Alright Sup Forums, tell me about a character you started out liking but ended up not liking or hating

Alright Sup Forums, tell me about a character you started out liking but ended up not liking or hating
Hate to use a homestuck character since it's not a homestuck thread, but whatever.
At first I thought she was preventing some sort of horrible time paradox by putting Jade to sleep and ultimately creating Bec Noir, so that part where he enters the troll universe happens like it's supposed to, but then I realized as time went on she just wanted a stronger opponent to fight. He was going to enter anyway since he's that cancer Karkat created.

Other urls found in this thread:

You clearly misunderstand one of the basic themes of the comic. Whether or not she did that was irrelevant, Bec would have existed either way.


Mabel. This is the only image I have with her in it.

Some people probably hated her from the start, but I liked her. I liked that she was a strong victim of slapstick at the start, but that kind of lessened as the show went on. And then she got more and more unlikable as Dipper's sacrifices for her built up

I figured he still would have ended up in the troll universe even if bec hadn't been prototyped. He could just run away if he couldn't beat bro, since he still moves really fast without the upgrade, so Vriska making him stronger only made it impossible for her to beat him later, which is why Terezi needed to stab her overconfident ass.

Oh God, what the hell

This applies to almost every character in Homestuck, though.
Aradia starts out as a decent deadpan character and the whole thing about her being happy to finally be alive is cute, but she just becomes a wallflower.
Tavros starts out being funnily pathetic but he stopped doing anything, funny or otherwise, aside from being Vriska's bitch.
Sollux's only upside was being kinda funny but that was also stripped away so that he could be a wallflower with Aradia.
Karkat was always just a big meme but eventually it stopped being about him being angry at everything to just being sad at how useless he is.
Nepeta died without ever doing anything.
Same with Equius, aside from ARquius, but he acts nothing like Equius at that point.
Kanaya went from being an egghead who at the same time was oblivious about a lot of things to being "I AM ROSE'S GIRLFRIEND AND THIS IS MY ONLY CHARACTER TRAIT".
Vriska went from being a parody of a stupid bitchy mary sue character to being an unironic mary sue who just does whatever she wants, gets away with everything, and always wins in the end. Even her self-sacrifice during the god-awful ending just served to highlight how hard Hussie tried to make her the protagonist of the comic by making her motive be to save everyone and be the epic hero even though that has nothing to do with her character.
Gamzee went from being stupid weed jokes who was at least kinda funny in how dumb and annoying he was to being an even worse mary sue than Vriska who just became a literal means of tying up illogical bullshit and being immortal and knowing everything.
Eridan died before he could do barely anything, and the one thing he did do, destroy the Matriorb, is just kinda undone by Roxy's broken "I can make anything in the whole universe I want" powers.
Feferi was literally just used as a means to make Eridan upset.

I hate Hussie and I'll never forgive him for raping Homestuck so badly.



I was going to say I disagree entirely because there was at least enough chat logs to keep any of the trolls from being truly terrible, but then I realized I skipped most of act 5 act 1 on my second read through.
I still disagree in part, because I'm a rather lenient guy when a story hits me just right, but not even homestuck hype can keep me from agreeing with you about Vriska. Fuck that ancestor journal, it was so pointless on the second read through. It's only purpose is to surprise you when it isn't classic Hussie forshadowing coming true. I'm glad Terezi stabbed her.
Dividing up attention between so many characters is clearly no easy task, but I know it can be done because I've not seen a reason to complain about it in Two Kinds. I'm not a furry, please no bully.

>forgetting about Terezi

You're not thinking about it properly. Up until the retcons, Hussie wrote time travel the way it should be written, predestined. No amount of time travel or shenanigans could have changed anything that had already happened, and Vriska was aware of this. Knowing this, she already knew Bec Noire would be a thing either way, and decided to insert herself into the story. It's not like she had a choice, anyway.

I hate to say this, but the troll romance lore didn't bother me one bit. It should, but it didn't.

I guess seeing how relationships works for a race descended from insects without being gross insect-looking people, who don't have sex because they have a central mother-grub who makes all the babies for them, managed to intrigue me.
put that nsfw image away you sicko

He didn't forget. There was nothing to criticize because she's probably the best out of all of them.


Is there a comic with an ugly art style and character designs than Homestuck? In all the years since it started, anytime I think of getting into it I'm put off by the grossness of things like character in the OP and how obnoxious most of the fanbase is.

I agree entirely, right down to the part about her not having a choice.. The time travel is one of the things I always felt Homestuck did so much better than most other stories.
I like the way you think and I get what you're saying, user...
I'm saying that maybe an unbeatable Bec Noir wouldn't have showed up if not for Vriska's weakness. This is assuming Jack Noir could still breach the troll universe without the upgrade and be beaten by Vriska when she rolls 8 8's. He was destined to show up the moment he appeared, but there's no reason it couldn't have been regular Noir (unless it turns out he needs those guardian teleport powers to get there, in which case I've lost the argument)

informative AND hilarious.
read that one gamzee line as
>YoU'rE aLl GAY

>"This applies to almost every character in Homestuck, though."
>lists only the trolls

Read through and try to forget about it.
Kind of like with Two Kinds.

Troll romance was fine the same way Honeybee Professor was. It might have been rough for the daily readers, but as someone who took a break after act 2 and waited until Act 5 Act 2 was going to catch up it seemed fine.

That Sollux sounds like a Terezi.

Well, I read through at breakneck pace after the series ended so....

Nice quality bait.

Holy crap was Gamzee a disappointment. He was my favorite character by far being so silly and funny and while I can see other people finding him grating I legitimately enjoyed the Gamez
Then Hussie decided to make Gamzee a cheap villain as a way to clean up the mistakes of both too much bloat of excess trolls and an all-knowing, all-powerful plot device just like Vriska became

I'm not gonna list every fucking character in Homestuck.

Okay, so here's my crazy fanfic idea, because I agree entirely;
>instead of killing off Equis and Nep before they could do anything worthwile, have Eridan change heart, kill Gamzee and save them
>To do this: have Eridan take Kanaya hostage on the way to see Jack after killing off fef and sol instead of immediately doing a 180 on what he said literally seconds before and blasting the matriorb
>Eridan actually decides to talk about his problem and why he's doing this
>Kanaya ends up sympathizing with him because working with mother grubs under Alternia's sun is also very lonely, just like Eridan is.
>Eridan realizes error of his ways, class changes into a mage of hope since he was doomed to destroy hope as a prince
> hears Equis' cry of pain after being shot by Gamzee
>saves them
>Rooftop fight with Gamzee, Eridan forced to kill him. Survival of BOTH Equis and Nepeta is optional, but if saving both of them will contribute toward an ending that doesn't require a retcon than let them live
>Karkat, of course, wants to gut him on the spot, but Equis and/or Nepeta chime in
>Eridan's mastery of white science eventually contributes to a NON BULLSHIT way to resolve Homestuck.

At least John was cool r-right guys?

I stopped reading sometime in Act 6 Act 1, so maybe my dreams are ripe to be crushed

This is where I stopped reading, and now I'm afraid to continue because of all I've heard
but really, it's because I'm watching it via Voxus' youtube channel and I've only gotten as far as they have

He literally ended up depressed while all the other characters created a panamorous racially segregated kingdom.


8ut Vriska is the 8est character in Homestuck.

you bet your ass i'm still mad

But at what cost.

>unbreakable katana

I felt like he sort of actually had a character, and was shown to have never overcome his flaws and became aware of it when it was too late, meaning he got a bad en, although we could just be reading too much into it.
but then again, if you dropped there you never saw the freakout on the gold ship so you would have no idea what i'm talking about.

I'm so glad WV's struggles were irrelevant and his democratic society was overthrown in favor of immortal godkings.

>someone actually managed to stick up for this bullshit.

>do the impossible!
>break the unbreakable!
>row row, fight the power!
Seriously Homestuck is choke full of potential for great narrative references to other work while overflowing with concepts of its own that is downright sinful how it turned out

>be a pawn who's sick of kings
>unite the races in a rebellion to get rid of them once and for all
>watch all your comrades get massacred
>become a lone wanderer in an apocalyptic wasteland
>continue to harbor fantasies of being a Mayor
>create a town of tin cans to remind yourself of what could have been
>even make a mayoral sash to symbolize the ideal of democracy
>later get almost killed
>wake up among a bunch of unfamiliar alien kids
>they think your mayor schtick is hilarious
>they treat you as basically a pet for three years but play along with your games
>then they create a new world and make themselves the kings and queens of your people


Hello, sudden Sup Forumsmestuck thread.

I want to play a game.

For years you have spent your lives complaining about the trash you've dredged through, watching as the thing you once loved began to slowly but surely rot away before your eyes. There are people out there who attempt to spindle gold from trash, but it is usually dismissed as garbage before it is even begun.

Well today, you could see what they mean.

Read at least 100-150 pages from 10 of the top ORIGINAL fan adventures on and give each of them a rating, A - F. As well as a legitimate reason as to how you feel.

Theres adventures are:

>Hexane, Hackbent, Redditstuck, Vast Error, Oceanfalls, PAY DAT RENT!!!1, Towertrapped, Lucidstuck, Superego and Kiditus.

See what the remnants of a lost world create, see if there is gold in a sea of mediocrity. Or continue to suffer as your webcomic sinks further into its own depravity.

Live or die, make your choice.

Everyone knows da mayor is just davekat's gay son

They are all fucking shit lmao

This. Who cares about characters when boys kissing is more important?

I recognize those lyrics. good taste user

Remember how tumblr freaked out about the bro bodypillow

Imma nut all over that jade pillow

what do you consider unoriginalthat you excluded?
just the fix fics?

PDR is enjoyable and has very little to do with homestuck

pretty sure thats about it, original fan adventures, ones that aren't AUs or connected to HS.

After the retcon Terezi went from being the person who sees through Vriska's shit to literally being Vriska's #1 bitch.

Yeah, sorry, but the moment you picked a homestuck-character, it becomes a homestuck-thread. It's how anons think here.

Maybe a marvel-character or someone from DC next time?

>how to fix Murderstuck and everything afterwards
>changing Eridan's class

Fuck that, Dante Must Die mode this shit.

>Eridan badly wounds Sollux and kills Feferi like before
>blows up the Matriorb and kills Kanaya
>stalks off
>Feferi revives instead of Kanaya because she's a fucking Life player
>heals Sollux so he doesn't die
>Karkat having a small meltdown after his talk with PastEridan
>Gamzee still kills Equius, Nep stays put and weeps in the vents
>Gamzee kills Terezi while she bullshits with Tavros' corpse
>showdown at the top of the meteor ends up being Vriska-Karkat-Eridan
>Karkat tries shouting down all three of them for losing their fucking minds and going murderhappy
>Eri tries bumming a lift with Vriska to Bec Noir when he realizes he can't fly off the meteor anyway
>she rejects him
>Gamzee chill as fuck while Vriska makes motion to fly into space and fuck off
>Karkat tries to stop her, she pulls Fat Karkat stab on him in a flash while Gamzee laughs and Eridan stands around looking dejected
>Nepeta appears and viciously attacks Vriska, rips off her butterfly wings with her bare hands in furry-ous rage, then snaps her neck to further her Just death
>Sollux simultaneously flings Gamzee into Paradox Space
>Feferi tries to cull Eridan but her philosophy makes her back off last second and she knocks him out instead

>dynamics change on meteor, Dave gets his irony veneer demolished by Sollux who doesn't buy any of his shit
>Nepeta becomes a loser drunk with Rose as they bond over losing the ones they cared about
>Feferi has to deal with her species now at a dead end, giving her a lot in common with the Condesce in Act 6 as well as her conscious decision to spare Eridan
>Eridan becomes a proxy for LE/HIC once everyone enters the session, calling back his contact with Doc Scratch
>Gamzee floats through Paradox Space until he reaches the Cherubs and sets them up

>a nonbinary latino psych major
Oh boy here we go.

Thank god you are not in charge of Homestuck.

I just play a game with these people at this point where I check how many stereotypes they fulfill whenever they have shit opinions

Predestination does not invalidate free will. Had Vriska chosen to act differently, then the stable timeline would have been the one where she does.

Fixing murderstuck? Here's my idea, it's pretty minor compared to other ones but whatever:

>Eridan kills Karkat
>Karkat gets an arc as a ghost
>raises a badass ghost army
>doesn't stagnate on a meteor for 3 years and become a meme
>Feferi helps him with the army, is the good cop to his bad cop
>with Feferi actually doing stuff Meenah doesn't need to exist so no useless Alpha trolls
>Vriska doesn't kill Tavros
>her death becomes morally ambiguous like it was supposed to be
>Gamzee framing her for killing Eq and Nep actually means something now
>Tavros temporarily calms down Gamzee instead of Karkat
>Tavros replaces Karkat on the meteor as the pathetic guy everyone laughs at
>no Vriska so he's funny pathetic instead of sad pathetic
>doesn't get caught up in love triangle bullshit because come on, it's fucking Tavros
>grows some balls cuz no Vriska around
>uses his powers to save the day from Jade and gets some faggy self esteem arc
>Vriska stays with John and doesn't ruin/get ruined by act 6

If I was autistic enough to write Homestuck fanfiction this is how I would do it.

Ultimatley predestination is mostly just an excuse for the shitty writing. By the end of the comic the only two characters that existed were spineless wimps and psychopaths who "get shit done", and they just had a bunch of different faces for the two. The entire gag with dead Virska is she went from the second to the first because people can't be mentally stable without turning into losers in homestuckland.

People will literally try to murder a character, then that character will shrug it off and casually try to shoot the shit with them on notSkype ten minutes later. You can't even shrug it off as a troll thing since John did the exact same shit as one of the first one.

I mean for fucks sake it speaks VOLUMES that it took all that bullshit for John, as more or less the only character, to tell Vriska to fuck off because she clearly isn't trustworthy, only to essentially recant afterwards for no real reason.

>favourite kid is Jade
I already know this is going to be a shit opinion by seeing his other posts.

Honestly, after seeing the ending of Homestuck, I wished that John just man up and made himself a Serket-Harem with (Vriska) and Aranea, just to spite the narrative. At people can stand to be around them for an extended time, unlike Post-retcon Vriska.

>John did the exact same shit as one of the first one.
to be fair terezi didn't think he would fall for it and felt bad about it later
>only to essentially recant afterwards for no real reason.
maybe he got all the breakup angst out of his system when he punched her.

That is a good opinion, though they probably like "Jade", not Jade.

Is he /ourguy/?

Had Vriska chosen to act differently, her timeline would have been doomed and would still have Bec Noir in it. By the time she was in a position to conceive of her choice, its results were already an immutable fact via time travel and she literally could not have done anything to prevent them from happening.

>Whenever someone hurts my feelings I stalk them until I find out they fit in a category I hate and use it as an excuse to hate them more.
There's a word for this, but saying it aloud would violate free speech.

you can find everything in their bios

You clearly misunderstand the themes of the comic. Time loops don’t force shit to happen, they simply keep things from being stopped by time travelling.

Bec Noir is partially Vriska being a bitch and partially a retroactive punishment for the Trolls sucking so much ass at SGRUB but beating it because they’re so good at video games (a la SCRUBlords).

It's a theme, but it's not all that valid as a concept. Predestination is very much an absolute, but instead of accepting the inevitable implications of this, the comic tries to have it both ways so it can hold people responsible for things which are obviously and explicitly out of their control.

>Bec Noir is partially Vriska being a bitch
Within her timeline, his existence predates any of the circumstances involved in his creation. If this was some sort of abstract karmic "consequence" laid down by Paradox Space for her character flaws, it's still an unforeseeable and asronomically unlikely effect of actions she had not yet taken, totally divorced from consequences in any recognizable or practical sense.

>and partially a retroactive punishment for the Trolls sucking so much ass at SGRUB but beating it because they’re so good at video games (a la SCRUBlords).
Then it's something forced to happen by time loops, or by the whims of Paradox Space. Also, several of the time loops involved in the Trolls' decisions predate any opportunity they had to choose whether to "retroactively cause" them or not.


I'd have to pick Peridot; I don't think an explanation is necessary

They openly make this information available, you're a fucking idiot.

That's not quite how it works. All moments in time exist concurrently, there is no "before" they had a chance to choose, because the cause and effect are simultaneous. Paradox Space/whatever entity guides it, merely facilitates things as a narrative out to explain why things like time travel don't make stable timelines impossible.

Vriska is responsible for her actions, because she is part of a timeline that couldn't exist if she wasn't just looking for an excuse to make Bec Noir, or believed she couldn't fight that fate. But at the same time she was backed into a corner by the type of person she was, and ultimately the all important moment of choosing was taken from her, so I think it's fairer to say she's complicit, but not guilty.

>Karkat tries to stop her, she pulls Fat Karkat stab on him in a flash while Gamzee laughs and Eridan stands around looking dejected
>Nepeta appears and viciously attacks Vriska, rips off her butterfly wings with her bare hands in furry-ous rage, then snaps her neck to further her Just death



There isn't a single instance in the comic of weird time shit forcing someone to act in a way that's truly out of character. If they don't have control over their own actions, how do you explain the correlation between people's wishes and reality? If your choices cannot change the timeline, then why does the timeline always turn out to be something you are willing to choose?

The Undersiders.

Too late, my friend. This is a homestuck thread now. For some reason.

But yeah, the Undersiders were cunts.


its a shame what happened to aranea
it could have been great
she should had stuck to her role as the helpful and nerdy spider fairy

I'd say it's fairest to say that no one is responsible for their actions because there is absolutely no way for them not to take place, regardless of how "in-character" they are for whatever sort of person they're destined to be when they make it. If this seems to go against anything related to personal responsibility or guilt, it's a sign that those concepts are themselves flawed, since it's been established that destiny is absolute to an extent which renders causality irrelevant.

My brother of african origin!


When Aranea first appeared I thought the point of her was to show that Vriska wasn't a monster, that this is what she could have been like with a normal childhood. But no, she just became power-hungry spiderbitch 2.0 as soon as she got the chance. And then she almost made Vriska look good by comparison, except that Vriska didn't actually improve herself either. So I guess the conclusion is that the spidertrolls all just suck, despite the comic's questionable efforts to persuade us otherwise.

John/Aranea could've been really cute though.

I never finished reading HS, but did Dave get worse as a character like everyone else? I know Sup Forums hates Davekat but did it actually make Dave bad? He was my favorite so I'd be sad if he went to shit too.

>Vriska isn't responsible for her actions because there is no such thing as responsibility
I think you're reaching a bit here.
Especially since you're talking about a comic that's very much character driven. With this reading, John is basically indistinguishable from the perfectly generic objects he alchemized. He doesn't have character traits, because the character traits are not assignable to him - nothing is assignable to anyone. There is no action he ever performed, only actions that occurred. The pesterlogs he participates in carry no meaning, since the things he writes aren't things he wanted to write, since the things he "wants" have no bearing on things that happen.
It's a self-consistent worldview, but I don't see how you could possibly have found Homestuck interesting with it.
Not that it matters, since your only read the comic because you had already read it in the future, and are incapable of making choices since choices don't exist.

He made a stupid toxic masculinity speech to John.

Then he has his abuse speech with Dirk and they become best buddies.

And he made a short convo to shit out Davekat pandering. Just like how Vriska, Jasprosesprite and Karkat's last speech did.

you know if mods didnt delete homestuck threads on sight we could be a lot less disingenuous about starting them

What said, but also one more thing: He straight up murdered the best character in the comic, one of the like 3 who actually didn't go to shit.


Katnep is shit. :::;)

Who again? I forgot.


Who are the other two?
Caliborn, maybe?


Spades Slick

Caliborn certainly, no question about that.

John was ok though he got a bit fucked over by the writing.

Other than that, maybe Equius? He was always a joke character, yet he got the most ridiculous but strangely heroic redemption arc. Then again every inane horse pun that came out of Arquius' mouth had more artistic merit to it than the rest of A6A6I5 combined, so maybe I just had low standards at that point.

he dindunufin
he gud boi

Does the Felt and the Midnight Crew count as characters?


The crew counts. Slick is god tier, Droog and the rest are cool I guess but they pretty much disappeared from the story.

The Felt don't really, except for Crowbar because Mr 7. And actually Crowbar did have some great moments, like impressing Caliborn after a conversation and just fucking shooting Jake in Collide. Actually that's how the comic should have ended: Crowbar kills everyone because he has a gun and is literally the only competent character in the story.


Damn, that's actually pretty solid
Didn't expect this from /hsg