Why is it whenever a villain gets too popular, he gets suddenly rewritten as a hero...

Why is it whenever a villain gets too popular, he gets suddenly rewritten as a hero? The only exception i have ever seen is the joker.

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Because shitty authors believe that characters with similar levels of power must also have similar personalities. They've never grown beyond being that edgy schoolkid who waved Kant in people's faces, so they think that halfbaked philosophizing constitutes dramatic conflict.

The Joker is basically an anti-hero at this point, there are people who legitimately root for him to win.

Redemption arcs are popular amongs characterfags

Didnt he go back to being evil or something?

Ever watch wrestling, user?

>there are people who legitimately root for him to win

at this point, why shouldn't he fucking win?

>batman and his posse clearly don't want to kill him
>he gets sent to the same institutions over and over again, ergo people want him to get out again and again
>none of the police or bad guys shoot him in the fucking head

he might as well just win

Captain Cold is actually an exception because he generally isn't written evil enough for his cooperation with the good guys to be totally out of character. He will work with anyone to save his own ass, and his code prevents him from being kill on sight like other villains.

I haven't seen any DC TV universe shows for a while but he always seemed just self-interested, so I could buy he would work for the "right" side if he got something out of it. He wasn't "evil" per se.

That's not what an anti-hero is

Authors/Fanboys fall in love with badguy characters. When they get full control of the badguy characters, they make them good because if they are good guy that means they aren’t wrong (regardless of the horrible shit they may have done) and they can have them do more badass stuff and shit and make them sympathetic.

The problem with that is that by making the badguy into a goodguy, you usually are taking away what made them interesting (see Malificent).

because most writers are lazy shits

Actually Cold already did the occasional good deed before his popularity. He's a thief, not a madman. However I will agree this happens too much, and CW Cold (like everything CW) was shit. Another good example is Harley Quinn

or coherent (also see Maleficent).

Wrestling doesn't count. I've watched WWE for years and I can say that the main reason it has an audience is because its fans wouldn't know a plothole from an asshole.

I liked when Once Upon a Time did redemption arcs. Especially Regina. It was a trash show after s1 but my guilty pleasure.

Captain Cold got too popular?

you are on Sup Forums. You don't need to qualify every confession you make.

We know there are plotholes and bad stories


Why is the first post almost always the best one?

I ask myself whenever I see Sup Forums wanking around any villain character, and the most sensible explanation I've heard is, assholes IRL will identify with the awful cunt that hurts people and want to believe they can avoid responsability too if they simply pinky swear they've changed/want to change.

Either way, Sup Forums for instance gets so obsessed with what a character is NOT far more often than what he/she is, which makes one wonder if they like said character at all.

pretty much. in the end (chronological) he did what he did mostly to screw with the time masters out of "you don't control me" more than doing it for the greater good (it's there but like 40-45% at best).