Okay faggot, you wanna live? Tell me the scariest movie you've ever seen. Maybe I'll let you go

Okay faggot, you wanna live? Tell me the scariest movie you've ever seen. Maybe I'll let you go.

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Please just kill me, I'm begging you.

>holding the gun sideways
>2 fingers on the trigger

Just waste me, faggot.

Texas Chainsaw is easily the most unsettling. Alien on the first watch too.

>white mugger

Jesus dude you okay?


Okay. BANG!

lake mungo

more like lake mongo

thanks buddy

The Hunt


You can go, faggot

That doctor who episode where the kids grew gas masks

About Schmidt

"Misery" with Kathy Bates
Saw that shit when I was 10 or so. Fucked me up for life


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every movie with chloe moretz in it.


The one where Michael Jackson is a skeleton.

kill yourself.

Black Panther

event horizon

the last jedi.
i was terrified of how shitty something could be.

Don't Look Now

black panther

eraserhead, the fact that you are dealing with a situation that you cannot avoid, you are socially mandated to endure it even worse given the fact that his life was pretty shitty already he was not in a very place even without the deformed babby.
I think if i had to deal with that shit i would murder the babby and robbin willians myself.

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