Made a small prayer to the hebrew god last night

>made a small prayer to the hebrew god last night
>been an atheist for almost 10 years now

Knowing our leaders perform satanic rituals did it for me. The constant shitting on the family, the church, and here they are, worshiping the devil himself with blood sacrifices and pedophilia.

Good luck explaining this one away.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bless you user. Be me. Be Christian. Will proudly stand side by side with you to save western civilization.

The devil's in charge here. No dead god or frog can stop that.

The more you stray from the word of God, the more demoralized you become. Once you regain those morals, you realize exactly how awful those who speak blasphemy are. When they get into power, however, it's sickening.


Welcome back to the flock m8.

All these happenings recently have deepened my faith as well. I believed in God already, but didn't feel the urgency of redemption. Now I see the devil (literally being worshipped as such ffs) at work all around us, trying to destroy everything that is good and true and beautiful here on Earth, corrupting the family, literally pissing on Christ. The battle for our souls is fucking real.

I was never really an atheist, just a very apathetic agnostic.
But now I wonder: if they really are worshiping Moloch, does that mean God exists?

I was actually planning on making a thread about this earlier.

How can someone at least not question God's existence knowing that our fucking elite literally worship (and pay sacrifices to) demonic beings and Satan?

Don't you think there is something just a little TOO fishy about that?

And don't think that God is just the "God of the Hebrews" he is all of our God, and loves us all.

Inshallah brother xD

I said a prayer today too -- don't really know how praying works though, is there a format I am supposed to follow? I usually just do "Dear god, please ____. Thanks, amen".

just because they believe in Satan/Moloch doesn't mean they exist. there is no evidence that their satanic rituals actually give them any power, it just desensitizes them until they have absolutely no empathy or integrity, which allows them to keep doing the things they do without feeling any remorse.

as soon as I see some actual evidence of any paranormal/spiritual presence I will reconsider theism.

But why would they choose to worship something bad?

>Praying to the same gods they sacrifices children to.

No user, you must pray to the emperor.

If people are worshiping God, does that make him real?

I've returned to Christianity and am ordering a new King James Version of the holy bible.

I said a prayer to God asking for forgiveness from straying from him, and have said two or three more since then (a few months ago).

The occult satanic shit did it for me too bro.

When you lurk long enough you start to realize God and Jesus are real and there are people out there working around the clock to undermine them.

>there is no evidence that their satanic rituals actually give them any power

Yeah they are just the most wealthy, most powerful people in the world, getting away with the most heinous shit.

You are welcome to come home to the true Church. Request for some missionaries to come by and soon you'll be baptized and have your priesthood.

Good luck and may the Holy Spirit be with you user.

Welcome back, prodigal son.
Been disheartened from Uni in recent weeks but the recent news is hopefully gonna reawaken me to God.

Look up Saint Thomas Aquinas's questions from his Summa Theologica. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ OP.

>our god, and loves us all
This. John 3:16. It's so simple

>Realize that the Elite are practicing occultism
>Practice Christianity instead of counter-occultism
Aside from destroying Rome, securing banking rights in Europe, and feeding energy to the YHWH-egregore, this is the entire reason Christianity was founded. Take away the means for the Goyim to fight back and they will be your slaves forever.

That's great to hear user.

they see their parents worshipping Jesus and see what pathetic failures at life their parents are and don't want to end up like that. they realize if they turn to the dark side they can attain great wealth and power and actually do something significant with their life instead of ending up like the average middle age normalfag wageslave. they chose the path of the criminal instead of the honest hard working law abiding citizen, and they became very successful criminals.

Kys. God rules over all.

>be Rothschild tier elite
>want politicians to dance to my tune
>they do a little, but don't follow my every word without question
>insinuate that me and my rich elite friends have a direct connection to some alien/entity
>really sell the bullshit with pagan ceremonies complete with a little child sacrifice so you can be convinced they are all on the level and buy your shit
>once they're hook, line and sinker they start bringing thier own underlings into your service

You can't just neglect the parts of the Bible you don't like.

You need to advocate for open borders and egalitarianism now.

A great quote

"The greatest trick the devil played was convincing the world he doesn't exist"

Too much evil in the world. No human being can be that evil without the influence of greater evil beings.

You don't have to ask for stuff. You don't have to address him. If you know in your heart you are speaking to Creator God then he hears you. When I'm driving to work and on deliveries I just talk to him in my head about whatever I'm thinking about.

i also went to mass today for the first time in a while user
bless you

They don't see it that way. They have an entirely different belief struture and out look on morality and the world.

Good question, user

But you just said worshipping them does not give them power?

Also, it has nothing to do with edginess. That is just too ridiculous. And if it did, don't you think that would be quite foolish of them?

It would make people scared of them or questionable of their intentions.

I had some kind of revelation last week.
I had lied to someone I deeply cared, after the fact, I had a vision where after we both died (she and I) She could see through all of my lies and deception, because if there is eternal life, we all will see each other for who we are. So I became sick with myself.
Then I understood, these sick people choose to BELIEVE in these satanic rituals and demons because they want the power they promise, even if it's just and idea that was created by someone else or if it's all true. THEY WANT TO BELIEVE SATAN IS REAL, make no mistake, no one with good intentions would do this kind of thing. We truly are what we worship.
Let me tell you more about what I thought when I realized the lie I had told was too big to hide later on. At first I was hoping for heaven not to be real, because that way everyone I know would know that I am a liar. I hoped for eternal life to be a hoax, becuase I didn't want to believe that I could be held accountable for what I had done. This people have gone too far, and now that's the only thing they got left, to hope for heaven not to be real, to hope for GOD not to be real. That's why they worship demons, because they are afraid that we could all see the kind of people they are, they don't want to accept that God and salvation is possible, becuase that would mean that they don't deserve it.
You know what's funny, I think that if they truly repent for their sins God would forgive them. Maybe we couldn't but God would.
I prayed today too, I prayed for those who need it the most. We need more people on the good side because right now we only have each other.

Egyptian captivity, Babylonian captivity, Roman occupation. They learned this evil from the best, they believe it's their turn.

But as crafty as they are, would not worshipping something bad scar their image?

Do you remember how many Mexicans got freaked out when they found out about all this shit?

As an old fag I've watched the slow destruction of good Christian values. I just blamed in on Hollywood and California and their gross perversions that have spread nationwide thanks to tv and movies. I never actually suspected Satan was at work here. This is something truly scary. For the first time in my life I've thought of going to church without being dragged there.

Two things are unforgivable. Suicide, cause you murdered yourself and can't repent whilst dead, and taking the mark of the beast when that happens. God is a forgiving god, and if he wanted us perfect he would have made us perfect. If he expected us to get ourselves to heaven through tech, occult shit, or works then he wouldn't have made himself flesh as Jesus and allowed himself to be crucified. His death is payment for our sin debt. All you have to do is accept it and believe.


Satan is definitely at work, brother. Don't kid yourself for one second.

All magic is of the the devil.

I have strayed from God, but I still believe he is my Savior. I have to get my relationship back with Jesus. Glad I'm not the only one to feel like this.

You don't ask God to do things for you. You ask him for the ability to do things.

Open borders and disregard for the rule of law is what led to the fall of Israel in the Old Testament, you fool. God spoke through Ezekiel also warning people that one of the reasons their country was destroyed was because they no longer declared liberty to everyone, therefore God would make everyone a slave. Furthermore because of the rampant devil worship in all of their leaders, who also were spreading devil worship around the world, and their influence pissed off the entire world.

We can still maintain as Christians that all men are equally as fallen in that God shows no respect of persons in how he will judge us for our deeds, which is why need faith, and for the common man what remains is to live an honest life and try to resist evil. God's promises to us will take care of the rest, no matter what happens.

You are a fool.. who listens to a little bit too much Alex Jones.

Don't believe you actually prayed to the Jew God because you fed into the propaganda, you should be ashamed of yourself.

What is next? You gonna turn Mormon on us or something?

Christianity == Beta

Might as well slip on a dress for Jesus, ya pussy.

Once again, they don't see it as bad.
With this belief system it isn't about right or wrong, it's about power and control over the world and others.
Do as thou wilt.

>praying to a jewish egregore
Sad, desu. Might as well just worship Saturn outright.

Trump is a bigot that said pussy. Fuck all that other shit. You're an idiot if you vote for that orange Cheeto.

Retarded cultist detected. When you ask God for forgiveness and accept Christ as your savior, all sins are forgiven, past, present, and future. Yes, killing yourself is a sin, but just because it's your last sin doesn't mean it's unforgiven.

Should've prayed to Kek, tbqh.

Sometimes I pray and comtemplate stuff about God when I need a bit of guidance but I legitimately don't see the point in religion. People that let it rule their lives are pretty spooked.

Everyone also claims to know what God wants or some shit and it just doesn't make sense. I'd just rather not be a gigantic cunt and see what happens.

CTR This wasn't even a Trump post

For fuck's sake please pay attention to the posts you reply to, for the second fucking time today.

May god have mercy on your pitiful soul.

what the fuck??

Is Sup Forums really full of coocoo for coco puff christians? I'm seriously scared now. All this time, I thought we were just PRETENDING to be retarded.

There's a point where some people are lost causes, I forget the scripture about it though.

However there was a king named King Mannaseh. He sacrificed his children to Moloc, and many other terrible things. He also was captured and thrown in prison by a foreign government. He had a change of heart toward God, and in the end he was freed, became king again, and had a wall built around Judah. Of course that wall was destroyed when the nation fell back into sin, and later rebuilt by Nehemiah.


What I mean is
why would a group of the most intelligent, powerful, wealthy, and educated people on the planet practice an extinct pagan religion that would destroy their careers if it became public knowledge, unless there was a kernel of truth to it?

IF (and I do mean IF) these people really worship Moloch or even Satan I can't help but think that that must mean SOMETHING supernatural exists.

>fairytales created to empower the jews
You don't actually believe in history as written down by jews, do you?

Those numbers bro

Yes you fucking idiot just noticing this now?
Sup Forums has unironcally welcomed the biblical apocalypse for years what the fuck do you think "the happening" is?

God damn this right wing shithole is 90% suckers.

Christianity is beautiful. It changes people. The worst person can become the most hardworking, selfless, loving person. More than that, it changes a whole society when everyone believes it. Art and architecture are beautiful and long lasting, status becomes less important than doing a good job and having good service etc. People are treated as souls, not objects. It changes everything. But the opposite is also true. Take God away and people and society turns ugly, nasty, selfish and cruel. Pleasure becomes more important than goodness; self-love more important than love for others.

If you haven't seen this and you have the time, look at where society is heading without a belief in Christ. Look at the panel, look at the hideously vain social climbers in the audience.

Now look at Hitchens. The contrast is huge. What world would you prefer your children growing up in? A world of Hitchens or a world of Savages?

Human delusion and confirmation bias are very strong and influential when used properly, but there's no way to truly know what's bullshit and what isn't.

>Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

FYI, the power of the air was Paul talking about the vast criminal underworld (unseen, like air, but effects that you can observe), the same one that conspired and had Christ killed despite the common man adoring him, they put forth the narrative that everyone hated him instead, and took him out, giving Judas his 30 pieces of silver, although he would later commit suicide over it.

The same cabal that has been influencing the world has always existed, but the groups and families have changed, some of their agendas change direction, but it's a lot of the same methods. Hegelian dialect to set a narrative by creating a crisis and then offering a solution that gives them power, as well as dehumanization and recreating nature in their own image, or rather from the visions of the devil.

Satan's the prince of the power of the air by the way, the prince of this world as Christ called him. But he will be cast out.

Say the Lord's prayer daily.

>Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

It will bring you peace and protection. Also listen to the Liturgy. I am Serb Orthodox, but attend church in England. This country gave me shelter.Pic is my church.


Peace to you.

It's all fun and games until you realize that these people are only power hungry because they want to control (You) and your close ones.

Why else would they insist on worship this abominations? In the end it's not about what is real or what's not. It's about opposing them.

Jews were the chosen people of God before Jesus was born. After Jesus, God chosen people are the Christians. Only the jew media would make you believe that christians have a soft spot for jews, that's not true.
That's not the case no where in south america.

The problem is this isn't modern day edgy contrarian (to Christianity) Satanism. People of power have literally no reason to waste their time on that shit even if they are absolutely degenerate. There has to be deeper meaning

You don't understand the context of the Bible then. As it's written, If you read with a blindfold as the Jews did, then yeah you might think that it empowers Jews especially, but it doesn't. God made them an example of evil to offer salvation to the entire world. There's literally nothing special about the Jews other than receiving the oracles, which we all now have.

The New Testament even warns to avoid Jewish fables, which of course you might find ironic if you don't believe.

Can someone give me the full deets or at least some links
What's this satanist thing about

You do realized you're the "synagogue of Satan" described in the bible, right? You are the fake jew who pretends to be a follower of YHVH, but will never be accepted by his god.

>God made them an example of evil to offer salvation to the entire world.
This is just mental gymnastics. If YHVH rejected the jews, then why does he save 144,000 of them while we all die in the times of Revelations?

>After Jesus, God chosen people are the Christians.

The Jews still being the chosen people is a lie. Jesus himself said that he has chosen the Christians as his people God would not allow for his "chosen" to keep on disbelieving Christ is their messiah. Jesus died for us all, to reject him is rejecting salvation.

The only guidance we need is to realize that god has a plan for us all. That is not a plan in a deterministic sense. It means that through salvation, through Jesus there is always a way. He is our salvation and we only need to accept it and believe in Him.

I am not a jew or a catholic. I am a christian.
I understand that all our costums have been modeled by the catholic church (Rome and the Pope or as you have correctly stated "the synagogue of satan") but the main difference is that if we believe that only through Jesus we can achieve salvation then we will be accepted.

And my Axe.

God rejected the Jews but that doesn't mean he can't save them, just not because they are Jews, I'll explain:
I'm not specifically big on eschatology, but there's speculation that the 144000 are Jews by ethnicity but still have the faith in God like Abraham had, rather than the faith in their works like the other Jews have, so they would basically be Christians and aren't saved just because of their race. There's also the theory that they are resurrected Old Testament believers, but not sure if that is tenable.

>while we all die
Not all believers get to be spared from man, but the worst of the destruction that is literally the Wrath of God comes shortly after Christ returns and takes his people off the Earth before he makes his judgement.

>YHVH rejected the jews
If the Jews were rejected, then it's a broken covenant. God CAN'T reject the Jews under the order of the covenant made with Abraham. That doesn't mean God holds them up to a level better than any other man, just that covenant's made with God will never be broken by God, no matter how sinful those who act within the covenant but sin not against the covenant itself.
>why does he save 144,000 of them
From what I know, the 144,00 essentially become born again Christians. They aren't saved explicitly because they are Jewish, but because they will preach the truth during Tribulation. The Seven Year Tribulation is God's final attempt at saving the son's of Israel once and for all. The Jews eventually accept Jesus as the Messiah.

Lucifer gave us knowledge and free will.

God stuck us in a fucking garden with nothing to do apart from being asexual tree hugging NEETS.

Had the same experience back on 07'

same boat.

Agnostic leaning on the side of Atheism for my whole life pretty much.
these leaks are a real fucking eye opener.

God didn't break the covenant. Ever read this:
>For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

This is also along the lines of Christ referring to the people that say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. Yet we can say that they are loved for their father's sakes (Romans 11:28), but that is only in the sense that Abraham is their father and not the Devil, and that REQUIRES them to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Kinda like how if someone strikes you you're supposed to offer him your other cheek, Amirite? Wouldn't want to be a Satanist and fight back.

The 144k are from the twelve tribes. No members from alot of those tribes are around because they got occupied and genetically mixed out. I suspect that they are already in heaven and will be alongside the two witnesses spreading the gospel post rapture. Two witnesses for the world to see, and the 144k locally trying to get the rest of the world to come to Christ before he finishes pouring out the vials of his wrath as the trumpets blow concurrently. The 144k are sealed (not "saved") so that the locusts don't attack them.

Also the tribulation is 3 1/2 years. See "Daniels seventieth week"

Peace be with you, brothers and sisters. Fight the good fight, and believe.

You are wrong my friend.

Lucifer gave us false certainty that we could know everything like God does. That we could differentiate Good and Evil -without- God's help.

That's why it's called the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, It's not knowledge in a science or history sense. It's knowledge about knowing what is good and bad for us, why do you think relativism has become such an issue nowadays?

What Lucifer did was to drive us away from God, making us believe that we could be without him.

About free will.
We were already free. God made every single thing and being for one purpose, even satan has his purpose, can you answer why he made us? He made us because he could, that's it.
We didn't have a purpose whatsoever, as in we only needed to exist and to live a good life. God didn't ask for anything else.
Make no mistake, lucifer despises us because he cannot fathom why beings "inferior" than him would be granted freedom. What he always desired.

He didn't gave us free will, he twisted our minds to believe that freedom means fighting every trace of authority there is right until we stop believing in God's authority and most of all OUR own authority. Because our will is God's will when we follow his word.

Pic very related

Why do people choose Communism?

Hint: Because these people think those things are actually good.

Just because you fucking worship Allah, Yahweh or whatever isn't proof that you're right nor that they do exist.

"Good and Evil" was used metaphorically to mean "everything."

>The phrase in Hebrew: טוֹב וָרָע, tov V'ra translatable as good and evil, may be an example of the type of figure of speech known as merism. This literary device pairs opposite terms together, in order to create a general meaning; so that the phrase "good and evil" would simply imply "everything"

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Henry Sy, and a whole lot of other Billionaires are either Buddhist or Atheist. That superstition is literally retarded, consider sudoku for yourself.

>not superior Debtors prayer

Anglican Church pls...

You'll forgive me if I'm off on some of what I say. I've only recently been going through scripture (About 1/2 way through Leviticus right now) and really studying Christianity after I came to the conclusion that it is the truth.

I have often heard about the circumcision of the heart being just as important as circumcision of the body. Modern Talmudists surely are of the Synagogue of Satan, but doesn't God still have to honor the covenant he made as long as those that practice it still do so? If they break the Covenant, then that's on them, not God, so I see where you're coming from. It just begs the question who breaks the Covenant when they do not accept Jesus.

>tribulation is 3 1/2 years

I know that Wrath is 3 1/2 years, and starts with the Anti Christ declaring himself god in the 3rd temple, but the 3 1/2 years before then also count as Daniel's Seventieth Week, to, correct? Aren't All 7 Trumpets and Seals are unleashed in the first 3 1/2 years, and the bowls of wrath are the last 3 1/2 years, after the set up of the One World System and Mark of the Beast?

>USA is in war for 200+ years non-stop
You can't be anything else than a Satanist, can't get more obvious. Attacking bunch of countries to steal oil, import migrants, really no nationalism. Yep, it's Satanism.

>no nationalism

>mixing with other races
pick one

You praise KEK by shadilay. And you will witness digits.

>Lucifer gave us false certainty that we could know everything like God does. That we could differentiate Good and Evil -without- God's help.
We can. This is our world. Every individual already has their own perception of 'Good' and 'Evil'.
>What Lucifer did was to drive us away from God, making us believe that we could be without him.
God abandoned us the moment he created us.
>He didn't gave us free will, he twisted our minds to believe that freedom means fighting every trace of authority there is right until we stop believing in God's authority and most of all OUR own authority. Because our will is God's will when we follow his word.
Our own authority is our own, not the following of God. Lucifer is just a means to an end, an end in which we are our own gods.

Even if you don't believe,

Do good works.

>an end in which we are our own gods.
what a shitty and powerless god that is in an incredibly small and limited universe. To even call it a god is ridiculous.

Wouldn't knowledge of everything make us like god? Every Luciferian Doctrine I've come across holds the promise to make man like God. When we are like God, we don't need God. The promise to Eve and Adam was that they would be like God.

Question, why do you want to be your own God?

It's never too late to join in prayerful battle against spiritual wickedness.

Bumping with a quick informational video regarding prayer and the occult.

God bless

144 is symbolism there're more but i think 144 it's like 1+4+4 = 9 which mean end.

I had the same experience about a year and a half ago. Just overwhelmed with depression, about my own life and the world, thinking about ending it.
Then I tried praying.
The next day, and for about two weeks after, I was just walking on clouds, in this whole other state of mind, able to see everything clearly, my mind racing with insight. Unfortunately I lost that state of mind, but I still have those insights and it changed my beliefs greatly. Sometimes I've been able to get back to that state.
The key is to make yourself feel complete surrender to God. Get all other people out of your head, you're not them, they aren't you. Then you surrender.

"I know all things, the good and the evil" Yes but have we improved in anyway?
We have medical advances but people still die of hunger everywhere around the world.
We have technology to keep us in touch but we have become lonely and isolated.
We have grown like societies never could have fathom before but we still can live together in peace.
We may know everything but if we actively deny God then we won't be happy.

Genesis 2:16 "The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die."

In the end you have to realice that satan lied, he promised something and we didn't become gods so what gives?

You are your own god in what sense or with what purpose? Who should worship you and why?
Does the fish in the river sing your name? I don't think so.
Does the birds in the trees see your face in the sunrise? I don't think so.