What's with the sudden explosion in cases of people having "depression" in recent years?

What's with the sudden explosion in cases of people having "depression" in recent years?

30 years ago if you felt a bit sad for two weeks you were just having a bad month, now you have "major depressive disorder". Up until around 1995 depression didn't even exist but now it seems a good 25% of the western world need medication to combat it, what the fuck is going on?

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I think it's a millennial thing.

Like ADHD it's very real, but most cases that are diagnosed are not legit.

Because as human beings we're wired to do meaningful things with our lives. As meaningful ways to contribute to society dwindle, such as respectable labor jobs, we will see more people hate their existence.

when white people lost their glory they blame their sadness on mental disorders

Depression has been around since forever. Holy shit you're dumb.

I find it hard to even categorise what "depression" is. In a way it's just another word for "sad" when used in casual sentences like "he was depressed".
I feel like it should have more strength though for more severe cases only. But nobody can stop a word being thrown around, especially if Doctors do it themselves.

I never wanted to personally see myself as "depressed" as I knew there were people out there with much worse issues and more severe cases.

Really most Doctors/GPs you see aren't Neurologists or Psychiatrists so they just throw whatever pills they can your way until something "works".
But once they use the term it's up to the patient to decide how much they throw the term "depressed" around.

i think there's lots of depression fakers who just want attention.

truly depressed people wouldn't care to get on social media and publicly whine.

I got mine from taking accutane. Pretty much past it now but I still have the neural pathway.

Also if you are depressed stop watching porn, just trust me on that one

Millennials hit the working age

You won't understand it until you've had it.


Depression is real you fucking insensitive faggot. Fuck you prick.

No strong bond with others, no community, no people to call your own.

Welcome to multiculturalism


Anyone who is truly redpilled is also depressed from the truth.

>legitimately have depression
>refuse to tell anyone for 4 years because I didn't want to be grouped with rest of my peers who claimed to have it

Wish it never became trendy would have saved me a lot of grief

I have crippling depression desu

Try second year in a row britbong. MJD is a fucking shit, you literally can't feel joy in most cases. People who actually suffer from it don't seek attention, they seek help and fight their illness alone.



>Up until around 1995 depression didn't even exist
Tell that to Kurt Cobain mein negra

Its the amount of labor stress and the double personalities people live between online and IRL

Because people 'self-diagnose', which isn't a diagnosis. I'd also like to know how professionals diagnose 'depression'.

Further, I think most of these millennials with a professional diagnosis of so-called depression google the symptoms prior to going to the doctor, and exaggerate how they're feeling so it fits with the list of googled symptoms. They then get put on medication, so they can virtue signal and have an excuse not to do things.

I've felt really low at times, but I've just got on with things and gone for a run, which doubtless helps 1000x more than any sex-drive inducing, sluggish pill ever would

>felt a bit sad for two weeks
try 6 years

Because it's due to misconceptions and doctors trying to make a profit.

People believe that severe depression is feeling sad, but it mainly isn't. Thats simply just a false assumption. So when some edgy teen gets there cell phone taken away and is all sown and wants to "kill themselves" that's not depression.

Now, if you have feekings that detract yourself from humanity for several months and a couple of years, you may in fact have a depressive disorder. Especially if it affects with daily activity.

>What's with the sudden explosion in cases of people having "depression" in recent years?


this was a joke, right?

>Job market going to shit
>Nuclear family is nothing but a distant past
>Treacherous governments import third worlders
>'Why are people depressed'

Take a guess you fucktard.

After Hillary's clean out again, I'm depressed too :(

Is that the length of time for a diagnosis? 2 weeks? Could have sworn it was longer.

values are degenerating and everyone's parents are a bunch of flaming abusive fags

Because we all want attention and this is a good way to obtain it

I'm pretty sure I have it. I dropped out of school and stopped seeing anyone. I went months with my only social contact being the cashier at a local super market. I slept a lot and didn't bother doing anything, because I thought I'd find my spine maybe tomorrow and finally kill myself. Eventually I was given ECT a dozen or so times. It utterly destroyed my memories, but it didn't really matter, because I hadn't done anything worth remembering anyways. I'm better now. Now I think I'll live at least a few weeks before finally committing that suicide.

What a bunch of whiners, I hope Hillary getting elected is enough to push you over the edge.

We're all becoming hollow shells of people. Our social interactions are strictly transactional and relationships temporal and convenience-based.

We retreat into consumerism, sex/porn, and junk food to stave off the pangs of emptiness. We need more.


30 years ago people had good paying jobs right out of high school and could afford a house before they were 25. 30 years ago feminism was a joke and more people were in relationships because of it. 30 years ago gas was under a dollar a gallon. 30 years ago the internet wasn't a thing to the average citizen and people had to socialize in the real world.

>Welfare state (people no longer have to pursue goals, they can simply leech)
>Rise of single motherhood (children born without a father figure, no direction in life, very often abused, raised poorly)
>Rampant consumerism and hedonism
>People think that virtues are "outdated", simply pursue momentary desire and look at philosophy with disgust
>People have been transformed from individual with choice into oppressor and victim.

Same reason we've had an explosion of aids cases in the last 200 years.

1. No one even knew what aids was or existed

Human beings were created in an environment that basically killed average human born off around 12. Since we've made tools and shit we've had an easier existence with longer lives on average. We've been able to have surpluses of food for the first time in our history only recently when you consider humans are basically 150,000 years old (genetic Eve look it up).

So we've worked on making our lives better and longer. So we find diseases of all types discotving them constantly and try to stop them.

Think of it this way. There probably is some horrible std floating around the world infecting millions of people and we don't know it, yet. So to say some people's bodies arent fucked and flawed not producing enough serotonin for example

That's silly

What happened finbro?

Why are so many of you depressed?

I know this is a troll but I hope you never have to experience. But you would have to, to understand it. Feels like actual pain

jesus dont be a pussy we are here for you

This is more true than anything else.

> I hope Hillary getting elected is enough to push you over the edge
It will push us all over the edge you dumb bong poster

Same here guy. That shit fucked with my head hardcore
>no acne tho

Ive dealt with it for up to 2 months at a time. Usually there are 2 episodes a year which could last from 2 weeks to 2 months. Just comes out of nowhere. Jeb tier energy, don't want to talk to anyone, just want to chill on the computer and sleep. Never been to the doctors, fuck taking any drugs. Working out helps, if you watch porn just jerk off quick, don't edge. it fucks you up.

what the fuck?

Don't kill yourself my man, we need informed people around now more than ever.

Sucks shit huh?
>mine came back
Life is absurd
How are you now?

Younger millennials are seeing a spike in depression and anxiety.

Don't get me wrong I know a handful of people that are faking it to het attention but there are those that are legitimately fucked from a chemical imbalance.

One of the biggest factors has to do with perception of the self. Younger people are more prone to harsher criticism especially during a time of their lives when they're developing free and abstract thought. Coincidentally, that falls in line with high school years.

Mix this with an overexposure to social media, school life, work, family all within immediate access via phones can cause overwhelming anxiety to keep up appearance and failure to do so just demoralizes you into feeling like you're never good enough

>Just get off your phone
>Its just social media

Well yes, but what sucks about this generation is that they legitimately can not distinguish the line between reality and social media anymore. I forget what the statistic was but it was around 30-33% of young adults cant do this.

Also, there's still that stigma that surrounds mental illness

>How is that even real? Just stop being sad

You were fucked the moment you were conceived and all you can really do is seek the necessary help to overcome this. I.e pills and therapy

Not sure if this answers your question but hopefully it points you in the right direction.

P.s this is just one facet to the whole depression/anxiety topic there's many more factors at play but I think this is the most prevalent

There are people that are legitimately fucked in the head and have chemical imbalanced that turn them into mopey sacks of shit. The same medication these people take can be used to dull the masses so we have a culture that encourages you to be jealous and sad all the time constantly working and shove garbage food in your face 24/7 to make you even more docile and sad. Then you turn to doctors for relief from your man made problems and become stuck in a cycle of giving the pharmaceutical companies money for your sedatives. Tldr people are human livestock and this is part of the milking process.

Anxiety is a result of lack of social interaction
Dyslexia is a result of poor teaching

It's just a new way to describe an old concept. Like how we used to call kids hyper, but now we say that they have a disorder, ADD or ADHD or whatever the new fashionable term is.

Negroes aren't prone to depression. They have very high self-esteem and low suicide rates. Read Rushton's book.

I feel fine now. Was my freshmen yesr in HS about 5 years ago or so. I still have my days like everyone else tho but thats normal i think. My family has substance abuse problems and that hurt me more i the long run then acutane did

This. It's been pushed further with trans kids as well. Child abuse.

When I first started feeling depressed I constantly asked myself whether I was just looking for an excuse that could exonerate me for all of my personal failures, or if I was simply upset because my life was shitty. Ten years later it's very clear that something is wrong with me. It's not just sadness, it's genuine pain on the same tier as an infected wisdom tooth. I also found out that half of my family on my dad's side were diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

The people who claim it doesn't exist or is highly exaggerated would have been the saying the same thing about PTSD if they were born eighty years ago. They have an almost autistic inability to understand emotions that they haven't personality felt.

>Anxiety is a result of lack of social interaction


have you worked a 120 hour week?

depression is usually in higher IQ individuals, it's not surprising niggers have never had to deal with it.

It's mostly just an excuse for people who want to explain their apathy, and like cases such as Autism which has blown up exponentially a lot of them basically aren't real.

Depression is just a round about way of saying you're a pathetic failure with no direction in life. Today's culture glorifies people who embody the "loser" stereotype.

You're correct about anxiety wrong about dyslexia. In my experience dyslexic kids were always great with puzzles and more kinetic work. A lot of the dyslexic kids I worked with went on to be mechanics like a overwhelming amount and most of the others went into some kind of hardware manufacturing.The whole you make a fish climb a tree thing. These were not stupid people generally just different in the way their mind processes the world even though yeah there were some who didn't amount to shit it wasn't because they were dyslexic or didn't have opportunity it was cause they were lazy.

The more time you spend time alone and isolated the harder is to understand how to communicate (and properly) with other human beings.

>felt a bit sad for two weeks

yeah, my dad has been diagnosed with depression for 20 years now

he's also a hoarder

it's very sad for everyone involved

Not true, Its something you can feel physically. For me its an intense heavy chest feeling(best I can explain it). Its fucking annoying especially when you don't even want to feel like that, you have no choice. Some people are drama queens about it and others just hide from everyone until its gone.


I think people who say "i have depression" are not depressed, it's just a state of mind that some people legitimately have and i kinda hate how it's being user like it's normal, i have lost my father and a very close uncle of mine in the same year and not once did i felt depressed, people just like to use this meme as a way to get attention

>Today's culture glorifies people who embody the "loser" stereotype.

If it did, they wouldn't be called losers. Get real.

It's because of Multiculturalism.

Anxiety is not a lack of understanding how to communicate. That's just poor social skills.

I feel anxious whenever I speak to someone, especially in groups.
I work full-time and have even been in the military, where you're in a social setting 24/7.
My anxiety has not improved. I simply got better at faking that I'm normal.

My psychiatrist concluded that I was under a long (6+ years) depression that I didn't know about
Basically nothing made me feel good about myself/gave me a drive to move onwards
But yes depression is a meme 90% of the time

So how would you explain the success of treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy and SSRI's? If the condition is imaginary then it should be completely resistant to treatment, no?

I tried to kill myself twice, i actually have major depressive disorder and i will say most people are fucking pussies about whining to people all the time
>ohh look at my arm
>look at these cuts
>ohhh im so edgy and emo

Fucking millennials.

Tell them about that multiculturalism makes you feel like you don't deserve to exist.
Been dying to get a QT psychiatrist to pity fuck me and also redpilled at the same time.

depression is mood disorder among smarter people, when they realize how shitty our World and society is towards them.

stupid people are driven by primal instincts aka "guts" rather than brains and they dont even think about actions they did in past or will do in the future, they live in present, day by day being good goyims

bad diet. more processed food and toxins. a large percentage of depression is caused by our immune system fighting inflammation from all the shit in our bodies

Because the world as dehumanized people. we do it now in these very threads.

Even if it is true, the only "real" depressed people are a small fraction; it shows a severe case of people lacking enjoyment in life.

This is done mainly because despite our advances in society and technology, we still shackle people to crushing jobs that offer little respite or creativity.

We need to sort this out, it's the reason why we have Millennial retards latching to pathetic communist ideals.

Then how is dyslexia objectively diagnosed? It isn't and therefore doesn't exist. People with 'dyslexia' are just at the lower end of the literacy spectrum. I'm absolutely appalling at maths, yet I haven't been diagnosed with a disorder.

>not real

seriously if you think depression isn't a real thing please off yourself you edgy cuck.

cuz'a them dam niggers

>depression didn't exist 30 years ago
Are you trolling or genuinely uninformed? There are records of depression literally going back centuries. Lincoln and Darwin were probably depressed, as were Robert Schumann, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Edvard Munch.

.... Are you a fucking moron?

Dyslexia is something you can observe in the fucking brain.

It's literally a fault where people cannot perceive Numbers or Words well.

Acutane will fuck you up son. Your depression was the medicine I assure you. Shit works though lol.

>Been dying to get a QT psychiatrist to pity fuck me
pity is death to desire

Never worked a day in my life and I don't plan changing that any time soon.

I was/have been 'depressed' for over 10 years. But since I am no longer a leftist I have felt so much better to be honest. Instead of depressed I just feel angry and driven.

I basically came to the conclusion that I was being a faggot, that my 'struggle' was fuck all compared to what my Grandad or even my Dad have put up with, and that I was just a self absorbed left wing nancy boy.

I still don't feel happy because I think anyone who says they are truly happy is either lying, an idiot or deranged. But I don't want to kill myself anymore, although I have days where I feel like it's all pointless but I think everyone does.

When you are depressed though it's hard to get out of it, I just kept on fucking going until I snapped out of it. It's strange.

I still feel for people who struggle with it though, it's pretty shitty.

This is it.

I've been depressed off and on for years, when it hits it hits hard and for months or years at a time. Generally happens when I'm lacking community and connections.

I'll never get on anti-depressants or pay to see a shrink. Fuck all that. Crazy-pills and over-educated twats who get paid to listen. Just gotta get in the Stoic mindset. Stiff upper lip. Life always has and always will suck, you just have to push through. Lean into the wind.

I had troublesome acne in addition to depression, but in my case I actually felt better about myself because the acne vanished. It's largely a matter of individual circumstances and biochemistry.

Dreams can also be observed in the brain. It's an umbrella term and its dangerous to label children like this

Chicken flu is still running rampant in China.
EBOLA is still out there and can only be kept in Africa because of milions of dollars of aid + whites going over there to help.

ZIKA virus is running rampant in Latin-America as we speak, researchers have found that it does not only affect women's reproductive organs but also those of males. First cases of infection are now being registered in Northern-Amerika and East-Asia (China).

There's a wide variety of deceases (not in particular std's) that are being contained, as you mentioned, and could cause a huge decline in human population. If there's some unknown STD out there that could destroy us, well fuck us because the situation is already looking grim.

If a major decease is going to bring humanity down I think it'll have to do something with our water supply. The seas are rising rapidly and in 10 to 20 years ALOT of sites where humans lived and worked will be under water. Think of all those materials that humans will leave behind (examples: something as stupid as a spray-can, asbest homes, fuku-motherfucking-shima, other industrial plants, everything that's made out of plastic or processed metals,...) and that will get swallowed by the sea. Humankind won't be able to take care of the humans who desert those sites; let alone of the waste they left.

Take in account in what kind of a state our oceans are at this moment and you got a true cataclysmic katalysator for deceases and undrinkable water.

>hurr durr, we can filter that shit!

Good luck providing over 10 billion people with that service in 20 years.

>Hur dur nature has their own filtering systems

That takes ages, like a couple millenia (if you look at how contaminated our oceans alreay are) without humans interfering. And there are alot of substances clouds, etc. aren't capable of filtering.

The ((psychologist )) and ((pharam)) invented a new market.
That's all. Pills don't treat depression, it's methadone for the masses

>groids rarely feel depression or despair

Imagine a whole society with a total Brave New World mind blindness to malaise and suffering. Nothing to overcome, no motivated preference

shitty social skills
lack of sex
computer/smartphone addiction
lack of exercise
lack of natural sunlight

combine 3 or more and you've probably got clinical depression.

the pills are fucking awful though, it's best to get over it via exercise and having sex with as many drunken slags as possible.

picture unrelated.

It's a meme you dip


So your logic is just to teach people with a real ACTUAL Brain problem as just being ignorant like your inbred ass?

I hate math too but I'm not dyslexic. You can tell when someone has it by watching their eyes as they read. As your reading my post you go left to right dyslexic individuals often will go back and forth not like how you restart at a point when re reading something like you may be doing now. Tldr you can fucking tell just be around some of these people go to your local autoshop Im sure you'll find someone. If you can accept autism is real you can accept that dyslexia is real.

Holy shit I think I know this girl.

>depressed for 20 years
>when life is shit wake up wanting to die every day
>when life is better I don't want to kill myself every second of the day but simply feel like an emotionless robot

You're not real, nigger.

I did too. By the time the acne is gone the meds are toning down and less of a hinderence. I assume you used to have chapped lips for awhile (when you were on accutane)and that your eyes are still sensitive to light to this day.

Its a split between people who just feel sad (do not have depression) and someone with bipolar or something that truly has clinical cyclical depression that can hit them completely out of the blue and make them want to kill themselves.