Give me subtitles

Give me subtitles

Other urls found in this thread: Cartoon Les-Kassos

it only has 2 seasons, I need subtitles to 3rd

The fuck she's doing?

I can translate but I dont know how to make subs and frankly dont want to learn

>Le Prolapsus
The prolapse?

Le Prolapsus


The point is that the social worker to all the characters is seeing her YT tutorial about fixing prolapse with FISTO, when the SW puts the screen down we see Sandy in some kind of gynecological wheelchair, at the end of the bit, her sphincter prolapses again.
(you'll need a proxy to France)

Sandy is the woman of my dreams

No proxy but you still need to be frenchy to understand the dialogue.

Someone already did them. Search the archive.

or you can just grab the fucking torrent i made for you


>tfw toaster can't play 1080p videos

I'm so glad those uncensored videos are on there. The way they censored the show is god damn.

>hello tout le monde j'espere que vous allez bien
>alors j'ai recu enormement de questions sur comment obtenir le fameux effet "chaussettes retournees"(?)
>c'est tres simple, moi ce que je fais c'est que je me procure un grand tube de lubrifiant "fisto" en parapharmacie
>ensuite, j'applique la totalite du tube sur tout l'avant-bras... voila...
>puis j'insere mon poing dans mon rectum jusqu'au coude...
>on respire par le nez on souffle par la bouche
>et au bout de trois ou quatre heures je retire tres vite mon bras! Et voila!..
>Et vous me dites que ca plait aux jeunes?
>Ah oui madame, j'ai plus de deux millions d'abonnes, c'est un vrais metier vous savez!

Yeah, and fuck diacritics. Also, if some frenchie could confirm if I got everything right, I'd be pleased.

Thank you kind sir.


Gentleman and a scholar

this one is for the anons

why do you need a translation?
you can understand everything just through the context

bip bip


Do you have more?

If he had a gun the whole time why didn't he just shoot the bird?


someone post the beauty and the beast gif/webm

Fucking Redditfags

captcha: asses rennes

I don't like that I'm probably gonna watch this.

>french animation

I regret clicking that

how do they work?

>speedrunning a VN

I expected to be disgusted, but christ. Instead of Sandy, this is probably gonna be the first thing I think of when someone brings up this show now.

I have like, two days worth of wakfu subbing left, I could help with timing later

Someone already translated the whole thing, just look it up in the archives.

it's french you retard

This reminds me a bit of Monkey Dust, although the animation is much better.

my 80 euro phone can play those

I cant find it. A little help pls


>how do they work?

Go to your torrent client and add a torrent from url. Most torrent clients should already have the link associated though, so you could even try just pasting it to the url bar of your browser.

dude gore lmao

So what did the baby look like?

A minotaur.

>So what did the baby look like?

Horrible enough that the doctor helping with the birth recoiled in horror.

>no seeds


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

wow edgy

Not even remotely as edgy as Gaspar Noe.

You say it's edgy but it's actually pretty smart for what it is. The Coyote spent what, 50 years trying to catch that bird. Obsessed with it. So when he finally catches him, he spends all his pent up aggression on him, then realizes that he wasted all his life on that unsatisfying goal, and now he has nothing left. Given his condition it is actually quite understandable that he then kills himself.

That and it's a reference to another movie.

genuinely family guy tier, i like most of the other segments but this was just stupid

i get it's a reference, and so is shit FG does, but it's not "clever" because "dude it makes sense the coyote would be mad" like no shit, but it's still stupid to put on paper "coyote constantly bashes road runner in a gory mess for awhile, with beats between moments"

I imagine that, if the Coyote ever caught the Roadrunner in a version where age requirement is not an issue, the scene would play out exactly like that.


I want 20 min episod with her

they are really good at making it look well animated and snappy with just a few drawings


>Hello everyone, I hope you are well
>So I have received an enormous amount of questions asking how to get the returned shoes socks effect(?)
>It is very simple, what I do is get a big tube of "Fisto" lube at the pharmacy.
>Then, I apply all the tube on my whole forearm... like so.
>then I insert my fist in my rectum up to the elbow.
>we breathe through the nose and we exhale through the mouth
>And after three or four hours I quickly take out my arm! Like so!
>and you tell me that it is okay for young people?
>Oh yes madam, I have two million subscribers, it's a real job you know!

There's literally nothing smart about this

>predators are rednecks with shotguns and alien calls

thats fucking brilliant.

Seth's Cavalcade of Comedy already did this shit, without the edge.

Someone already translated all of season 3 here:


Oh yeah, Gadget was French originally wasn't he?

Made a 1080p version of this because lol.


>not including preggers

3mb file limit, bro.

>the social worker calls the predators from an earlier season

d e e p e s t l o r e

I love their version of Inspector gadget.

this lady has to deal with so much shit
literally and figuratively

That's fair, thank you for your service

I want more than 20 min with her,that sweet sweet salope à la francaise

>d e e p e s t l o r e

Not the first time that happened. When she met a couple of dorks playing Yu-gi-oh, she was so fed up that she called in Sandy to fuck the everliving shit out of them.

>some of them was steaming from their butts

in a official promo image on facebook that was encoded or something of a puzzle, and sandy is shown with a big ugly dick. cant post it here, but sandy confirmed for duckgirl.


bless you, France.




>family guy
>without the edge

I don't believe you

this is really hot

With Les Kassos season 3 being already translated, maybe the next thing in line could be Startup Heroes, which is in the same spirit


I wasn't expecting that.

that was great.

Not going to lie I would do the same thing.

Who wouldn't?

>it's actually pretty smart

This joke has been done before you fag

>your beast husband is uncontrollable and takes you in public whenever he wants

This is some Family Guy tier unfunny.

is this making fun of racism or something?

France knows how to treat immigrants.

ow the edge

This is really good and I appreciate its existence.


needs audio.
