I've got a bad feeling about this


I've got a bad feeling about this...

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Would it even be the actors fault? After that last Star Wars film?

Wood dat ee tweeere so simpah.

He had to take acting lessons on the set. So maybe that's an issue.

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>han solo movie
>not starring a 35 year old harrison ford

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Why would they cast somebody that couldn't act?

It's ironic too that he played a talentless actor in a movie called Hail Caesar.

what is this

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I thought he was pretty good in that Coen Bros movie. I haven't liked a single one of the Disney Star Wars films. So I'm inclined to think the problem is with their taste rather than his performance.

I've also never in my life seen somebody get thrown under the bus as publicly & blatantly as they're doing to him, he must have really pissed somebody off. Even if the official story is true, filmmakers/studios are usually very diplomatic & tight-lipped about that stuff with the press, "creative differences" is the most you'll hear. In this case Disney is straight up like "HE FUCKING SUCKS HE CAN'T ACT WE HAD TO HIRE ACTING COACHES TO TEACH THIS LITTLE SHIT TO SAY HIS LINES"


spielberg, bat mitzvah, jews aren't white, etc.

I don't think Harrison has wanted to be involved with Star Wars in any way for a while now.

The Coens extracting what little talent the lad apparently has.


the actors are white males, so yes it would be their fault

Yeah, this makes me think it is a hit. The real question is why? I hope we find out.

I haven't heard him come out and defend himself. Which just makes him look like the underdog getting beaten on. Maybe this is all some new kind of PR stunt they are trying out?

It's the mouse trying to shirk its own responsibility. Those cunts have had problems with EVERY single director except JuJu. Solo guys got fired, Gareth's movie got shredded, Rian had to eat so much shit they gave him a trilogy to make up for it even when half the fanbase thought the movie was shit. He's likely a patsy but it ain't beyond the realm of possibility that he can't act. Then again, neither can Channing Tatum and nobody ever complained.

he hated it from the start but he was bros with pre sterility-induced-JUST George so he did his best. insisted on getting killed ASAP in TFA and phoned in the parts he had

>Why would they cast somebody that couldn't act?

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How is it just now spiraling towards disaster? It was something nobody wanted right from the start...

Nah, I think it's pretty simple - he's obviously miscast in the role. Every single person who looks at the poster says "that's not Han Solo." They're hiring "acting coaches" to try to make a square peg fit through a round hole. so what are they supposed to say to the press? "We made a terrible casting decision in the lead role of a multi-million dollar movie because we have no taste and no fucking idea what we're doing?" Or do they fire the directors, shit-talk the actor in the press, and blame everyone but themselves?

Sup Forums will now call it kino

thanks, that's fucking hilarious. guess he's ok when directed well. will have to watch that movie sometime

>[Rogue One] turned out to be the finest Star Wars movie since the original trilogy

>I thought he was pretty good in that Coen Bros movie.
He was playing a shit actor, the Coens just figured a way to use a nepotism hire

>can't act

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It will "outgross" Black Panther, mark my words.

That's terrible.

>He was playing a shit actor
Yeah but he was doing it in a specific way that was really funny in exactly the way it was meant to be. And then later in the film, he has that whole arranged-date scene where he's not "acting" and he's good in that too. That's the only film I've seen him in so I can't say he's a great actor yet, but he was good, he made an impression.

This is all a false-flagging operation so that they can artificially inflate the numbers of tickets like with Panther and then have a bunch of sites writing rubbish like 'Star Wars finds its groove once again' to cover up for TLJ

Eh, being directed by the Coens is like acting with cheat codes. Their casting is tremendous.

yeah they definitely know what they want and how to get it.

isn't that the question of the day...


This could mean anything. TFA and TLJ had a dialect coach to prep Ridley and Boyega's accents. I'm not sure if he was successful. It's probably the same guy. He also did the same job on LOTR movies. I guess he's an expert on fake accents.

>even when half the fanbase thought the movie was shit.
you mean seething star wars soys

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Would that it were so simple


If it only had a female lead, the Guardian would be hyping it to the skies.


>Hail Caesar
How was that one btw? I like most of their movies.

Jabba Hutt, I'm Solo

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This is great

Are you having a stroke?

Not bad, maybe a little bland compared to most of their work. The scene everyone's posting here is the funniest part of the movie, but it has its moments throughout

Thanks mate