You have the same personality type as the guac man

>you have the same personality type as the guac man

ITT: polacks see what politician they're like

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translate this

I more often feel the urge to roll my eyes when others:
A. Don't have their act together.
B. Are inflexible and lack spontaneity.

You're annoyed by either people being clueless with no plan, or people being rigid with too much focus on a plan

A. Unplanned shit is bad.
B. Planned shit is bad.

INTJ here.

from entj perspective A

A. fun losers
B. boring normies

translate this
When looking ahead to something in the future, you feel better if you:
A. Have settled on a viable course of action.
B. Get to keep your options open.

what about a plan so detailed that options are also kept open as part of the plan

This whole personnality shit is retarded. I went from one extreme to the other because I used to be a shut-in faggot and finally started to socialize at age 20.


Jeb's just one bad day away from becoming Breivik?

When people disagree on an issue:
A. They should meet each other in open argument, each stating the points that they have in favor of their position and refuting the other person's arguments with counterarguments. They should use an impartial standard to evaluate what each person has said.
B. They should be sensitive to where each of them is coming from, as well as the experiences that led each person to hold the beliefs that they now hold. They should give each other space to lay out their personal perspectives and try to be understanding of each other.

lmao who does A
honey, i know i left the toilet seat up but let's meet in the debate room at our podiums to get to the bottom of this, my brother is coming over to moderate the discussion

ENTP. Very satisfied with my results.

Same dude, hows life for you? What are some of your biggest challenges?

INTP here

no, it's actually because you're severely autistic and bubbled in the wrong answers because you never had those experiences prior.

ENTP Ubermensch

I'm too lazy and dumb to translate all this shit so let's say that I have same personality as Pol Pot

I enjoy a social gathering more if:
A. I find myself engaged in intellectually stimulating conversation with someone who 'gets' what I'm saying.
B. We are letting loose and having fun - maybe dancing, telling funny stories, or playing a game.

A. i'm a smug pseudo-intellectual prick
B. i'm a dumb pleb/whore

fuck i got this nigger lover

I didn't know Hitler was INFJ


What personality type is Moonman?

ESTP, Alexander the great, noice


Damn son

Most people here are intj

ISTP is the ultimate redpill

Stop being a bad personality type.

I think he's had plenty of bad days. We just have to wait till his avocado balls drop so he can do some serious damage.

How can extroverts even compete???


intj is already max redpill mode.

Just couple of days left and then US will have Jeb as their president.

I got ISTP, basically described me as fucked in the head, which is about right.

>tfw i went down this MBTI rabbit hole for too long and now I can't take any tests seriously I see exactly what every question is trying to assess

My only hope is socionics and visual identification

INTP Master Race reporting in.


this nigga knows about the inferior function

wtf I'm a woman now

Lel so that's why so many ENTP bros on Sup Forums.


INTJ über alles

My usual results are INTP or INTJ on these test, usually the later.

>tfw Breivik

INFP here you guys. D-d-don't hurt me.

Fucking right boys

Get out of your bedroom and you'll become ENTJs

>please clap guy

INTJ here as well.

I'm an INFP, which prefer working behind the scenes. I have John Kerry.

ESTJ confirmed sociopath type

My nigga

Working on it

I don't know how to feel about this. Also, why the fuck are there so many Jews on this list?

Hey, fellow INTP bro!

Figures there'd be a good number of us here.

ISTP here. I noticed a lot more ISTPs have been going on here, it use to just be fat lonely INTPs and INTJs plus the depressing ugly bridge gnomes called INFPs.

Here are the best matches.

>TFW no bossy ENTJ gf

>get ISTJ
>fucking Merkel

Who INFJ here?

Some other sources say the opposite typing is the best match because you use the same functions but, in reverse.

my nigga

Me, we are the normies of personality types. I want a real personality.

INFJs are the rarest personality type though.

>implying this isn't horoscope level shit

>all your traits are somehow positive

agreed look at all those based men who are INTJ in the OP'S link

jeb is not a extravert kek

INTJ masterace.
We've got the best.

I don't see how we are normies

Same senpai

I'm right between INTP/INFP

INFP has based George Orwell and Shakespeare, INTP has Einstein/Lincoln

INFJ master personality checking in. Every test I talk comes back the same. We are in good company, Hitler and Bin Laden. Also, I am psychic.

tfw Carl Sagan

Those two have different functions though
If you found something that said everyone was great you found a shitty site/study because they all have negatives and positives.

Sure there are negatives, but they're mild.

pretty comfy

>nigger lover
nice meme

>be entj
>also fascist

Nigger, the graph is wrong.

You're not welcome here if you're not an NT

That depends entirely on the maturity of the person. Since each personality is different and has opposites each personality will have struggles different from the other. One might have an issue being rational and planning, another might have an issue with empathy and feeling for instance. Some people can have their heads in the clouds only and other people may have issue realizing the bigger picture.

How shitty you are depends on you not your personality, but your personality can effect what areas you might be shittier than usual.


Although I can't stand Bill Maher and Jonathan Leibowitz I certainly see how we would share some traits. This seems legit


>Karl Doenitz

get on my level

>tfw no is/nfj gf

This is it boiled down.
>ESTJ: No-nonsense, efficient organizers with a flair for practical logistics. Sometimes have difficulty putting themselves into another person's shoes.
>ISTJ: Thorough and responsible administrators. Sometimes resist change and view ingenuity with skepticism
>ESFJ: Concerned and supportive people persons who are often able to take the lead in social situations. May over-align with public opinion.
>ISFJ: Proper and loyal nurturers. Sometimes have a hard time 'letting loose' and doing things in novel and unconventional ways.
>ESTP: Entrepreneurial smooth operators. May overestimate the scope of their proposed solutions.
>ISTP: Cool, self-contained problem-solvers. May find themselves unintentionally giving offense.
>ESFP: Free-spirited and fun-loving people persons. Sometimes experience paranoid thoughts which they are convinced are true.
>ISFP: Unassuming yet passionate aesthetes. Sometimes fail to draw logical conclusions about their situation and act on them.
>ENFJ: Charming and compelling communicators. May be tempted to exaggerate the truth for effect.
>INFJ: Holistic visionaries, oriented towards contemplation. May forgo living life to its fullest.
>ENFP: Quirky and verbally fluid people persons. Sometimes experience flighty and inconsistent cognitive states and neglect to reflect on their past.
>INFP: Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations. Sometimes preserve their own opinion in the face of facts and evidence to the contrary.
>ENTJ: No-nonsense, efficient organizers with a flair for strategic optimization. Sometimes forget what is important to them.
>INTJ: Tenacious visionaries, oriented towards action. May lose touch with factual realities and fail to adapt their opinions accordingly.
>ENTP: Versatile pattern-seekers. Sometimes "sweat the small stuff" with tragicomical results.
>INTP: Abstract-minded systems analysts. May have difficulty emoting and figuring out what others need from them emotionally.

>implying they wouldn't get in shit if they told faggots "you're shit and your personality proves it"

besides, it's not something to really take seriously, some people find it interesting, and trends do carry over from personality types, so seeing what kind of figure you could potential be similar to adds to that.

TL;DR its interesting, not to be taken seirously

INFJ here.
Would place myself about there on the graph.

>tfw INTP but can only accomplish my dreams as an INTJ



>Same result as 4 years ago

>I need to take amphetamines in order to get anything done, I'll probably be on them for life

Just kill me already.

INTP here. With the likes of Descartes, Kant, Adam Smith.

This might explain why I'm a philosophy major.

Also, on note of this
ESTP: Entrepreneurial smooth operators. May overestimate the scope of their proposed solutions.
That really does describe Trump pretty well.

mite be y ur a fag tbqh m8


What did I mean by this?

>best match is ISFP
I can argue with that!


im an INTP

what did my personality mean by this?

That too ;) Wanna dick me down, daddy?


nigger, quit making us intps look gay

>ISTJ: Thorough and responsible administrators.
>tfw neet, can't even administrate my own life



fair enough