
Styxers, how do we deal with the new understanding that styx is a fraud and constantly misrepresents situations because he want's to further his own agenda?


what agenda? he doesn't even have ads


>NEET hungry skeleton has on opinion
>you get buttblasted

Why are you so mad? All you have to do is disagree. His analysis of current events isn't bad, but he loses me on his ooga booga occult shit.


There can be several agendas one can have without adsense, don't be naive. He even states his content is there to drive book sales. The current shilling that anyone that is interested in spiritcooking is somehow ctr is there to make people think occultism never involves something as questionable as that so his own book sales don't take a dive. He even went as far as to say today that somehow people even believed the obvious shills saying they had evidence on bill and that they where somehow connected to the general interest on it
yes I am tired and fucked up
Sure me
Well fuck me for trying to talk to styxers.

who is this guy



*sue me
A guy that has a youtube channel who occasionally shills here.



lol what the fuck is wrong with you people and internet celebs. if you disagree, form a coherent argument and refute his points. if you think he's goofy, then make funny memes of him.

but stop with the coooonstant anti-styx shit. he's a smart guy for you. i like to watch what he has to say. so do many of us.

Kind of not into that but thank you for suggesting to me that I have what you perceive as a good time.


People have been doing exactly that recently however all styx ever does is misrepresent then and accuse them of being CTR


Kind of not into that whole reddit thing, but thank you for sharing your culture with me. I appreciate learning.



Gas all anti-Christians.


i noticed that.

i realllllllllllly disagree with him autistically focusing on the definition of occultism and all that bullshit. he totally missed the point, utterly completely stopped even playing on the same ballfield as the rest of us who were trying to use it as a psyop to scare old christian ladies. but i still listen to him because why not.


Its perfectly fine to watch him and I'm ok with anyone that does. I just whish he didn't misrepresent things in such a manner, then I would really appreciate his content.


I don't know shit about this styx character but christfags and infowarriors don't understand occultism at all and they think everything is satanic baby eating. Illumination is centered around alchemy, you can see and read the transition of thought surrounding the study of alchemy throughout history and notice a trend of increased fear mongering with less faithful religion.

Real illumination is very strange and I think has it's genesis in proto-mythic thought. The sort of thinking that schizophrenics do, the way they jump from subject to subject, illumination books read the same exact way.

It definitely looks like they have a pedophile ring, but rich people are into pretentious art and pretentious artists love to pretend to understand religion and the occult.

I'm sorry friend but if you've been spending a lot of time at gay bars recently as you've kind of hinted at already you are likely to see neutrality as cock loving given that's your regular position. I cant do anything to help you unfortunately, however I wish you the best in your ventures.


Nice! Where do I cop Styx's books?

However you are discounting the multiple branches of occultism that exist that even basic babys can do. Such as basic hypnotism to help ones character grow in terms of tolerance of negative input and the like can be achieved through trying to use brutal imagery, chanting, and regular ritualistic tools meant to put the operator or subject into a state of trance which then the operator acts out the purpose of the ritual in.

Styx is discounting this entire thing based off of the fact that one guy is retarded, and im not even talking about the pedophile crap im only talking about the possibility of them doing basic rituals that anyone at any skill level can achieve, the whole thing reeks of him trying to scare away any thought of occultism being like the satanic panic even though most into the subject of spirit cooking right now seem to want to use it as a political tool to sway the votes of minorities that are superstitious unlike what styxs claim is, that its somehow all retardation meant to distract.
While yes it can be somewhat argued that it is distracting this isn't likely due to ctrs provocations given the board is already incredibly conservative and the fact exists that it's not as if digging int the leaks has even stopped due to the spiritcooking situation.


*which can be achieved
As stated earlier I am in fact, tired.

I am sorry but I will not go to your gay bar with you.

stop bad mouthing him you piece of trash



Thank you for keeping me company you cock crazy brit.

>this thread

Hello CTR


don't, search for free illumination books online dipshit
there isn't a such thing as primary source when it comes to religion and the occult, but go as far back as you can at least.

I'm not going to spoonfeed you links

Styx are you? just reveal you right now everyone know you're in Sup Forums

He's not. I knew you guys were going to turn on him eventually you always do.

I've kind of stated already several times I'm not interested in "messing around with you". :^)
Just go to /x/
go in the /div/ thread
ask for mega or sites to download free books
You'll have plenty more that styxs library can offer along with what basically is his current library.

Honestly that's a fair theory because any time one of these threads comes up his subscriber count boosts up several hundred subs. Even if the thread is a discussion in which they disagree with him.

i didn't want to be part of your sikret klub anyways


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Styx, look, there are ways we can sacrifice you to kek without pain. I was trained by the Christ Church in Hamstead England. Trust me.

Let me add on to my post actually
Go to the /div/ irc
they will give you librarys with a shit ton of books from legitimate sources.
Ask abra as well if nobody else answers.

I see a lot of errors here. i think the proper copy pasta you where looking for was this.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bigot? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Drama School, and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on misogynists, and I have over 300 confirmed quotas. I am trained in gorilla diversity and Im the top politician in the entire world. You are nothing to me but just another racist. I will suck you the fuck off with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to muslims over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Canadians across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Your fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, even with my white cis male privilege. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed debating, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Muslim Brotherhood and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre a fucking white male, kiddo.

He really screwed the pooch on this one

thanks bb

>I'm not a huge Trump fan
>*Trump sign in the background*

Alright, Youtube
Hoo-ma Abuh-deen
Bubba Bill
CTR shills
Bobby Jones
The lamestream media
I don't operate under that assumption
Double Doozie
That's about all
Peace out

Opinions on this Pulitzer prize material?

Hitler slowly inserted his penis in Anne's anus. She felt it penetrating as it went inside her and realized how much bigger it was than the pencils she used to stuff there.
"Oh, ja, babe, that's a real german instrument at work here! Do you feel my german warmachine? Do you feel how it moves?" Hitler inquired.
"Oh, yes, fuck the jews! This penis is the one true god!" Anne responded with her eyes closed as Hitler's penis thrusted in and out of her young, pretty ass.

Hitler's hands then wrapped around her nubile waiste and pulled her in deep. Anne's entire body felt like it was reaching climax just when an uncontrollable "Fuck me, mein Furor! came screaming out of her mouth. No more was Anne's mind on her experiences in the work camp because she was now free to savagely explore her most secret desire of being fucked by the leader of the master race.

As Hitler's hands moved up to Anne's hard young breasts, a quiver of sexual release came from her undeserving pussy. "I will fuck your ass till the red army is at the gates!" Hitler said as he let go a flood of cum into Anne's cute jewish ass.

Heinrich Himmler, then, standing behind the door, gave a slight knock and the door creaked open just enough to see Anne's bare ass and tears of joy running down her face. Hitler casually looked up towards the door and invited Himmler in for some spit-poling.
Anne, in a fit of sexual rage, started pinching her rock hard nipples and furously rubbing her young shaved pussy. She had only known Heinrich's baton on her back-side, but she now wanted to suck it while Hitler furiously fucked her asshole. Himmler slowly pulled his baton out and teased Anne's willing pink lips with the end. Hitler then forced her head down on Heinrich's baton while jamming three fingers in her willing pussy. "It's a holocaust!" she yelled out in pleasure.


It's actually very funny

>Styx is discounting this entire thing based off of the fact that one guy is retarded
Well that's dumb. It isn't precisely about intellect. It's more about emotional fortitude. Succesful magic is about succesful gnosis. No politician or power hungry individual can achieve gnosis.
>the whole thing reeks of him trying to scare away any thought of occultism being like the satanic panic
Well that's because it sounds like it. I liked the spirit cooking thing, but I think we neglected to make it a more palatable. Like it shouldn't seem so extreme that it seems fake. Something to consider when performing psyops is the psychological tricks that magicians use when constructing a succesful trick. If something seems absurd, even if it's true, it's best to tone it down.

I don't think it's CTR coming to distract us from what really matters, I think there is a hyper traditional christian element that is predictably ideologically possessed and afraid. Maybe podesta does believe in this stuff and maybe he thinks he's conducting rituals that mean something or that will work. It won't fucking work though, he doesn't understand the occult, and the fact that it looks satanist proves that it isn't the masons. Either way we know the guy is hurting children, we should promote the spirit cooking thing, but we internally should understand what's really going on rather than buying into alex jones conspiracy theories about Moloch worshiping cults. That shit IS a distraction.

I worship Styx and agree with 100% of the things he says. I am signing up for an Occult graduate program tomorrow.

Sounds like a CTR shill that gets BTFO'd every time Styx lays down the reality of the world.

I don't have a club, and I don't actually believe in "magick" or the occult. I believe and understand the significance of the symbols and philosophy of illumination however.

I just wanted to add that in one of this man's videos he said that he eats food all day and can work out and not gain a single pound. I feel like I am the same way. I have an extremely high metabolism and do not need to exercise to lose weight and I eat pizza all day.

>constantly misrepresents situations
Any example?

My spine tingles and I smile in anticipation at the words "That's about all," because I know that sweet, quiet little "peace out" is coming!!!!

Styx is 25% native american. He even has high cheek bones.

Checked, leaf stalker

tell me more about you user. you sound like quite the interesting person

This thread has gone full retard.

>sperg out about satanic cults being the new jew
>get called out by an occultist and former satanist that it is in fact not
>throw autistic shit fit because you still haven't realized its still the jew
bravo faggots you're only making Trumpers look worse

Thank you for this pasta.
I do agree that I don't believe the operation is being presented in the best manner it could be but to be honest it's regular polacks that are doing it so it's to be expected.

I do agree that alex jones does seem to be trying to take the reigns on the scandal and he is likely either controlled opposition or being swayed to act as such.
It's nice to hear things
Off the top of my head there is this situation, the okeefe situation in which he stated that CTR was trying to perpetuate the thought that the part 3 video was the racist tape. When what really happened was okeefe around the time it was to be dropped had retweeted paul joseph wattson asking if the racist tape was up next which was understandably seen by Sup Forums as him alluding to it. Styx made claims without ever verifying if what he was saying was true. He also continues to take the stance that almost everything that isn't kosher is somehow a CTR plot even if such things are easily explainable such as Sup Forumss interest in spirit cooking. He made multiple claims on the spirit cooking situation that simply are not true.

Hey Styx, you baby eating blood orgy autist... Rate me

He calls out CTR and their concern-shilling techniques amongst others and they fly at him trying to sting him and making a load of noise like a glaringly obvious andautistic gaggle of bees, simply compounding the validity of his statements.

Pretty fucking hilarious T B H famalams, Shadilay Styxers.

What do you mean? Styx is awesome!

Stop watching him. He doesnt offer anything to us, all he does is talk about whats on pol. Hes a libertarian and thinks he is able to do magic rituals. He says he is skinny because of his genetics and that lifting wouldnt change that. He shills on here constantly and op could honestly be Styx trying to stir up drama so more people go to his channel. Hes no better than Milo, please let him vanish into obscurity.


Nailed it.

Dude, some people are naturally born with super high metabolisms and cannot gain weight no matter what.

It's a gift and a curse..

You big boned tubbies would never understand.



damn hes gotten so big he is on ctr radar.

According to him he's always been on their radar.


I am convinced these threads are false flag ops that Styx starts himself

he still thinks Trump is ahead?
PFFFTTHAHAHAHAH he really wants to hold on to his audience

He wasn't wrong about the o'keefe videos... Before the videos came out you would see comments on multiple platforms spreading rumors that it was going to be Hillary on tape saying nigger or something like that. A lot of people took the bait on that. It was an obvious CTR strategy to try and over hype whatever the videos content actually was

As I stated earlier that's a fair theory. Any time one of these threads is up his subscriber count goes up no matter the consensus in the threads. So it seems even what is considered bad publicity is good for him.
Plus it makes his fanbase believe him and they are being attacked which helps to reinforce a heard mentality.
Dumb nigger what did I just tell you? Before the video came out okeefe tweeted shit that made it seem like he was alluding to the tape being the racist tape which is what started the exact fucking rumors. That's not CTR, that's just okeefe not realizing what he did would seem like him hinting it was it and a lot of Sup Forums tards thinking it was him hinting such and then spreading the thought about.

Nigger what did I just tell you? O'Keefe never said it was literally going to be Hillary on tape saying a racist slur, but there were CTR shills on Sup Forums saying that's exactly what it was going to be. O'Keefe never said it was going to be that he just alluded to it being racist m. His retweet does not imply Hillary saying nigger on tape like the shills were implying. Styx pointed all of this out in his video

I hate this shit where people get LMAO LE DROPPED XD the moment they fuck up or say anything to displease their audience. It reminds me of that 'your fav is problematic' shit where SJWs shun their favourite Dr Who actor forever because of one comment

Regardless I like him. I don't really delve into his occultism. It just doesn't interest me. His politics stuff seems pretty spot on. I don't see where the hate comes from. Yeah, he's not 100% accurate but who is? He usually says something to the tune of, "this is my opinion".

The only real grief I have is that he was a Satanist. I just can't see why the fuck you'd buy into that. Granted, I've never cared much to look into it.

Nigger can you not read? What he retweeted which was a question to him on if the tape would be the racist tape made it clearly seem like a hint that it was such. You don't need to clearly state things for a message to get across just like I don't have to say here you are a faggot to imply you are one. He didn't even respond to the tweet, he just retweeted it making it seem like he was using it to make a statement.
That's absolutely fine, Do what you enjoy.

styx we know this is you stop posting your shit bait threads on this board



ACTUAL STYX out of fucking nowhere.

Praise the meme lords, Trump shall prevail.

its him making threads to get more viewers and he uses proxies to have convos with himself

dislike videos
unsub and ignore videos
post mean comments
watch our guy Brother Nathanael instead

You paranoid former colonial power.

How many times did you get dropped the head when you were a kid?? IMPLYING RACISM DOES NOT EQUAL HILLARY SAYING NIGGER ON CAMERA you fucking shill. O KEEFE NEVER IMPLIED HE HAD A VIDEO OF HILLARY HERSELF SAYING NIGGER ON CAMERA WHOCH IS WHAT CTR WANTED YOU TO BELIEVE SO THAT YOU WERE LET DOWN peace out shilldawg I hope you shitskins can become literate one day

go away styx
Sup Forums is a Christian board

Stycs is a fucking loser NEET. Just look at him
