Actual Unpopular Opinions

Post your divisive opinion on anything Sup Forums related topic and let others judge you! ALso, try to pick opinions that really are divisive where it is obviously clear you are NOT in the majority.

1. Age of Ultron was infinitely better than The Avengers.
2. Wanted by Mark Millar is a modern masterpiece.
3. Bendis is capable of writing a decent comic.
4. Girls by Jonathan and Joshua Luna was the comic equivalent of a horror pornographic soap opera and it was amazing.
5. The Dark Knight: The Last Crusade is the strongest single issue out of Miller's entire bat epic.
6. Runaways by Vaughn was one of the strongest runs I've had the pleasure of reading.
>May not be unpopular.
7. Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk is the perfect representation of why the Ultimate Universe stands apart from 616. It's the universe that truly allows for "Ultimate" stories that are truly bizarre and sometimes the better for it.
>Anthony the Tumor
>President Cap
>Dead Peter
>Younger FF
>Ultimate Osborn and Oz

Other urls found in this thread:

>1. Age of Ultron was infinitely better than The Avengers.
Imagine being this blind.

No fuck no. Girls was a really stupid comic with bad art and even worse writing. The comic can't decide if it wants to be scary or if it wants to be funny, and I can't even tell what it's even trying to do. There are too many bizarre moments that take you away from how tense things could be. I have to admit that I liked the idea, but everything that happens just falls flat and just becomes goofy.

The Unfunnies could have been good with just a few small changes.
Axis is probibly the best we can ever hope to get from an event comic from the big 2.
Batman sucks as a superhero and needs to stop building more Brother Eyes.
Doomed is the most underrated DC book this decade and deserved better.
Deadpool is a better character than Deathstroke. He just suffers from having too many writers who only think of him as memes and the best Deadpool stories are twice as good as the best Deathstroke stories.
Frankencastle should have lasted 2 more years.
We have too many Green Lanterns.
Black Spiderman should change his name already, same with every hero that has the same name as another hero who is still active.
There is nothing wrong with legacy heroes, the problem is that Marvel has been trying to push too many instead of just one or two.

Carol has had some bad storylines but the good ones outweigh them. Captain Marvel is great

I thought it was fun, stylish, and that it was very much in line with the zany grit of the Will Eisner's Spirit comics.

>Bendis is capable of writing a decent comic.
He was. I don't know if he still has it in him though.

Also, I've read pretty positive opinions on Robinson's Golden Age but I thought it was a pretty bad comic.

Renew Your Vows just sucks. Sorry. marriagefags. I like Peter/MJ chemistry when it's done well but I don't feel any chemistry there whatsoever and this book reads like bad Conway rather than good Conway.

>Renew Your Vows just sucks.
I hate that I agree with you. Millar wrote a more compelling Peter/MJ romance and he did it in 12 issues.

1. Bendis Avengers is better than Waid Avengers
2. Wildcats Vol. 3 > Vol. 2
3. Before Watchmen was allright and Doomsday Clock looks like a lot of fun.
4. Thor Ragnarok was fucking schway
5. Damien should have remained dead.
6. Snyder's run on Batman is still superior to King's.
7. Invincible is the best current capeshit title on the market.
8. Young Avengers by Gillen isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
9. Green Arrow - The Sounds of Violence was fucking god tier.
10. Geoff Johns' New 52 Justice League Saga was actually quite enjoyable. It took a while to get going but it finished strongly and it's clear that Johns gained a handle on many of the characters near the end.
11. Lastly, the Batman ARkham universe is my favorite iteration of Batmna because it incorporates so many aspects from other Bat Media while still forging it's own identity. Also it provides a clear beginning, middle, and end which automatically raises it in my book.

It's ok to have an unpopular opinion or two, but this is just a display of garbage taste.

Meh. I'll learn to live with myself. ALso...

Eobard Thawne is my favorite Sup Forums villain of all time. He portrayal in The Flash season 1 was god tier and his costume design actually has some practicality to it.
Dick Bats > Terry Bats > Bruce Bats > Damien Bats > Tim Bats > Jason Bats
Justice League Generation Lost > DC 52
Miller Bat Saga > Morrison Bat Saga
Leto provided a unique enough take on the Joker that I still need to see more before making a final decision.
Christopher Drake did a better job scoring Arkham Origns than Nick ARundel did scoring City/Kinight.
John's portrayal of Wally is better than John's portrayal of Barry.
Scott Lobdell deserves another shot on a Superman main title. Tell him he's under no circumstnaces to write a crossover and I think he'd wow people.

I don't care about Avengers and I don't care how many people meme it.

It isn't interesting.

LoK is a better show than ATLA.

I hate all of Multiveristy/Hypercrisis and everything else that goes full meta.

Me too. Morrison is a hack who probably had 3 ideas in his lifetime and only one was successful so he keeps writing it over and over again.

I like Rick and morty I think people just read to much into it.

>Family Guy and Family Guy related cartoons aren't bad, some episodes are even quite good
>[as] bumpers and live action shows aren't funny. In fact the best shift on [as] are throw aways from other networks.
>Man of Steel was a fine movie, and the destruction argument is really fucking bland and weak

I honestly think the “Girls” comic is the Sup Forums equivalent of “The Room”. It’s a fucking train wreck and we all know it but every damn time it gets story-timed I end up reading that trash heap. It’s just so fucking fun to shit on.

W.I.T.C.H. is by far the best cartoon ever made, with the possible exception of Gravity Falls as a close contender. Other toons do not come close.

Girls was a fucking revelation.

I think these 4 panels look humorous because of the art/panel layout and not the writing.

One of my favorite cape movie hands down. It's batshit insane and plays itself completely straight. The movie perfectly represents how to convey tone within plot in the first 10 minutes and it's impressive for that feat alone. That, and the fact the movie hits the ground running withing the first half hour and doest stop from there is also a treat.

Speaking some mad wisdom. The amount of butthurt that show is able to generate is staggering. I had no idea it could elicit such a strong reaction from people.
>>Man of Steel was a fine movie, and the destruction argument is really fucking bland and weak
My man. I'm actually watching Man of Steel meow because of you. Thanks broski

Is Gravity Falls really that good? Because if so I'm going to start giving it an honest look.

Part of me really wants someone to storytime Girls. I don't have the issues or else I would.

I've never read Morrison's Doom Patrol. I think I need to.
Savitar was a better villain than Zoom
Joe Casey writer a better Superman than Morrison.
3x3 grid is superior to 2x4
Watchmen should be a graphic novel in every aspiring writers library.
Fell is Warren Ellis' best work followed by Planetary.
Atomic Robo is grossly overrated
American Dad is the superior McFarlane show. No Debate.Avengers Initiative was sueprior to Avengers Academy and everything that came after.
New 52 Stormwatch was intersting in concept but terrible in execution.
The Omega Men really is all it's hyped to be. It's a simple story with gorgeous art and a panel layout that keeps the reader on their toes. Can't help but enjoy it.

It's been a while, but If I remember correctly, the alien women kept killing the women so they could breed with the men. And the men wouldn't kill the aliens and wouldn't stop fucking them for some reason because I guess they hated the local women that much? Did they ever explain why the guys continued to fuck the aliens even though they know they kill the women, did they have some kind of freaky pheromones or something?

It gets storytimed twice a year

>Did they ever explain why the guys continued to fuck the aliens even though they know they kill the women, did they have some kind of freaky pheromones or something
Not that I remember. I'm pretty sure they went with the "men are all whores that can't stop having sex with anything" angle. Shame.

Is this going to be one of those storytimes?

The New Gods crap is overrated.

Considering how the women acted, versus how the girls treated the men, I'm going to have to say that the women were so terrible that while the men didn't want to contribute to their murder, they would readily accept the affection and sex from the girls because it's better than being bitched at for EVERYTHING.

GOTG 1 was mediocre while GOTG 2 was much better and genuinely good.

Most comics, notably the superhero comics that Sup Forums holds in slavish reverence, have convoluted, insipid continuity, are utterly pointless and have very little worth.

Only good part of Girls was all of the reactions you could farm from it.

>Is Gravity Falls really that good? Because if so I'm going to start giving it an honest look.
It really is. The flaws it has are extremely minor.

This is why I'll never get married. Unless she's mute.

I can't disagree with anything here. STOP MAKING SENSE AND GTFO!!!!!

Busiek's run on Avengers sucked.
After Ikari, Waids run on Daredevil crumpbled.
Nick Spencer had a great handle on Cap and wrote some of the best Cap books we've gotten in a while.

Fucking go tier taste. GOTG 2 had so much heart to it.

I completely agree and it's for that reason that my favorite capeshit comes from non big two publishers. Gimme a series with a chronology attached to it. Not a series that's bound to status quo.

Thanks for the recommendation friend. I'm going to give that show a watch meow!!!

I think Girls gets a lot of undeserved hate. It's mediocre, but I legitimately think it's entertaining and not just entertaining in a horrible b-movie sort of way.

It does a pretty solid job of portraying both sides as equally retarded and in some ways I can absolutely see real people acting just as retarded in this situations.


>I think Girls gets a lot of undeserved hate.


That's literally the most popular opinion on Rick and Morty.

It seriously needs a Netflix series. Nobody will care that the guys are retarded jackasses, but the feminists will be up in arms over the portrayal of the women. Assuming they stick close to the characterizations in the book, which they probably won't due to aforementioned feminists.

But so long as the girls stay completely naked, I will watch religiously.

>Thanks for the recommendation friend. I'm going to give that show a watch meow!!!
Do give W.I.T.C.H. a chance when you can, user.

>The MCU movies are, for the most part, border line unwatchable after the first time
>Marvel comics aren't going to improve and they will kill the market as we know it
>There's no way to do green lantern in live action without it looking like goofy shit
>Stan Lee did more for Marvels popularity than Ditko and Kirby combined if though they were far more talented The Fantastic Four would fit in better at DC. They would also treat them better
>Archie should pack it in or just become an imprint of DC
>Doomsday Clock is what Alan Moore deserves after Lost Girls
>Morrison hyper crisis meta shit is insufferable garbage for autists desperate to find connections that don't exist

Cape comics are pointless, overrated entertainment and shouldn't hold the american comic market by the throat.

I think girls is a thoroughly entertaining read regardless of whether it's good or bad, and it approaches the "enemy looks exactly like you" scenario from a very interesting angle - the ayys actively choose to trigger male emphatic response and at the same time provide sexual/social comfort, and how a bunch of clueless rednecks deal with such situation. sums it up nicely.

However I disagree with almost everything you said. Runaways by Vaughn is standard, you only think it's a milestone because everything else marvel publishes is shit. And Bendis problem was never writing, he just stopped giving a fuck about what the wrote about.

I agree with mos, deadppol and frankencastle

>Marvel comics aren't going to improve and they will kill the market as we know it

I thought this was the general consensus. All the shit with Spider-Man I could have overlooked, but with all they've done to Cap and everything with "Captain" Marvel... I'm done.

Season 20 of South Park was good.

>The Unfunnies could have been good with just a few small changes.
You're probably right, desu.

>Deadpool is a better character than Deathstroke. He just suffers from having too many writers who only think of him as memes and the best Deadpool stories are twice as good as the best Deathstroke stories.
>Frankencastle should have lasted 2 more years.
>We have too many Green Lanterns.
>Black Spiderman should change his name already, same with every hero that has the same name as another hero who is still active.
>There is nothing wrong with legacy heroes, the problem is that Marvel has been trying to push too many instead of just one or two.
These are all pretty agreeable.

Jeff Parker's Dark Avengers was better than Bendis' Dark Avengers.

>I've never read Morrison's Doom Patrol. I think I need to.

Do it. It's the best Fantastic Four run you will ever read.

A lot of people are holding out hope they will see the light and change before they collapse but it just won't happen

>Girls by Jonathan and Joshua Luna was the comic equivalent of a horror pornographic soap opera and it was amazing.

Okay are you Bendis or Whedon?


Fleischer Superman is greatest Superman of all time. Also, DC: The New Frontier is the best JL story of all time. It simultaneously provided insight into the main DC heroes in addition to shedding light on DC's lesser known heroes.

Neither. I'm just a man who's a glutton for punishment and can't look away from train wrecks.


Girls was hilarious, I took none of it seriously and it was amazing pretty much the whole way through

This is a terrible series. The art is just so goddamn ugly, and the writing isn't interesting at all.

>The MCU is getting stale and they should call it quits after Infinity War
>Williamson's Flash isn't that bad
>I don't mind the stupid Bat/Cat thing going on in King's Batman but everyone complaining about it every thread is more annoying
>OK KO is just okay, that's it
>I don't give a shit about race swaps in movies as long as the movies are good
>Milestone shouldn't come back, not because I thought it was terrible but because I fear they'll find away to hamfist in politics of today before actually making the stories good
>Dark Metal is good
>Doomsday Clock could be cool
>The best Marvel Comics are the ones about lesser known characters with issues under 20
>Steven Universe isn't awful, just boring

I think Marville is really fun. Entertaining as fuck,

Modern DC is consistently worse than Modern Marvel. Marvel has a few specific comics that people circlejerk over being horrible but nobody even fucking reads anything by DC right now. New Super-Man, Deathstroke, and a few dedicated Green Lantern fans is pretty much it. It's getting steadily worse as DC embraces their Detective Comics names and puts Batman as the center of the goddamn universe.

Superman Rebirth is awful.
Lobdell issues in AC and H'el in Earth were okay and fun.
Superboy is a shit character (both Jon and Kon)
Lois Lane fucking sucks
Lana Lang should be married with Clark.
SM/WW was good.
People who likes rebirth in general are the reason comics are dying and should feel bad about being catered instead of wanting new types of stories like in DCYou.
Ms. Marvel is bland as fuck.
Duggan Deadpool surpassed Kelly in quality.
Deadpool vs Punisher is the best action comic of the year.
Zub Uncanny Avengers are fine.
Superman Earth One is one of the best takes on the character ever.
Truth, Justice and the american way is fucking shit, the original motif was better.
American cartoon industry is fucking shit and anime is way fucking better in every level, no matter what retards here say so.
Frank Miller writing is really the same in every comic.

>All this wrong

Most DC stuff get's storytimed. Can't say the same for Marvel

1. Greg Rucka's Punisher is as bland as they come and doesn't deserve all that praise.
2. While I understand people not liking Slott, Yost is really not a good alternative. I have never read a single comic by him that I liked.
3. Kilgrave is a dull and a pathetic in a bad way villain who's one of the lowest point of an already bad show. They should've taken notes from Vince Gilligan and his Pusher character on how to make a psychopath with mind control an interesting and frightening character.
4. I feel like Court of Owls as an idea is going out of the way to be as unoriginal and uncreative as possible taking all the possible cliches from ancient conspiracy fiction and not do anything interesting with them whatsoever. And I'm not even saying anything about Black Glove.
(>inb4 that's not unpopular
Even on this board I keep seeing people say that CoO was the best thing about Snyder's Batman)
5. Kirkman is a talentless hack who never wrote a single worthwhile thing in his shitty life.

I'm glad this is unpopular opinion because this is the most retarded point ITT. I even struggle to call it a point because it pretty much says nothing.
>muh continuity
Sup Forums's bitching about "convoluted" continuinity is always retarded
>oh no, I just gotta accept that x is like that now and not like in my childhood's comics and run with it.
So difficult
>utterly pointless and have very little worth
This means absolutely fucking nothing other than you trying to impress strangers on the internet. 99 percent of all media is pointless and has little worth. Boo-hoo.
Don't listen to the retard

>have read the description of the comic
alright, whose """bright""" idea was this trash?

1. Hitler did nothing wrong
2. The jews did 09/11
3. They are putting chlorine in the water
4. Marxism is destroying modern society
5. Feminism is destroying the families
6. The Zionist want Islam
7. I like Marvel movies.

so what was girls about? Seems deceptively like it's not about boobs

a bunch of naked women turn up in a small town and start throwing themselves at the men and having sex with them. They don't speak english and when confronted with women, become violent and aggressive and try to kill them. It causes a huge amount of social upheaval as some dudes are more than happy to fuck their mute friends, but the women are in mortal danger.

Eventually the girls turn on everyone and the town drives them off, it turns out they were aliens all along and they fly off into space on a giant penis

Basic Instinct Aliens invade a small town, but their gimmick is that they can rapidly breed (though they only produce "females) after a single night of sex and they are hardwired to kill all the women wherever they land so they can replace them and cuckoo bird whatever species is the dominant life form of the planet. Tries to talk about the complex relationship between men and women, emotions, loyalty, and is all that romance really worth it when these crazy alien chicks are just giving poon away?

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've heard recently.

>Tries to talk about the complex relationship between men and women, emotions, loyalty, and is all that romance really worth it when these crazy alien chicks are just giving poon away?
if nothing else it accurately shows how quickly women would go absolutely mental if they were no longer the soul arbiters of mens dicks, and how little power they have when they cannot withhold sex

Fuck off Girls ripped off Lifeforce, Under the Dome, various zombie fics like Romero and probably Kirkman's TWD and various Deviantart fetishes. This isn't the first time Sup Forums defends the Luna Bros, WTF is up with shills for them here?

it's about space women who want to fuck them, anyone

Being attracted to drawings of children makes you a pedophile.
Also if you use the word "loli" I immediately assume you're fapping to whatever you're describing.

OP said "unpopular opinions" not "objective facts"

truth bombs not allowed

The only good thing the avengers is better the AoU is because is the first.

>He doesn't know what pacing is
>He doesn't know what fitting events together without making the transitions incredibly jarring is

I liked the first part of Bendis Iron Man.
The recolor of The killing Joke is better than the original which was too weird and hard to understand what happens
Dan slott is one of the best spiderman writers if not the best, I loved superior spiderman and dead no more, Sup Forums hates him because he is evil on twitter.
Starlin's Infinity saga before The End is one of the best things ever.
Almost all rebirth titles suck, the issues are rarely connected between them.
Johns Justice league was really good.
Joker is one of the worst characters ever, muh insanity best superpowah evah, he is the ultimate plot armor.

Olay, can you explain me in detail why it sucked so much?

I love attack on titan, death note, Fullmetal alchemist, one punch man.
But anime is fucking suck, the art is fucking shit, it's always the same, realistic for naught.

The best webcomic I've ever read is honestly this biweekly furry comic.