Underrated actors

underrated actors

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Burn Notice was pretty fucking fun.

timothy olyphant as well

Did you watch Shut Eye?

nope, any good? been looking for a good television show to watch

Is he putting together a team?

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Great minds think alike

Attached: Timothy_Olyphant_2011.jpg (664x1037, 222K)

No. He's Michael Weston and he used to be a spy.

You first...

I love this guy, also.

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Andre Braugher

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b u r n e d b o n e r

Man this guy is Awesome Oh Tim Roth He is Great

John Lithgow
Sam Rockwell
Paul Dano
Alfred Molina
Giancarlo Esposito
Christine Baranski

A shame he's stuck doing capeshit for the rest of his career to stay relevant.

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I miss Justified so fucking much

It always seemed so cheesy to me, sometimes I could swear you could almost hear the director yelling action. And I can picture in my head what the director just told the actors. "you are going to walk into the room, lean over the table because you are all serious, you are going to get more annoyed then storm out the same way you came in". It reminds me of the Pierce Brosnan Bond movies, except mixed with the seriousness of the Mr. Potato Head Bond movies.


>It always seemed so cheesy to me
That was pretty much the point of the show m8.
80's cheese coupled with semi-serious spy comedy. That's why i liked it. It was cheesy in the right ways.

literally none of these

has alfred molina ever NOT chewed the scenery?

This fucking guy. If i had to pick a black American actor with actual charisma, this is the one.

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immediately improves the movie by 50%

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