Joining Military if Trump wins

Does anyone else here aspire to join the military if Trump wins the election? And to the former or current military anons, how was your experience? How did it impact your life, and would you recommend joining to an user?

I'm contemplating on whether to be join. Because I go to a university, I can join ROTC which would enable me to be commissioned as an officer. I hope that it would sharpen my leadership skills and prepare me for potential hardships.

I'm a senior in high school, I plan on doing ROTC. Seems like an excellent opportunity.

Just do it for the money, benefits, and vet preference. Don't pretend you are fighting or freedom or any retarded shit like that, you are basically a merc.

And choose an MOS less likely to get you killed.

I'd definitely do it if Trump won and we got into a war with China

Which branch are you interested in?

I want to join as a way to perfect myself. I think being apart of a team, while being the leader, would make me a better person. But yeah, the benefits do sound pretty good.

Join the National Guard while in college and ROTC.

You get lots of money. Plus the experience as an enlisted soldier will help you as an officer.

I might do that. Or I will go active duty because I don't want to miss out on fighting ISIS.

If trump wins ill be joining the army. Already quit smoking dope for over 2 weeks now thanks to Trump inspiring me. If Hillary wins ill probably join a militia.

I'm 24 but if Trump wins I'd like to enlist with the intention of eventually getting into Green Berets or Rangers. Am I too old? I know technically I'm not but I'm afraid I'd be out of place being 6 years older than the other recruits

"no seriously if theres ww3 Im signing up"

you realize you wont have a choice about it, u stupid pussy faggot

My problem isn't drugs. My problem is that I am too skinny. I need to start bulking up and eating more.

If you don't have a job right now, I'd do it if I were you. You can get a specific job in the military which will prepare you for a civilian career. The military will also pay for your college tuition if you want to go that rout.

Is there anyway for me as a Brit to join the American military?

I want to join too if Trump wins, I hate this shit island and the UK is cucked.

Nah man if anything take advantage of it.

I do, but it's as corporate as it gets and can't see myself doing that the rest of my life. It could end up paying nicely and get me far in the computers field but the military has appealed to me more over the last couple years. College would be good as I'm also interested in military tech development for the long term

Good way of putting it.

Most of us here are intelligent enough to go officer so I would recommend doing so.
Trump's american military will be filled with like minds if he does his job right.

You can but I believe you need to be living in the US and have a green card. Start saving up that money.


Contractor. You'd make more money too.

Maybe trump will have a foreign legion for you kek

Would be cool to join the US military. Any jobs for mathematicians?

Rangers are generally young. But more around 20. Officers are obviously much older.

The youngest you can be to try out for Green Beret selection is 20 years old.

Most Green Berets that make it are 26-30 years old. Most have been in Infantry units before and reenlisted for a 18X contract.

Just do it. You'll likely fail selection though.

I've been seriously contemplating this choice as well!

Multiple family members within my close family have joined/retired from the military, but the indications of corruption never settled well with me.


Maybe there's something in the AF. But you'd to have US citizenship to work on any Physics or Math jobs. The Navy has a bunch of Nuclear Physic and Cyber engineering.

You need a secret security clearance. In order to get one you have to be a US citizen.

I thought about it.

People like Obama and Hillary are the exact reason I didn't join before. But now things would be different.

Army life sucks. I can't wait to get out.

Stop trying to discourage future fighters, akmed. I know you guys are afraid of us beefing out military, but you have to accept your inevitable cucking for following a homosexual cuck like muhamMAD

I thought about joining the Marine Corps if Trump gets elected. What are my chances of going to war?

Lol gl Hero, survive Infantry OSUT and jump school first.

Im going to join just because of the cool uniform and gun.

About the same chances of being conscripted if Hillary is elected.

Trumps gonna just drone/shell panjeets, Hillary might cause an all-out war with Russia/China

You need combat experience or combat MOS service first

It would probably be a good idea since the civil unrest will be yuuuge if Trump wins. Soros has already spoiled the fact that he will sponsor different militant groups in the US.

How else will we defeat ISIS?

Also are you such a coward that you won't join if we go to war? People like that are disgusting. Just like nigger using welfare. Faggots join the army just for the benefits. But won't go to combat arms and fight in war.

I'd only do that if Duke won.

Trump still bends over backwards for Israel. You'd still wind up fighting for the kike.

>Join american military

Hope you like white privilige training and instructions on gender pronouns.

Oh and the black female officers of course.

>join the military if Trump wins the election?
>Trump wins the election

Army life sucks dick. I was in for 4 years and now that I have my DD-214 a feel like a legit free man.

Yeah I was thinking about committing to a submarine program if he gets in and stays in.

However it would like, supposedly set me back 4-5 years from chem gradschool and I'm not sure if that's really the best idea. Also being on a submarine is really intense, no media or anything, hardly any sleep, just trying to stay alive with your team for long periods of time.

I'd be 29, at the upper limit they accept people, once I get it. Worth it?


You also get less of a chance of being buttfucked if someone decides to try and strip your ROTC contract from you.

t. someone who saw alot of guys get their ROTC contracts stripped for strange reasons


Have fun with conscript female officers.

What army has not been spoiled by SJW?

lol no you don't need to bulk up, the Army will bulk you up. I was 5'8" 115lbs when I went to boot camp, 4 months later I was 150lbs and fit as fuck. And the Army doesn't give a shit if you were on drugs a week before basic. Just tell them, they'll still make you go to basic training and you'll be clean from then on.

Even the US Army is ruined.

ITT: Trump cucks discussing their intentions to fight in a war for the kikes

More like lack of intentions.