When will we see the final Infinity Stone?

When will we see the final Infinity Stone?

When Adam Warlock shows up in Avengers 4

Most likely it is in Wakanda and serving to power/inspire the spirituality and maybe some of the tech there.

That don't make no sense, user. There's a canon reason for Wakanda's science and spirituality. It's a central fixture of almost every Black Panther story, and many Captain America ones too.

Probably Captain Marvel, lord knows they'll need SOME hook in that.

>Skrulls aren't enough for you

Gay. We all hate Carol in the comics, but when has Marvel ever used the comic's ridiculous synergy to make a film? Hell, the comics spent decades building up Inhumans and they didn't even touch that, for all the good it did them.

I'm wondering if Ronan and Thanos both won't show up in Captain Marvel. That movie really is uncharted territory.

yep, having vibranium and the last stone doesn't make any sense storytelling wise.

plus, the director has said Wakandan's were already special pre-vibranium... giving them two magic macguffin's makes that a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge stretch.

i'd rather just the opening montage of IW be Thanos utterly obliterating some random race of people to get the soul stone and the soul stone helps him find the other stones.

I wish they still called them gems

Are any of them gems yet though? Most are still raw ingots. Hell, some aren't even stones yet, like the Aether or the Tesseract. The only one I can think of that's vaguely gemmy is the one in Vision's head, and nobody who knows what the stones are has talked to him yet.

Well the Space Stone's inside the Tesseract. And the Mind Stone, and the Power Stone are both pretty gemmy.
It's weird, but they deleted a scene from Avengers where Vision talks to Thor at Avengers tower before Sokovia and then later have Vision say he doesn't know what the stone is in Civil War.

I told you niggers it was going to be in Black Panther. They're going to connect the Soul Stone to the Necropolis.

At first I thought, if Hela is truly the Goddess of Death (which she really wasn't other than she killed a bunch of people, doesn't do anything with souls herself), then she would have it. But she's the ruler of nothing, not even Hel.

I still think Heimdall's eyes are a decent bet. Biggest point here being the vision of him in Age of Ultron. It's suspicious how his eyes were pure white. We've seen that the stones can take different forms with the Aether in Dark World being a liquid sometimes. I wouldn't be surprised if Heimdall had it all this time with only Odin knowing where it was.

Last place is Wakanda. If they're doing the past Panther communication that isn't magic or something, the soul gem would be a good explanation of where it is.

Those are my two guesses anyway.

That's probably why they deleted the scene.

>yfw the soul stone is what gave black people the ability to make sweet funky jams and hold JEEZUS in they hearts.


>Infinity Stone
>Infinity STONE
>not GEM


Wakanda. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Marvel committee was the reason the stones were everywhere

Fucking normies.

That's what they're frickin called in the MCU

Doesnt make it okay.

How is it going to be taken out?

>Willingly plucks it out
>Thanos yanks it from his skull, possibly crushing it violently in the process

They are also called "Stones" in comics now... fucking synergy!

Chaos Emeralds?

Here's what's gonna happen.

>Thanos shows up
>Scarlet Witch and some others defend Vision
>Get BTFO'd by Thanos
>Thanos rips the Mind Stone out of Vision's head
>Vision's dead
>Pic related

This thread doesn't make sense to me

>It's in Wakanda"
>Carol has it
>The Skrulls have it

Really? All this shit makes more sense to you fucking people than the possibility that Thanos already has it? Really?

He definitely doesn't though. Only three stones on the gauntlet in the leaked Infinity War trailer.

i've got your infinity stones right here
*grabs dick*