Is the cartoon, that doesn't have waifu and shipping bait, doomed from the start?

Is the cartoon, that doesn't have waifu and shipping bait, doomed from the start?

Yes. But that's just because if you want something to be popular now it has to be memeable. It has to have girls that everyone wants to make fan art of. And silly faces for reaction images.

over the garden wall

I blame Japan for that.

You should blame tumblr, because girls and women are the prime shippers.

I'd watch the shit out of a stalker cartoon and stalker doesn't have any women in it, it's like a perfect world.

What are you talking about?

Your question is flawed, doctor. You assume that without intended stimuli, men of our nature will not react the way we would otherwise. However, the human psyche is one that is very adaptable, and therefore it is impossible to have a form of media that does not have any shipping or waifubait attached to it, for every story must have characters, and the determined autist will find a way to find romantic attractions to these characters even if they are given no metaphorical ammunition to work with.

Idk user Spongebob SquarePants is pretty damn iconic and there's not much Shipping bait.

Don't really know about Waifus either with the exception being POSSIBLY Sandy.

>cartoon, that doesn't have waifu

for me are waifurs but yes, no waifu no show

Beavis and Butt-head succeeded.

No, a cartoon that doesn't appeal to children or is marketable/merchandisable towards children is doomed from the start. Shipping is irrelevant for the most part(They might throw a shipper a bone every now and again).

Most companies don't pander to periphery demographics because they aren't loyal/won't buy merch and will move onto some other hot piece of ass when it gets their attention. So long as a cartoon is watched by the primary demographic, then it's kept alive by the network.

no, but anime is

>that doesn't have waifu and shipping bait,

If it doesn't have it from the start, the fans will create it themselves. It will exist no matter what.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

>Idk user Spongebob SquarePants is pretty damn iconic and there's not much Shipping bait.
From a distance, the laughter of the degenerate deviantart gods can be heard.

look at one punch man

>One Punch Man

If the porn is any indication, Speed of Sound Sonic is the waifu of that show.

who wants to fuck a feral bird ?


The cutiest stalker would be a waifu in this case. Just like in jail.

its a bird for gods sake


Birds are soft and warm. Also their anus is wide enough to poop an egg out.

it's literally just a potato with feathers

>potato with feathers
bitch what

Maybe I am misremembering the series, but I want to say Courage the cowardly dog didn't have waifus or shipping bait.


Courage was a great husbano

The mosquito queen, whatever the green haired kid is named, that algae monster.

yes, a sexy potato with feathers

user, there's a literal meme game dating visual novel where all your romantic choices are different birds.

This is a thing.

oh sweet summer child..

>thinking waifu bait will save a cartoon
look at wander over yonder

Yes. Same thing goes for single-player games.

On this board yes.

of course not. Ed edd and eddy, courage, spongebob, jackie chan, batman. The list goes on

add also the multiplayer ones, at least it clearly helps

Did a quick search and by the numbers this is the number 1 waifu, Sonic is 2nd