Transformers General

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Is this a good voice for Tailgate?

It sucks that Susan Blu doesn't seem to voice act anymore.

Please stop this. Transformers are not, and were never meant to be sexualized


It's okay but a little too feminine.

I think Cathy Weseluck would be a perfect Tailgate, the perfect boy voice from a woman.

also Jack Angel's Ultra Magnus has gotten better with age IMO.

I love her.

>reading the comics
>get to combiner wars
That was...underwhelming.

Have you seen the Combiner Wars cartoon?

Yeah, it's probably one of the worst animated shows to come out of the franchise.

user do you know where you are?

I have not seen any of the TF Machinima shows. I keep hearing bad things. I really like how old school the designs are. What made the series bad?

The silky smooth 5 FPS, using YouTubers as voice actors, and an overall poor plot.

>using YouTubers as voice actors

Sad thing is Jason Marnocha was actually good as Megatron.

I liked Abby Trott's Windblade, Patrick Seitz's Devastator and Frank Todaro's Starscream but thats it really.

I guess Ben Pronsky could've been great as Rodimus under better material as well.

Post original plz

it's ok for me, what do you expect from a 5 minutes episodes in youtube?

Let's play a game Sup Forums

Name one good thing IDW has brought to the Transformers Universe, and follow it up with something bad they've brought

Good: Naughty Nautica

Bad: The shared universe

More than 5fps animation



Thoughts on Primus Vult?

Kill us

I've just realized who is supposed to be. But I can't believe it

New shockwave arc when?

>transformers children

I always want this, but at the same time I can't imagine how to do it without it sounding retarded

But a butt!

Why do you guys sexualize robots?

Because they are neat!

Faggot deteced

Is Transformers: Robots In Disguise worth watching?
I saw a scene yesterday with Soundwave and it was pretty based.
Lot of episodes to invest time into though.

It starts rough but gets better

it's ok. entertaining but just ok.

it never truly transcends to god tier, it gets close at times.

it's strongly aimed at kids but respects it's source material as a sequel to the Prime series.
It has it's charm but it's forgettable.



why do we sexualize anything?

This is the best character in the franchise

Debate me

Titans Return trailer is out

If he were in scale, he will be enormous. He's a hovercrafts after all.

sadly he hasn't showed up in IDW since 2010.