability to follow the core material set forth in the classroom.

It's more Ad-Hominem shit they spout, it's the same bullshit they have been doing for years.

Fuck them.

>And I'm pretty sure the official Democrat line is that the education system needs more money.
Along with privatization and union busting so the cronies that they represent can make more profits.

yep. it's not like schools are missing out on these great teachers who really care, and if only they had enough money they could hire these fantastic people who would revolutionize the next generation of students.

Return to trivium and quadrivium and keep people like Andy (((Borowitz))) and his tribesman as far away from it as possible.

Education wasn't broken until we tried to "fix" it. See a middle-school reading list from 1950 if you doubt it.

Almost all "Occupy Democrats" pictures on Sup Forums are fake, and carefully designed to get a rise out of you.

To be fair, Trump's biggest voting blocks are overwhelming among the uneducated. They at least have some evidence from their perspective.

By mass-execution of people like Andy Borowitz

I agree, it isn't.

Also, we need to do something about Unions. My idea is to limit the power of them with legislation and give more of the common everyday teacher a bigger say into union dealings. We are bullied into follow the company line and its fucking insane. THEY CAN AND WILL COERCE YOU INTO VOTING AND FOLLOWING THEIR BULLSHIT NARRATIVE. THEY ONLY WANT POWER AND MONEY AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE TEACHERS THEY "PROTECT" OR THE CHILDREN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN SERVICE TOO.

Define "educated". Does this mean high-school diploma, or college/graduate degrees?

>Ramping up education funding will have the direct effect of reducing the blue-collar workforce.
Not sure I agree.



step 1: nuke the public school unions.

They balloon spending decade after decade while test scores down, and the schools get dumber and more segregated.

step 2: put the administrators of successful charter schools in charge of public spending without the shackles of the unions.

charter schools are more successfully specifically because they're not beholden to the cuck unions.

why not let the people who have run successful schools run the DoE?

Both. The less education people have, the more likely they are to be Trump supporters.

(((occupy democrats)))

Here we go again.

>it's not like schools are missing out on these great teachers who really care, and if only they had enough money they could hire these fantastic people who would revolutionize the next generation of students
Yes, it is like schools are missing out on great teachers who really care. In other countries teaching is a highly respected profession and public schools at all levels are considered important institutions. In the US, it's
>muh indoctrination
>lazy fat black women in some union "rubber room"
There's even that uber-hipster "unschooling" thing happening now.

t. someone who comes from a state where fucking NO PASS NO PLAY was controversial

>How do we fix Public Education?
The "School System" is not about education. It is about grooming the kids to be able to score the highest on the multiple standardized tests. The higher the test scores overall, the better chance of obtaining government grants.

There is very little "education" and most of the time my kids were in school it was a total shit show. Weeks and weeks of prep for these tests. They did not hide it, they told the kids outright that it was study specifically for this purpose.

>Make it private

My solution exactly. Problem solved. Private non-religion school. My kids are doing better, not stressed about this test bullshit that does not actually affect them in any they are learning real things that are actually relevant.

Send all white men to jail, let all the people of color out.

Nopes, this is standard for them. Just pushing more of their bs into people's minds. Ignorance? This screams "we're shitting our pants, the sheeple is waking up"

This might possibly be the best post Brazilians have ever made.

This. Being a teacher is fucking rough. I'm currently working in a Catholic school which is great because I have a lot more freedom to teach real shit and engage with my students on a more personal level, giving them more individual attention and care. On the other hand they pay me the bare fucking minimum which isn't nearly enough to support myself on my own, let alone my wife and father.

Outside of that, I'm still not getting paid enough if I'm in public school especially when you consider all the extra "schooling" which I'm doing now, which is literally cultural marxist bullshit like catering to diversity.

I truly love teaching. I love being in the classroom and having an engaging and exciting experience with my students. But my balls are cut off literally always. Common Core has invaded on every level, public schools force you into a rubber room if you don't tow the party line and private schools will fire you at a whim if you're not slaving away for 30k a year.

Things are coming to a head gentlemen. Shit is going to hit the fan soon. This level of retardation can not be maintained, its unsustainable retardation and exploitation.

replace "Trump" with "two party system"

fucking democrats make me sick

lmao. more money worked out so well for the chicago public school system. they get more money per student, more grants per student, more poverty grants per student, the highest teacher wages, and the largest pension funds in the state.

they are now 4 billion dollars in debt and have nothing to show for it. oh yeah also obamas hand picked golden girl for the chief of cps accepted bribes and is going to jail for it. more money is surely the answer!

this to a extent. For the people who can't afford private education then I think education should we brought back to the state level, get rid of common core education and stop standardized testing .But yeah we need to privatize school as much as possible other then that

>obamas hand picked golden girl for the chief of cps accepted bribes and is going to jail for it
And Obama's hand picked mayor is (((Rahm Emmanuel))) who is determined to bust the union and privatize for max shekels. Machine politics gonna machine.

Look, if you really think an all private for profit system will be better then go for it. I guarantee literacy rates will drop. Look at for profit tertiary education in the US, it's nothing but a debt scam.

i never said private anything, i just said more money wont fix shit