Election 2016 Nostradamus prediction

Hey watch history channel right now, nostradumus on this election


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Just tell us what he says

Nothing useful
> After the first African ruling the earth a savior from the high Castle of the new world with a legion of red helmet warriors will banish the evils from the sun.

Those trips dont lie

>Red helmet warriors

its just a preview wtf is the full show nigger

There is never any 'history' on the history channel. This is substandard pseudo-history, apohpenically making connections (that aren't really there) between a 16th century soothsayer and a joke of an election.

>hey watch history channel right now
read nigger, I didnt link a stream

>History channel

Even the WE WUZ shit is more accurate that what is spewed there.


i dont have cable its 2016 you liver lipped
black asshole

fuck off, traitor-leaf

Is that a real quote?


The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.

Michel de Nostredame was born the first son of Jewish parents, forced by the Inquisition to convert to Catholicism.

what the fuck did I just read

ok...that's meme magic just in front of me...can I touch it?


also, that means Trump will win.

based Nostradamus was kek's guy


high castle - trump tower

it doesnt even air yet spain 10 aclock central time tonight i think, we need to find a live stream of it.

It's extremely misleading

The great shameless, audacious bawler,
He will be elected governor of the army:
The boldness of his contention,
The bridge broken, the city faint from fear.

This could be trump winning

The false message about the rigged election
to run through the city stopping the broken pact;
voices bought, chapel stained with blood,
the empire contracted to another one.

The wretched, unfortunate republic
will again be ruined by a new authority.
The great amount of ill will accumulated in exile
will make the Swiss break their important agreement.

This could be hillary winning

shit is ambiguous and can go either way.

Except for Merkel:
The masculine woman will exert herself to the north
She will annoy nearly all of Europe and the rest of the world.
Two failures will put her in such an imbalance
That both life and death will strengthen Eastern Europe

we all know that is Merkel


>paid for by hillary for america

Makes sense.

>First ruling from Africa
The UN, and how it has done nothing but appease African countries; neglecting the rest of the world

>High Castle
Trump tower

>Red helmet warriors
MAGA Right Wing Death Squads

Switzerland is also a republic... so hopefully it refers to their fate, and not ours.

Not that I'm totally sold on the man's speculations.

Is there a video rip somewhere?

Checking myself. After seven, 2 is the most powerful number. KEK

These are the quatrains the show talks about. So far the show tends to lean toward Trump winning


I'm seriously starting to feel like I'm in some type of limbo between universes

>The wretched, unfortunate republic
>will again be ruined by a new authority.
>The great amount of ill will accumulated in exile
>will make the Swiss break their important agreement.

This might be a reference to Switzerland joining the EU

anyone got a stream?

Or the Swiss leaving their posts at the Vatican.

Show ended. They basically said it will be a tie and Trump will concede after much debate.
The blonde haired one will be victorious.

>According to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants.[1] The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and after a long struggle a coalition of tribes trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave. When they refused to come out, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated

Red hair is caused by pheomelanin, as opposed to dark hair which is caused by eumelanin. As you can see, eumelanin has a pentagon. This pentagon has been used to represent both Jupiter and the Sun. On the other hand, the hexagon (Benzene ring) of the pheomelanin represents you-know-who.

Dopaquinone is the direct metabolite of dopamine, which is released by methamphetamine - which molecularly looks a lot like pheomelanin. Ritalin is an amphetamine substitute like meth, and improves performance by increasing dopamine.

The 'evils from the sun' are eumelanin and low dopamine.

Yeah just came back to post that. So looks like its either Nostradamus was right or kek is right. Now hoping nostradamus was totally wrong lol

How do we even know its Trump he was talking about?

They're both blond. I firmly believe Trump will win but they are going to rig it so it's an electoral tie

Fuck you Hillary

Fair point actually, it was all just references to people they thought the predictions were about. There was a ton of history crap of nostradamus on 2012 doomsday and so far 4 years after the apocalypse hasnt been too bad

Fuck u leaf

>century viii, quatrain 20

I feel like this could apply to Hillary rigging the election and it coming out that she rigged it.

>chapel stained with blood
DNC and the leaks

>the empire contracted to another one
I know most of the Berniebros probably won't vote for her but this could be Jill taking the Bernie votes. OR it could be the Berniebros are going to be voting Trump to avenge Bernie

leafs confirming their unsurpassed faggotree again

fucking canada


Hah, I was here for the thread that fucking bong made this.

Good thing I didn't open it.


sneaky bugger

you even had your get in your id