Is this the patrician's Carpenter kino?

Is this the patrician's Carpenter kino?

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I wouldn't call this film "scary" but it did stick with me. The whole last 20 minutes or so is just so disturbing, especially when you factor in the implications.

>90s Carpenter

Seriously, what the fuck happened? He did nothing but kino in the 80s

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Watched this on a lark a few weeks ago. The ending was probably the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time. The slow burn on that weird subconscious dream message is so good. It was a little campy in parts, but it was enjoyable.


>He did nothing but kino in the 80s
Big Trouble in Little China sucked, in my opinion.

I liked In The Mouth Of Madness even though it was more hit n miss.

>Big Trouble in Little China sucked
Go fk urself

What a shit opinion

It's nonsensical.

Attached: Tonysoprano.jpg (250x249, 9K)

So is a film about a shapeshifting monster. You don't watch films for realism, you sound like one of those twats that complains when a movie "has no plot".

The Thing makes a decent amount of sense. I like how at the end, Blair is even shown absorbing "meat", so the huge monster he transforms into would be more believable.

BTiLC on the other hand, starts with a girl getting kidnapped at an airport, where security would be at its tightest.

That's the lamest most banal shit to criticize. That's why these shit youtube channels feel so cheap, because that's the only shit they know how criticize because it's the only concrete thing to tackle. If you don't like the movie that's fine, but don't attack stupid shit like that, critique the filmmaking or simply say you don't like it. You just sound like some cinemasins/yms fag saying shit like that.

>BTiLC on the other hand, starts with a girl getting kidnapped at an airport, where security would be at its tightest.
Generation Z idiot detected.

>not scary
It traumatized me the first time I saw it. Nevermind darkness or whatever, it added fucking mirrors to the list, and mirrors are everywhere.
I assure you it is scary.

>Big Trouble in Little China sucked, in my opinion.

Attached: walter.jpg (400x311, 18K)

1978's Halloween is one of the worst horror movies ever. Cliche as fuck


It's fucking amazing, and it's not even nostalgia, I saw it at like 18.

It's a comedy action film with fantasy elements, of course it is not realistic.

Stop living in the past and defending a movie that gave birth to all the problems in horror movies nowadays

>Big Trouble
>The Thing
>Prince of Darkness

Top to bottom top 3 movies he made.

>Die Hard is shit because people didn't hear the gunshots from Nakatomi plaza and thus alerting the police early

>Terminator 1&2 is shit because why didn't they just coat a nuke with meat and send it back in time?

>Jurassic park is shit because why would they have such a poorly designed security and electrical system

It started the "cliches". Literally Halloween was a watershed movie that others ripped off. Kys retard.

Big Trouble in Little China is my mother's favorite Carpenter film.

Is there even a bad John carpenter film? Id say hes one of the most consistent in his craft. You could argue escape from LA is "meh". That coupled with his sound tracks makes him a patricians choice.

>a movie that gave birth to all the problems in horror movies nowadays
The 80s ended almost 30 years ago.
You can't really blame Halloween for that. Black Christmas is pretty much the same film, it just wasn't as successful.

LA, Ghosts of Mars and The Ward

>It started the "cliches".
It ripped off Black Christmas and TCM.

haven't seen the ward, ghosts is pretty good in my opinion, but could put it in the meh tier. Either way, pretty solid filmography

This I agree with. I saw it recently and there's nothing good about it, and I'm a guy that often like 80's flicks and older movies in general, most of my favorite movies are from the 80's-early 90's.

>Utterly boring kills
>It's just some dude
>Everyone looks 40 but suposed to be 16 or somnething
>Really bad acting from many actors
>The suspense wasn't suspenseful, just slow

I love many of Carpenters films, the Thing especially is one of the best horror/sci-fi movies ever made in my opinion, I love Big trouble in litle China, I find Escape from New York too slow but still interesting and iconic and I think They Live is just a fun movie in general. But some of his movies just aren't good. Halloween is an example of this, and Assault on Precinct 13 is another.

>Literally Halloween was a watershed movie that others ripped off
So Halloween is good (when it isn't) because others ripped it off?

+ Assault on Precinct 13
+ The fog
+ Halloween

77's Empire of the Ants is 10 times more entertaining than Halloween. FACT

Attached: Empire-of-The-Ants.jpg (427x600, 70K)

In the Mouth of Madness is one of his best films though

Those defending Halloween are those who grew up with it and remember the nostalgia of it being good or those who watched it on VHS in late 90's.

No one nowadays watching it for the first time is going to consider it good. You said it perfectly with how dull it is and how bad the acting and suspense is.

I love everything except the bad alien jesus devil explanation for the events. The moment when that is explained it jumps from tense creepy slow burn to b-film schlock. I would have preferred a good old fashioned catholic apocalypse.