Hang fishhooks from tree as a booby trap to stop people from stealing my trump signs

>hang fishhooks from tree as a booby trap to stop people from stealing my trump signs
>wake to the sound of shrieking
>look outside see that caught one
>liberal lesbian shemale looking creature caught on the lines one hooked her eyebrow the other her cheek
>she screaming telling me she is going to sue me for everything i own
>ambulance comes and so do cops
>have her charged with trespassing decline any other charges

did i do good Sup Forums?

Please for the love of God tell me you took pictures.

Is this real? or are you roleplaying/copypasta-ing?

If real I'm jelly user. I put some clothes lines up on my property to prevent snowmobiles from tearing it up and ended up charged for attempted assault. Had warning signs up and everything.

>I want to believe

did one better I had cameras pointed at the sign. and yes the first thing i did was walk outside and with my camera and yell "i got big one!" she is trying to sue me. but funny enough im pretty sure based on earlier camera footage she stole one of my other signs.

You actually got charged? Or did police just tell you take it down?

Why haven't you posted the pictures yet?

This is so retarded that I believe it.
Good job user, you have pleased Kek today.

That's pretty awesome to be honest family

Lol if you have any good screenshots or video you don't mind sharing, it'd be nice to see here.


You put warning up like a retard. Should have gone with plausible deniability.

i fucking hope this is true

Please be my hero today user

>post vid/pics

it's troll. ignore this thread

Well post the video, or youre just another attention seeking teen.

boobytrapping is felonious, retardo

>protecting your property is a crime
not yet, commie



he just left his fishhooks out to dry

nice proxy leaf.


Dont release anything to us OP until after your court is done you dont want to make it look like you did it for the lulz

I'm technologicly challenged so my wife or son has to get the video off the cameras before i can get you the video of the bitch. ill post the pictures off my phone but im warning you they are shit.

post nudes in the meantime

Pics or it didn't happen, faglord

We don't care post em!!

That doesn't sound like a boobytrap to me. OP is clearly an artist. That lesbian was jealous of OPs creativity and tried to ruin his masterpiece.

I'll accept potatoe quality pics. I want to believe

sounds good,

I don't care if this isn't real. I'm enjoying the mental image too much to care.

hanging fishhooks is a good idea.

they were in the tree 'cause you were practicing your casts in the yard.

>not having fishing hooks with food on them hanging from your trees to feed squirrels

its not his fault the squirrels were hungry and he didn't replace the food yet

OP better deliver

Actually i just realized it might be the safe thing to do. luckily my best friend is the towns meanest toughest lawyer so ill ask him what i can and cant do.

>decline any other charge
No, u go 4 da kill here. Chuck the book @ her.

Pics or it didn't happen

>decline any other charges

Who tho. You were completely entitled to go for broke

your wife's son? wtf?

I can't believe there are people in this thread who unironically believe this might have actually happened

Hahaha, you're right actually I am, Northern Ontario here.

He said >Wife or son.
Nobody is making that joke but you.

This is a good idea but if you don't show us later I'm going to find you

believe me brother i couldn't believe it happened either. you should have seen the tear and blood and rage and shocked look on her ugly bloody dyke face

What state are you in user? That'll really decide on how safe you were to do this.

you're a liberal cuck for shooting shit it in the head.

Are you in the right thread?

>its a pol falls for another larper thread

you faggots will believe anything wont you?

She has a case against you for battery

>believing autistic OPs

prepare to get your ass sued off.. and she'll win


i'm in the thread where some beta libtard pussy let a degenerate mental patient live for no reason.

How do you have fish hooks hanging from a tree and not see them?

Check again

>battery: the crime or tort of unconsented physical contact with another person, even where the contact is not violent but merely menacing or offensive.
i don't see it, she made unconsented physical contact with the fishhooks herself

wife OR son you fucking dunce

Really? she had to climb over fence to get to where my sign was. I have no trespassing signs posted.

>OP is LARPing

Okay so mods can delete this thread now sick

You did good, user.

>this never happened

Say that you were making Modern Art and that they wouldn't understand ;)

The DA must have been a jackass, no way that would hold up.

Bendfag here. Where you at?

OP confirmed larping nigger for not posting pics of the whale

OP is a neet who lives with his parents and spends his time making up stories on the internet prove me wrong

>believing LARPers

How many times is it going to take for you guys to stop?

This is all Captain Ahab had to do to catch Moby Dick, the fucking mug.

Nice spooks nerd haha

OP was practicing his fishing cast and he just managed to loose too many lines into a specific tree

>I'm technologicly challenged
>posting on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
sigh, another thing that didn't happen. saged and reported


Youll win in the trespass case, but you'll be done for trying to protect your sign with a man trap. Self defense needs to be proportional to the threat... Unfortunately.

It may different in your particular state though.

You wouldn't be held responsible for leaving fish hooks on your front lawn if you just forgot them. Maybe you were hanging things off the tree the day previously.

Send pics of tree

No she fucking doesn't. It's private fucking property. It wasn't a godamn sidewalk. You can't just fucking walk into people's homes and sue them when you get hurt. How fucking dense can you be?

>You can't just fucking walk into people's homes and sue them when you get hurt

could you explain, actually curious now

>you have some vague moral obligation to let other dictate the terms of your existence


Well, in Canada we had a case where a burglar fell through a skylight onto a knifeblock and stabbed himself, sued the homeowners and managed to win somehow.

Jesus that's fucking beyond retarded

sounds like you did good user, but how do you make a good fish hook trap?


In most of Europe if you lock a thief inside your home (so that you can call the police on him) he can sue you for kidnapping and win.


Might be something to do with leaving knives in a knife block. Knives are better protected in a draw. If the homeowner had children the court could have argued that they need to set an example and urge homeowners to put sharp objects away, public policy etc.

Also, occupiers liability. But there meant to consider the illegality of the trespass. Also consider the fact that the guy only trespassed and then was stabbed accidentally. He never actually got to the stage of burglary (I'm guessing)

>Also consider the fact that the guy only trespassed
i'm so happy i live in a hardcore castle doctrine state where i can blast an intruder with impunity

wow too much autism


bump for potential keks

I had a dream once that I lived in America. Some niggers were trying to break in. I pulled out a full auto Saiga 12 and pretty much demolished the house trying to shoot them then it jammed

The moral of the story is: Should've bought American

I thought you might have been!

Where I'm from they will only consider the illegality but it won't define the overall judgement (I'm in Melbourne Victoria).

A man beat to death an intruder a little while ago. He used too much force and the guy died (prolonged torture). Victoria believes that it is better for the community if we uphold everyone's basic rights instead of favouring one persons right to protection of their property, land and body. They want to dissuade morally culpable behaviour in any form regardless of its context (it doesn't matter if you had an inch of the moral high ground to them). Hence you will be done for defence which is out of proportion.

I think New South Wales and Queensland are a bit more hardcore when it comes to things like the OPs situation. Illegality and a duty to look after yourself is bigger in those states.