Potential Future Happening

Holy shit guys, i think I just realized something drastic

Germany is importing all these immigrants to build back their army

Think about it, Germany throughout history has tried taking over the world twice, and almost won both times

Now after all these years, the poor migrants will have no option but to join the army. The army that will take over the world coming soon

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>They're importing the only people in the world who hate the jews more than they do.
My god, it might actually happen.

Middle eastern people are cowards. My brother told me countless stories about the Iraqis they trained taking off their gear mid fight to flee. Had to stop his leader from shooting the cowards in the tail more than a few times.

4th Reich? Curry Reich?

Wtf I love Deutschland uber alles now

Should have let his leader do it.

We can poop an end to this real quick. Just ask.

>Shitskin sturmtruppen

So instead of just killing the untermenschen, you're using them as cannon fodder?

Clever girl.

well german army is recruiting en masse.
they even have a youtoube webseries
also posters at mcfit (gym franchise like planet gym) to recruit.
despite, our MAD (Military Counterintelligence Service) just reveiled 20 islamist who got a regular training in bundeswehr so they keep an eye on muslims.

>tfw white soldeirs die for their arab replacements so mama merkel can make a multicultural country

delete this

confirmed 4th reich

You want predictions?
I'll give you one.
Germany is recruiting so many so that there are fewer "long term residents" aka native germans and more "short term residents" aka refugees fuckers on the street.

So at the end you almost have no one protecting the women and because the husband / boyfriend is away makes women more likely to cheat.

>Migrants flee war
>Join Germanys army

What am I missing here?
Whats the point of joining the German military if they're escaping war?

>planet gym

While that may be their intention, these illegal immigrants have no loyalty to any nation soon as they have control of equipment they will kill each other. Your leaders are naïve if they think this will work.

In the future, the amount of military force applied to a country can be directly justified from the amount of refugees you take in. Rake in the refugees now, have more JUSTIFIED cause for invasion in the future.

The first that went down, were those that were willing to fight for their country.

I thought that was obvious that you ended with what was left...

>Germany arms Muslims to take over the world
>armed Muslims just take over Germany instead

Ordnung and brainwashing, still world #1 in that.
We're going to be fine

An army to kill off the native whites you colossal dipshit