It's about breaking the shackles of the oppressed, not passing the oppression on

It's about breaking the shackles of the oppressed, not passing the oppression on.

Other urls found in this thread:


Women already have equal rights under law

>muh pay equality

Show me where a women gets paid less for the exact same job as a male in her place

*bringing shekels to the "oppressed"

Feminism hasn't been about liberation of women for decades. Even second gen feminism wasn't very helpful. It has turned into precisely the image on the right.
If you want to be a feminist, go to the middle east. THEY need feminism.

Said no one who's had a discussion about mandatory castration with a radfem.


This post is factually correct

Best post.

That shackle is not there anymore, missy.

MEN: we can't ignore the existence of extremist feminists who hate men

ALSO MEN: oh come on, there's way more nice guys than there are rapists. you can't be worried about rape and assault.

Arguing that equal rights under law is all that is needed for equality is equivalent to saying one can do no wrong as long as they don't actually break the law.

and yet no sandwich making. damn you feminism

OH MY GOODNESS. What would we do without people like you standing on guard??? I'm SO RELIEVED, how DARE I express my views?!? GOOD THING you were here to remind me that there are others in worse circumstances so WHY AM I EVEN SPEAKING, right???

Why is that trash bag talking?

Nice comparison here. I'm too think that extremist feminism should be a crime with jail time and shit.

Lol shut up fag

>It's about breaking the shackles of the oppressed, not passing the oppression on.

Go to your local university and attend a women's studies lecture. The feminist professor will talk shit about men the entire time and only refer to women as victims and men as criminals.

this is true though....
Who among us can impose their own moral convictions upon others?

I wish I was born as an american woman in middle class america. I would never have to work. I would live all my days in comfort without doing anything.

t. someone who has never attended a gender studies lecture



That's only possible if you enter into marriage (AKA sexual slavery).

well, one can do no wrong as long as one doesn't break the law. I don't see what you're getting at here.

>Arguing that equal rights under law is all that is needed for equality blah blah blah
that is all that is needed
what else is there?

>one can do no wrong as long as they don't actually break the law
That's true though.

I was waiting for this, although the left should read
>what feminists thinks feminist is

What the hell do you even learn in such a class?

How badly women were treated in the past and why it's okay for them to treat men the same way now?

daily reminder that this is how deluded feminists are

I go to art school and there are a few teachers whom bash men the entire class period and refer to women as "oppressed victims" and all men as evil oppressors.

sad considering men have it 10x worse in society and lead 10x harder lives due to hypergamy, women only responding to the top 20% of men. it's no wonder men go crazy, if the don't have social status, money, or shredded bodies they are passed up for a guy who does.

She be trolling hard boys.


>Leftist getting mad at virtue signalling
top jej


>woman loses argument: the post

Feminism is a jewish poison to make all women end up as sex slaves with their shit decisions to help enemies

>sexual slavery
"not tonight, i have a headache.''
''you've upset me by breathing the same air, you aren't getting any for the next fifteen years.''
either we put up with it, divorce, go elsewhere, or rape. none of these are good for the men.

Sorry i've rectified the image to be 100% accurate now.

I personally have no problem with men "going elsewhere" for sex, but if we allow them to do so, then what incentive do they have to support their wives? Ultimately, the only solution is to liberate women from marriage and encourage them to be self-sufficient, any other option results in them being forced to sacrifice their autonomy to survive.

If gender is a social construct then so is feminism. "Oppressed" women just neeed to identify as men. Problem solved.

Because women were so miserable and unfulfilled raising children and taking care of the home.

>man posts retort - humorous rebuttal grounded in the problems of the real world

>woman posts retort - incessant bitching

Is the +40 your size or your age? :^)


pick ONE.

>pic related

>one can do no wrong as long as they don't actually break the law
Yup, sounds about right to me.



Okay, but that means no more preferential treatment.

Total egality means you buy your own damn drinks, and if you chat shit be prepared to loose teeth like any other autonomous thinking being responsible for what comes out of their mouth.

On these terms I will accept the utter dissolution of marriage as an institution.

Also, no more favour in custody cases, and if the father wins, the mother pays child support.

That would only work if they are able to be PERCEIVED as men, since social constructs are all about perception. Furthermore, unless they were raised as men, they would be at a disadvantage compared to natal men.


>expects to not have a job and live at home all day for free without sexing the husband

Get a job then.

Sounds good, but the reason we're having so much gender conflict nowadays (and have been, since the beginning of feminism) is that we're still in an intermediate, transitory stage. The social system that stood for thousands of years simply isn't going to disappear overnight.

if we go elsewhere and get caught it's adultery which means we lose all we worked for. if we rape, it's prison time and deviant status that never leaves and we lose all that we work for. if we put up with it, we develop emotional and physical problems. if we divorce we lose half what we worked for or more and still have to support the woman without the benefit of living with her.





OK but everyone already knows feminism is a social contstruct. It's a social movement, so...?


I never said women shouldn't be expected to get jobs. Why do you think one of the major goals of feminism was getting women into the workforce?


>The social system that stood for thousands of years simply isn't going to disappear overnight.

Marxists are such a cancer on humanity.

>Mandatory castration.
Well, there goes the human race, within a single generation.

>get preferential hiring
>can murder their unborn children so they can keep whoring around
>get significantly lessened prison sentences
>various victims of crime support groups
Women are retarded if they think they're oppressed.


What exactly is the cause of rage here?

Make the feminist fat with tiny boobs

being retarded, that rage comment covers all of these as well though

More men get raped than women though.
Yet the subject of male rape is hardly ever talked about.

>thinking you can end opression of one group without submitting the opression of another

Are you also a communist? Sounds the same.

Yeah, I wonder what (((their))) goal was.

man cant be raped, check your fucking privilege you rape apologist.

Prison rape doesn't count (even though that's where the term "rape culture" originated from).

sorry, meant for

Sorry but human beings aren't born equal. Please rid yourself of that egalitarian mindset.

I take it you didn't have a N64 as a kid.

women were a mistake

It will cause some loss of privilege for men, but the ideal society in my mind is one in which both sexes have equal privilege and neither is oppressed RELATIVE TO THE OTHER.

To allow women to become self-sufficient and not depend on men to support them.

>Please rid yourself of that egalitarian mindset.
Why should I?

>it doesn't count because I said so

because women aren't equal, if you think they are then you're willing remaining ignorant.

heres a link for you to look over


No its not.

Any "wrongs" that aren't illegal consist of lack of courtesy.
Such as closing a door in your face. Sure, it might hurt your feelings. But if I don't cause you injury, nobody cares.

This has been posted several times before, but it's hardly scientifically credible, since all the participants are drawn from a patriarchal (male-centered) society. It's equivalent to trying to replicate a medieval society with a bunch of 21st century college kids, and then concluding that the middle ages was full of people complaining about the lack of internet access.

old rare games were something magical weren't they

So suppose a law was passed that made it legal to kill you. Would you then agree that someone killing you did no wrong?

Women are more privileged than men

When feminists, and the rest of the regressive left, actually has well defined victory conditions then I will take them seriously. Until then they are just whiny cunts who want free gibs and special treatment

I like how you didn't point out any flaws in the other studies posted.

your analogies are weak and your buzzwords strong, spoken like a true feminist retard. Just know that everyone in this thread is laughing at you.

I'm not going to suppose something I know is not going to happen under democracy. Besides, that is a violation of human rights, which are universal law.
On the other hand, what would you propose to do on the matter of equality? What should be done (examining problems, gathering evidence and presenting proposals so laws can change) is already happening, and has happened for quite some time. Wage gap is solved. Violence against women is being actively fought, and is actually harder to fight due to its undercover nature.

Dumb shitposter

No, it's about tearing Western civilization out from its roots. It has nothing to do with the liberation of women.

What other studies?

I'm not gonna hold your hand, look for them you worthless idiot.

you shouldn't have to rely on the patriarchy to find information for you, self-sufficient remember?

It's about not being a cuck.
and understanding what (((feminism))) is really about

You're attacking me for ignoring studies, yet I haven't seen any other studies being posted here.

tits or gtfo

jesus you really are an idiot, I see the error of my ways now. You cant fix stupid.

Yes there are other studies posted, if you're too retarded to even scan through the 20 images in this thread then you prove my point far more than anything I said. so thanks for that.

Don't bother responding to me either, Im leaving this thread now because, as I said, my point has been thoroughly proven.

>implying every feminist has tits

Sure. Heres the wage report from the Clinton foundation. Hillary Clinton pays her women executives half of what her male Executives earn, and her female staff overall only a third of what male staff earn.

i'm pretty sure they are a woman

Oh the images, I assumed they were just summaries and not the studies themselves. I'll check them out in the morning, in the unlikely even this thread is still up.