Recently re-watched this movie on an airplane, and I was blown away by how good it was...

Recently re-watched this movie on an airplane, and I was blown away by how good it was. Why does it feel so much different from movies these days? It was beautifully gritty and the dialogue is amazing. Stallone is an 11/10. I watched it 3 more times after that over the course of a week. What does it have that other movies today don't?

Attached: ROCKY1.jpg (640x400, 176K)

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>What does it have that other movies today don't?
Unironically soul.

Adrian is actually ugly. Not movie ugly, but ugly ugly. Which makes it more real

Back then they tried to make pieces of art not just mass produced gruel

do you think his doggo is dead?

Because it was shot on film and had good music

Literally the only reasons

You'll tell yourself it was the story and the acting or some bullshit, but the real reasons were those two.

That's not it. The main reason is millenials are unable to form human connections anymore so all their social interactions mimic shitty soap operas, you cant make a movie like rocky anymore because people are way too narcistic these days.
Take that black rocky movie they recently made, his girlfriend is like a instagram model singer chick.
Rocky had a frumpy ugly gf and was a blue collar slob outside of boxing.
These days he'd be ripped and would spend his day taking instagram selfies while his bleach blonde escort girlfriend does a line of coke on the kitchen table.

I think the low air pressure messed your brains in that flight, because this movie is mediocre at best.


Come to think of it, I watched The Shape of Water on the plane too, and thought it was good. Then right after, I re-watched When Harry Met Sally and thought it was a million times more entertaining and a way better love story. What gives?

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How come films aren't shot in film anymore? Or are they? I don't know anything about the movie industry, I just watch the shit.

This, back then it wasn't all quips, shitty cgi and there was no forced diversity.

When Harry Met Sally is one of the GOAT romantic comedies desu no homo

Man, Stallone suffered for this film. Lived on the street, lost his dog, yet turned down offers that said he wouldn't star in it. And you can feel it.

This is an underdog film made by an actual underdog and not some film school trust fund kiddies pretending to be poor.

This also explains why the later ones are trash.

Cinematography plays a large part into this.
These days everything is so artificially pretty or needlessly gritty. Its like people turned into complete retards. Thats a thing that always bugged me about chinese movies, they seemed so up their own ass with trying to make everything as pretty and glam as possible.
Now western movies are at the same low where every shot has to be some tacky sunset, perfect natural lighting, everyone looks airbrushed and everything is squeaky clean or comically dirty.
There is nothing to relate to anymore in those movies.
Basically everything has turned into a beer commercial and people are even styling their own lives after beer commercials. I've seen people from university go to great lengths to unironically set up beer commercial style photos for their get togethers just to show everyone what a great time they're having. It's peak narcissism and navel gazing.

Attached: beer.jpg (768x506, 71K)

Shooting on film is a much bigger pain in the ass. Some directors still do it though, like Tarantino off the top of my head.

This, when Rocky is initially trying to hit on her at the pet store it felt like something that was actually happening.

It is not even narcissism, people are absolutely controlled by images.

>a movie from the best period of American cinema was good
What's next OP? Water is wet

And these days even the ugly people are played by models. Even old people must be stunning. Why?

It feels very different from the rest of the movies in the series too.

I've seen them pose and snap photos for an unreasonably long time just to get that "authentic" shot.
I felt like I was trapped in a parody world of sorts.
Meanwhile my blue collar childhood friends at home still just uploaded grainy photos of themselves vomiting into the bbq with a tallboy in their hand. I guess movies lack unpretentious blue collar aesthetics these days because everyone is so self masturbatory in love with themselves and it translates to cinematography?


Well idk i am blue collar myself hence why i am up so fuckin early shit posting and drinking coffee. Most of my coworkers are hispanic. I think it might have to do with this demographic shift. I am not saying hispanics are bad at all, just that a lot of white people do not identify with the working class because they are not a part of it. I know dudes my age that work in the food service industry when they could be making three times the money doing what i do. And my smart friends work in IT related fields.

Just like the first Rambo

Rambo even more so.

>Took you long enough to get here. Took you ten years to get to my house. Huh, what's the matter? You don't like my house? Does my house stink? That's right-it stinks! I didn't have no favors from you! Don't slum around me. Talkin' about your prime. What about my prime, Mick? At least you had a prime! I didn't have no prime. I didn't have nothin'!

That scene was great

Attached: Rocky-Mickey.jpg (600x325, 40K)

Social media basically made it a necessity for some people to oversell themselves and their personality in order to get a high status with their peers.

I think people enjoy it. Most people are not very smart or reflective.

women always did that though, men always did it when important people were watching

it's a great movie. glad you like it

Social media just made it spiral out of control and now vanity is king and people are overdoing it while taking all the joy out of their lives because they're constantly worrying about approval from the entire world.
Social media was a huge mistake.

>women always did that though, men always did it when important people were watching
t. generation Z

No it is a great success. Consumerism requires perilously low self esteem. Check out a documentary on Bernays

Stallone actually wrote the script for this movie. Nowadays is just companies writing scripts based on graphs and trying to appeal to a larger demographic. Movie stopped being about storytelling and became a product.

it was made with some actual fucking character and soul by stallone himself who cared about it and not some kike trained to milk retards for billions

this movie was actually terrible

half of it is just filler shots of this expressionless ****actor***** walking down the road and bouncing his ball

the romance between rocky and the girl makes NO SENSE!!!!!!

Is Paulie the biggest piece of shit in movies ever?
>only hangs out with Rocky because he is a strong guy
> constantly emotionally blackmails Rock to introduce him to the loanshark
>hooks him up with his sister so he can have leverage on him
>complains about his shitty job even though he has it better than Rock
>When Rock gets rich he guilts him into giving him shit
> never thanks him ever for giving him expensive jewelry, and smashes it in a hissy fit
>gets a job doing fuckall, never shows gratitude
>gets a fucking robot waifu and complains about it
>loses millions of dollars, never even apologizes about it.
The only time he ever shows remorse for anything is in Balboa when his sister is already dead.

Attached: rocky-paulie-burt-young-meat-house[1].jpg (1600x876, 100K)

it was a movie that someone actually wanted to make

Yeah, that's the idea of the character.

i believe you were looking for the latest marvel superhero flick thread

Not to mention he totally raped Adrian
>"I have to go home"
>Rocky blocks the door and forces a kiss on her. As bad as that is he probably also fingered her after handling his pet turtle without washing his hands, so Adrian more than likey caught some kind of vaginal infection from the turtle

I just wish Rocky actually fucked him up at least once. Paulie is lucky that Rocky has a sub 80 IQ.

Hey man, he asked if he could kiss her.

atleast those movies actually make sense

kill yourself please

In Rocky Balboa Pauly sorta redeems himself saying how piece of shit he always was to Adrian.

you actually like rocky??? HAHAHHAHAHA

everyone i know that watched rocky thought it was a comedy

it is the room tier

That's a bit late, isn't it? I'm pretty sure she hated his guts but let him into their house because Rocky can't be bad to someone.

Hate to burst y'alls bubble but the movie INDUSTRY is a business. And like all industris in a manonpoly. In the 70s you had many producers in the movie investing game. Making films like Rocky and other indieesque movies like Star Wars was just the major studios manopolizing a demographic. Same shit happened in music. Sign everyone and everything so no one else can. Now that the dust has settled, enjoy your capeshit movies.

>everyone i know that watched rocky thought it was a comedy

over at reddit?

>Adrian is actually ugly.

Attached: talia-shire-adrian-balboa-rocky.jpg (840x460, 20K)

Rocky 1+2 are legit kino m8. The rest of the series is fun, but honestly it would have been perfect if he had stopped at 2, then skipped the rest and just made Balboa as a nice little reboot. Creed is decent too IMO but the series doesn't really need it.


The Hateful 8 was shot on film and it was fucking garbage

Reed is fucking garbage, can't believe a second one is coming

It was fun.

I get what you're saying, but Rocky 4 is so damn fun.

The way they tried to recreate the running scene with the quads was a fucking joke

Because it was shot when America was still a great country.

Why is 5 hated so much? The parts with the kid were bad but the movie itself had great character moments and it actually showed that blocking hits with your face for 20 years is not good for your health. I personally think 4 is the weaker one, Drago has no character the whole cold war shit was put on too thick for my taste.

It really was not

Takes more time and is harder to produce.
More expensive therefore less profitable.
Those being said the extra effort goes far in improving the quality of a movie.

Italians were diversity for the 70s

He ain't punchy or nothing, he's just got what you might call a relaxed brain.

I think about six directors are still allowed to make movies with film because it costs so much, they keep the cameras and equipment around for them and them alone outside of those few able to afford it no-one uses film because digital is just cheaper.
Watch Keanu Reeves(yes seriously) documentary Side-By-Side to see more about film versus Digital.

>Hate to burst y'alls bubble
Why are you talking like an Instagram nigger girl?

I remember watching the first two Lethal Weapon films and the houses in those movies were filled with stuff, not perfectly clean or artistically messy, they were filled with the kind of stuff that a family would have in their house.
Modern movies houses are just so sterile.

1 and 2 were perfect for me. 3 and onwards, while some of them good, i just don´t feel it anymore.

But it was a film made by an Italian about an Italian. Italians weren't just shoehorned in for diversity.

3 at least had the best fight, he finally learned not to tank punches to the fist and actually block and dodge. The first two fights were a fucking joke and anyone who fights like that would go down in the second.

>when he pretend he black on the internet
Blame twitter and ig. If nothing else, at least it's a quick way to identify millenials.


>gets mad when mob guy tells him to take his date to the zoo because retarded girls like going there
>proposes to Adrian in the zoo in the second movie

>This also explains why the later ones are trash.
Stfu Rico

Did Rocky rape a retarded chick? Science says yes.

It's all in the implications. You can say nigga but you cant say nigga.

E yo Adrian's not retarded, she just shy.

>I remember watching the first two Lethal Weapon films and the houses in those movies were filled with stuff, not perfectly clean or artistically messy, they were filled with the kind of stuff that a family would have in their house.
>Modern movies houses are just so sterile.
Yeah houses in modern movies look like they're straight outta commercials.

no cgi.

Have you seen the ESPN special about the "Real" Rocky?

I can't find the 30 for 30 but it's this guy


I've read the Time article and I've seen his fight with Ali. Wepner is Rocky in the sense that he was the underdog and his origins were similar, but he at least knew how to block.

So deliberate man. I'm actually so happy this thread is up, Rocky is my favourite film of all time. Without trying to sound autistic, the film is as strong in what it doesn't tell you as it is in what it does. For example.
>Rocky training in Gym, and girls approach
>Micky shouts at them, and tells Rocky that women weaken legs
>Next scene is Adrian getting comfy with Rocky, but he has to tell her no.
That's your payoff, right? Well, no. Later on, when Paulie finally oes full asshole, and Adrian runs into her room, Rocky cools Paulie down, and then goes into the room.
>Adrian sitting there on the bed
>Asks him if he wants a roomate for the night
>THE NEXT SHOT is of Rockys legs, as he trains the next day.
Obviously then, Rocky goes the distance, and barely loses. If he had said no to Adrian, he might have won.
>tfw he chose Adrian over victory

Quality film boys. They just don't make them like that anymore.

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Joe Frazier was most likely a significant inspiration as well. Their mannerisms are quite similar at times.

Also hes from Philly, so maybe


Holy shit, am I retard for not knowing this?

I dunno, I think Rocky II feels like a very natural bridge between the down-to-earth original and the "action movie" Rockys of the 80s, while being more like the former.

>That fucking scene in 3 where he flips his shit against Rocky because he's a jealous piece of shit.
>what have you ever done for me
>you gave me this watch
>you set me up for my job at the loanshark
>I don't want your pity
>can you give me a job?
Literally in the same scene.

>gets a fucking robot waifu and complains about it

its unironically one of the greatest movies ever made
a gritty, inspiring story about working-class Joe Underdog taking on the champ and smashing everyone’s expectations

I think people just hated it because it was such a downer ending to the overall series, but that is moot now since Balboa. And you're right, 5 has some great stuff in it.

>that Mickey flasback

Paulie was on every amphetamine this side of the Rio Grandee. Trust me, I'm a producer. You don't know my name, thats why I'm anonymous. But trust me. Burt Young ws troubled. You don't now my name. I'm not Burt Young, though. More like Butch Cassidy. And let me tell you, he was on a lot of narcotics. Trust me. You don't know my name, I'm anonymous. Powder. Thats what they called me. Powder Josephson. But that was another era. Trust me. Nothing could compare to the rage that would come in Burt Youngs eyes when he wasn't given enough of his nectar. My my, he'd spank Sly for days. Of course. Trust me. I'm anonymous. And you. You were the me now powder scoop downfall. Burt Young was. Trust me. I'm

Because Four has two of the best montages

Whatever you say, Rocky. That's why you had to show up at her work during closing with nobody else around, right? That's why you trapped alone in the apartment and made a joke out of her request to call he brother? Sure, Rocky. You're a hero. You weren't part of a conscious effort in 70s cinema to explore protagonists that were reprehensible people.

Well he's the only one who stood up to Tommy for him, Paulie is a pos, but deep down he really cares for Rocky.

Holy shit.

That just an extremely valid point that I will not hesitate to repeat next time me and my firends watch this as a group

Cool. I love the Rocky movies, though I struggle to remember much from 3-5.
