I am the fat guy in the picture. I plan on voting, but I am torn between 2 terrible options. However...

I am the fat guy in the picture. I plan on voting, but I am torn between 2 terrible options. However, I will choose one of the 2 major candidates.

So what should it be? Give me your best argument for your favorite candidate and why you're voting/want to vote for that candidate. Legitimate reasons are preferred, but feel free to throw in some humor. We could all use some of that anyway.

Thank you Sup Forums

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Trump will lower your taxes and get rid of Obamacare. Hillary will have no effect on your life unless she starts more wars, which is highly likely based on what she has said

How do you feel about the 2nd Amendment?

Do you like Obama to the point where you want 4 more years of him?
Do you wanna shake the system a little bit and see what happens.

Choice is yours.

how do you feel about more corruption within government?
It's really bad as of now but with Hillary it's sure to get worse if any of the NYPD or FBI revelations are any indication.

>see what happens

This, my friend is why you should not vote for Trump. He and his followers have literally no idea how government works. They just think that if you shake things up things might be better.

Complete nonsense.

Honestly? If you don't look at Clinton and see the batshit crazy you should fucking kill yourself.
Hope this cleared things up.

Not to mention Putin declared himself that if she wins there will be war.

>However, I will choose one of the 2 major candidates.
In that case, just do whatever. Toss a coin or something.

Nice. I hope she gets us nuked hard.

I'd vote for Trump.

Why? Because it's probably the last chance the people of the US have to prevent their country from becoming something like Germany nowadays.

But the hell do I know

trump is an FBI asset, FBI wants a man in the white house so they can do a federal purge of the government and send people like hillary clinton to prison.

hillary clinton is part of a high level crime syndicate with ties to illegal arms sales, drug trafficking, human trafficking, etc. she will also risk nuclear war with russia.

I'm a strong supporter. I think 10 round mag restrictions are ridiculous, for example.

How is this even a question you goddamn moron?
If this is bait I'm going all in - fuck you

So is this a good reason to vote Trump then?

Do you want to vote a jerk businessman who inherit everything from his father yet he thinks he know how governing a nation work


a hardworking woman who has dedicated most of her life serving the country

you decide

You came to this board and not tumblr to ask this question because you're already leaning right.

You want to be convinced in some flash moment of brilliance.

It's not going to happen, just accept what your subconsciousness wants and vote Republican.

Don't vote at all. It's a waste of time. Just keep sitting in that armchair and be fat instead. If I was American I know I would. Democracy is a joke. I mean.. there are over 300 million people living in the US and the best candidates you got are.. Trump and that devilworshipping bloodrinking pedophile witch. xD lmaozzz

I'm being serious. The 2nd amendment is important for our well-being in case our government becomes tyrannical.

Obviously this doesn't mean I'm automarically going to vote for Trump, but with the new email scandal that came out, I'm beginning to lean towards him as an option; perhaps THE option. Also, I have almost no issue with Mike Pence.

If you're on this board and still considering Hillary as a serious option for your vote, then I can't help you.

hillary will issue an executive order on gun control after a false flag

Trump hasn't openly committed treason yet, Hillary has. Choose accordingly.

One of them will win, so I might as well vote for the candidate that will do the least amount of damage to our own country.

It's a very bad thing to have a president that is currently under FBI investigation. For years I've heard people complain about the corrupt government and how politicians are only in it for themselves, but then the one time we have someone even willing to acknowledge corruption and propose things like term limits for congress, people want to vote for the corruption because the guy comes off as mean.


Trump is basically a 3rd party candidate. Both parties are against him, voting for Trump will throw a wrench in the corrupt machine. We will never have another chance at this. Hillary is sure to push the country further toward SJW bullshit.

There is a supreme court position available for the next president, currently it is 4-4 split. Hillary would likely appoint a SJW liberal judge who will allow the court to push out more degenerate rulings like gay marriage. It is a slippery slope for sure.

Hillary is under investigation by the FBI for:
General corruption
Controlled by donors
Selling favours in the State Department
Destruction of evidence (emails) under congressional subpeona
Taking bribes from foreign powers and banks
Clinton Foundation shadiness
Carelessness in Benghazi

Trump wants to MAGA
Fix the economy
Bring jobs back
Renegotiate trade deals
He is a businessman, not a politician
He has experience making great deals
Proven leader
Proved to be a 4D chessmaster this election
Doesn't take money from anyone, thus can't be controlled
Lower taxes
Less public spending
Deescalation of the Middle East and Russia conflicts
Maybe Russian trade deals?

you could have said the same thing about obama and his administration

it's not like congress is going to magically disappear

I am going to push you into one of two pits, Pit Hillary or Pit Trump. Pit Hillary definitely contains lava. Pit Trump might have lava, it might have soothing waters. Which pit shall I push you in?

Hillary Clinton does not care about Americans. She is merely trying to gain more power and send America into a globalist hell by creating open borders and allowing refugees into the country en masse.

Hillary Clinton, through Wikileaks and Project Veritas, has shown to be colluding with the media constantly, having shown to incited violence at Trump rallies then blame it on Trump, has shown to be insanely incompetent with her emails and shows 0 awareness for national security, has shown that the "Russian hacker" narrative Clinton pushes is not only false but ridiculous.

Clinton defends vehemently her rapist husband Bill Clinton and laughed at a rape victim while a lawyer.

The Clinton foundation is a joke, only 10% of the money goes to actual charity. It is a massive corrupt slush fund where she can get donated money from foreign dictatorships (with horrible human rights records) then give the donated countries special perks through the State Department.

Her health is failing, she is sickly, she has low energy and is not a cunning world leader. she will propel the US into war with Russia.

Trump has been hammered by the media for his mouth, which on one hand is quite loose and he says some dumb shit, but on the other, a lot of the stuff is blown way out of proportion to the point where his comments are the ENTIRE platform to vote against him. it is quite retarded.

Trump will end the spread of social justice infecting college campuses by not giving a government that legitimizes that garbage.

Trump has an ethics reform plan to stop lobbyists from deciding votes and for getting the corrupt out of Washington.

Trump will stop a blind wave of refugees and immigrants coming into the US, rather he will enforce extreme vetting into the borders and ban refugees from countries with terrorism issues.

also, lower taxes.

If you are spooked by any of Trump's rhetoric, remember that everything he proposes goes through Congress.

This is definitely something that concerns me and part of the reason I am considering Trump.

How would you explain the not-so-good aspects of Trump as a presidential candidate?

as unbiased as possible:

One is pro-war and representative of the "old guard," with a lifetime of controversies and scandals shared with her husband, and is backed totally by Big Money and the Gov. She seems to have no actual opinions or ideas of her own, and simply takes on what is most popular at the time. Looking back at old interviews, she pretty much contradicts everything she's ever said at one point or another. Eg vehemently opposing gay marriage in 2005, and now she is a "bastion" of LGBT.

The other is a polarizing businessman who is blunt and honest to a fault, who is most definitely looking to profit in his own business by becoming president, but he also seems to care genuinely about the country. You can look back at old vids from the 80s and 90s of him talking about things that are wrong that he'd like to see changed.

One good thing about Hillary is that you can expect her not to act on anything if it is not in the interest of her special interest. The problem i guess is we don't know what those interests are. In a way this makes her even more dangerous than "wildcard trump" since she could just as likely attack russia as iran, depending on how her bosses feel. So i guess this isnt very good after all :/

I personally believe Trump isn't pro war and the media narrative that he is unstable and we can't have him anywhere near "The Button" is pretty bullshit. He's spontaneous, not retarded.

Clearly you can tell i'd vote for trump, but if it was Bernie rather than Hillary, i'd vote for him instead.

Dude, the supreme court just lost it's most conservative member. Meaning that if Hillary gets in, we either have an 8 man supreme court for the next probably eight years, or the Senate rolls over and Hillary appoints another Kagan or Sotomayor. That means a liberal majority supreme court either way you cut it.

Take a look at both candidates' supreme court nominations lists:



I'd also like to point out that 2 of the more elderly justices are likely to die in the next 8 years, making this an unprecedented opportunity to claim a conservative majority supreme court for a long time. Basically this is an opportunity to save the 2nd amendment for the rest of your days.


Yes, I understand and agree. Which is why I call you names(I'll stop with the rudeness now) for even having a dilemma. If you are sober enough to think the 2nd is beneficial but still cannot see how fucked up evil Clinton is, even without the server scandal, you need to do some searching mate, something is bad with your instincts. I'm not being clever, I mean it - you need your instincts to survive, get checked.
Hillary Clinton is THE career politician, this enough should give you enough info to not vote for her.



Stay on your fucking couch you faggot I don't care who you vote for, you'll suffer the consequences anyway.

Vote Hillary to make Sup Forums butthurt


If you care about the second amendment, then there really isn't much of a choice. With these supreme court seats up for grabs, our right to bear arms is in more danger than ever. Examine the policies of Bill Cinton and Obama; Hillary is a notorious gun grabber of the same kind. I don't mean to be tinfoil hat, but we're one serious false flag or genuine shooting away from the next big push on gun control should she win.

Personally, I voted for Trump for that reason, and because of a recent court ruling on my state's voter ID laws. We have a lot of illegals and it's bullshit that dems think they should get to vote.

Other than some policy issues (I'm generally a bit more liberal on social issues than most republicans) the only thing I'm concerned of is that he's sort of an unknown. There's no way to tell exactly how he'd react to certain situations or what his real actions will be since he doesn't have any real political experience. I've always thought values matter way more than experience though, and we know exactly what Hillary would do. So in a way it's what said.

No candidate is ever going to be perfect. imo, trump is simply the lesser of two evils because picking twitter fights and grabbing women by the pussy just don't compare to endless wars in the mideast which sink this country into infinite debt, and destabilizing countries which cause a massive influx of refugees into europe.

Vote Johnson for the keks.

if you don't follow trump you have no idea how government works

Vote Trump to give a middle finger to filthy main$tream media goons and their (((owners))) who think they own you.

I am a liberal who has voted Democrat throughout my life. I live in California. I am voting for Trump (and no other Republicans) because democracy itself is under attack. It is socially acceptable to disagree with right wing extremists. It is socially acceptable to disagree with moderates. It is NOT socially acceptable to disagree with left wing extremists, if you do you will be labelled a racist and risk losing your job due to bigotry (at least I do, and this will spread beyond California if liberals remain in power).

Hillary will not rein the left wing extremists in. You have a right to your opinion I have the right to mine. When my opinion runs the risk of public ostracization, then how are we any different from Russia or China? Where disagreeing with the party in power means you can't find a job. If you got a job, you won't get promoted and might get fired. If you're boss, you get investigated, like Peter Thiel (his tech company palantir isn't diverse enough, even though google, facebook, all the other ones are equally non-diverse).

Vote for Trump to preserve democratic discourse

It's a fairly easy choice

Vote Hillary and she might get you some kids to fuck

Trump is better than Hillary because he is less likely to start a war. Clinton is a committed humanitarian interventionist.

who should i vote for in a guaranteed-blue state?

it's all the dumb niggers and spics here that always make it blue

also check em kek be praised

>Not to mention Putin declared himself that if she wins there will be war.

No, that was some bumblefuck lunatic that nobody in russia takes seriously. Not Putin.

ask youself this question :

what are your main points in life ?
>tax ?
trump will reduce
clinton will raise
trump will be strict on it
clinton want more illegal and refugees
>war ?
trump want to make it up with russia
everything bad happend to clinton is because of russian according to her
trump want to remove obamacare
clinton admit that obamacare is a disaster but she want to keep it & make some changes on it
>2nd ammenemant
trump want to keep it
clinton want to remove it
this is how you choose you candidate , you look at the most important issues to you and see what each candidate has to offer

OP is kill

Hillary is incredibly corrupt, and you can read all about it in the emails of hers that were hacked (much to the dismay of countless operatives who put their lives in extreme danger).

Trump knows how to MAKE MONEY

OP moved to the next slide thread

Great answers everyone. Thank you for your input. I think I am leaning Trump, especially after reading some of the points on here (most were thoughtful, others not so much). I guess we'll find out who will be our next president.

I will now officially say: #MAGA

To be honest, I voted for Hillary, purely for ideological reasons. She's a cunt, no doubt about it. A sour-milk smelling cunt, but the reasons I voted for her are:

>her economic platform is more open to economic pluralism, which is not the case in a trump scenario.
Basically, Trump would implement the same form of neo-classical system that really doesn't do it for me. Effectively, I think it's a huge stretch to base your entire platform on it, especially since it is reliant on completely unrealistic assumptions but refuses to acknowledge the real world when offering policy proposals. The idea that lowering taxes, especially corporate taxes is a remedy for our problems is the economic equivalent of applying leeches, desu.

Trump advocates a simple reduction of regulations in order to 'make America competitive' again. Regulations, when not over the top, are pretty goddamn useful. Trump wants to neuter the EPA and other agencies of the nature, which I don't believe to be correct. Call me a tree hugging faggot, but I'd like to leave the sort of shit I was left with for my kids. Want them to have the same experiences of tripping balls in Colorado and so on. Hillary's weak on it as well, but not explicitly against it.

>foreign policy
My parents were Middle Eastern Christians who escaped the rule of strongmen, and I don't think strongmen are conducive to alleviating the situation there; diplomacy works much better. Trump wouldn't have the nuance or bigger picture necessary to deal with it, and I'm afraid he'd unintentionally screw himself over in the long run. His idea of establishing a Commission on Radical Islam is well-meaning but misguided desu. I see Clinton as a proper old "white" grandmother, who would, given her inherent retardation listen to advisers more.

fuck the koch brothers desu, money in politics is cancer. Anything to get them unseated from their throne of shit is good- thus solar power & so on.


also, inb4 shill, this conclusion was hard to reach.

Your a fucking toothpaste, you didn't vote for shit.

Jew Wars, as simple as that

>what are americans abroad

It doesn't matter who you choose, either way we're screwed m8

you're gonna vote for trump along with all other "undecideds"

as soon as you step into the booth something will hit you hard - "I can't honestly let this woman become prez".

clinton is pretty much a prime republican candidate in any election year that isn't 2016 when clowns and memes have taken over the political discourse. you noticed how for all the shit she gets, no one calls her a socialist. if she were up against a regular democrat candidate like sanders or warren, Sup Forums would rally around the ice queen and her hawkish foreign policy that doesn't buckle before anyone else (cause fuck the rest, you're the most exceptional nation on the face of the planet).

Are you kidding? I would pick Sanders over Clinton any day.


Shaking things to get them to work better works all the time.

>Toilet handles

I'm just sayi'n, the logics sound.


Vote for Hillary, faggot. Trump doesn't need your gay cuck vote to win.


yeah and you're some kind of fucking expert then right?
don't need a crusty old bitch fucking shit up
gas yourself

You say that like it is a bad thing.

>don't need a crusty old bitch fucking shit up
she knows how governance works
trump knows how to bankrupt casino

You want a world war : vote Hillary
You want peace and a strong America: Vote Trump

simple as that

That's how it always is. In a past year, you would say "well both parties are pretty much the same, I will choose the party that will [improve the economy/lower my taxes/pander to my hobbies]." This year, it's not really about the candidates or the parties. It's about a fundamental shift in national discourse. Choose along these lines:

>I think business as usual isn't perfect, but it's the best we can do. I've come to terms with a corrupt, globalist system.
Vote Hillary

>I think we need a change, and we need to get away from globalism and maybe even corruption.
Vote Trump

Put another way, I'm voting Trump for some of the same reasons I would favor Bernie in a Bush v. Bernie general.

Tell both parties where to shove it and vote Stein or Johnson.

OP, just watch a few SJW compilation videos on YouTube. You'll know what the right choice is after that.

If this video doesn't convince you, you are hopeless and will be terminated come the Day of the Rope

that is simple alright, yeah.



Vote Hillary or else you're a racist, xenophobic, white male sexist bigot.

Vote Trump, if he loses the electoral college but has more votes in the general election it is guaranteed civil war

>fuck the koch brothers desu, money in politics is cancer. Anything to get them unseated from their throne of shit is good- thus solar power & so on.

Do you realize that the biggest individual campaign contributer is a corrupt "enviromentalist" billionare shill?
Trump is Not dependent on Koch Money.

Gary Johnson, just because the alternatives are worse.

You are fucked either way.
But one of them is funny.

>i'm a special snowflake and i vote a third candidate in what amounts to a de facto bipartisan system

Fuck off russian shill.

serious question, why the fuck have so many americans decided to take putin's propaganda at face value? like, knowing it's manipulative and still accepting and even regurgitating it? out of all crazy ass developments in the recent months and years, this is the most baffling one to me.

>I'm the fat guy in the picture

No, I am

My parents and my wife's parents are looking to retire soon, so they will be going into the healthcare exchange. More than half of their savings alotted to each month will go to healthcare. Plans they are looking at have 5k deductibles. I will be covering any gap.

Hill says she thinks this is fine, Trump says we should fix. Hill seems way too out of touch

Personally, when I have to choose between two evils, I go with the one that is not lying/manipulating me/using the media or appeals to moral high ground.

There's really nothing that bothers me more.

Second deciding factor is corruption: People like Blair and Sarkozy who openly admitted that they're only in it to personally enrich themselves and would wreck their nation if it meant a personal profit.

Everything else I don't care much about. Politics is only about who gets to spend your Money, not if; and whoever gets into a top position in politics is a terrible human or they wouldn't be there.

This is also very convincing, although we're already past that point in Germany; there are no different parties or ideologies anymore.

If you're looking to Sup Forums for advice and not also posting this on a liberal site, you already know who you're voting for.

Hillary will appoint Michelle Obama as Surgeon general, because hmm why the fuck not
>all those snack foods you enjoy, gone...
Vote Trump

>How would you explain the not-so-good aspects of Trump as a presidential candidate?

All candidates have down sides. You have to pick the one that fits your ideals the best.

A lot of what Trump's done makes sense if you read Scott Adams' blog: blog.dilbert.com

He's used pacing and leading to take over and revolutionize the GOP. This is very good.

whats key is rump isnt the "business as usual" politician type like the Clintons and even like the Bushes. Trumps plans he has laid out sound good to me, Hillary's won't change much except higher taxes and more war in the middle east

serious question, why the fuck have so many Germans decided to take Merkel's propaganda at face value? like, knowing it's manipulative and still accepting and even regurgitating it? out of all crazy ass developments in the recent months and years, this is the most baffling one to me.

Torn between not voting or voting Hillary?

I'll make it easy for you, the right choice is neither. The right choice is Trump.

Honestly you should vote Trump because we haven't had a president with a legitimate male heir since 92

I hope you're also making a thread on a thread on any hillary supporting site.

I'm still undecided as well since Trump has not convinced me and neither has Sup Forums. Not to mention all these well timed wikileaks documents do look suspicious so part of me wants to vote for Clinton.

A lot of Americans are itching for a reason to use their guns and militia to overthrow the gooberment so they can feel good about themselves. Russian shills have been around for years and there is no doubt they are on Sup Forums and blend in well and only Sup Forums can spot any "CTR" posts since they don't align with their views.
