Remember when Jerry and Nibbles actually kill Tom?

Remember when Jerry and Nibbles actually kill Tom?

The grey mouse's name is Tuffy.


No, the OPs right. That grey mouse's name is Nibbles. I remember it from some of the cartoons and some books I had as a kid.

Tom is literally Deadpool. He cant die.

FYI TOM was the hero Jerry was the cunt villain.

Are you sure you aren’t thinking of Herman and Katnip?

It depends on the cartoon, both names are pretty much correct

The one where he gets the guillotine? I don't really think they were the ones to kill him; moreso French pigs.

Why doesn't Tom just rape Jerry?

I remember when Tom's owner was a sassy black woman who talked in that distinct black accent. I miss that.

Yeah and Tom was working for the fuckstick. There was a weird semi-sequel with the same premise, but ends with Nibbles lulling the crazy evil french guy back to sleep, at which point they all go outside, shake hands, and continue swordfighting.

Tom did nothing WRONG.
When you have VERMIN in your house such as mice, it is the CAT's job to rid the house of the rodent one way or another.

Tom, not only has been doing what he was PURCHASED for, but also is being neglected the whole time.
When was the last time you actualy saw a full bowl of catfood and water around the house?

So not only do faggots believe jerry is the victim here, but that Tom could have alternatives.
He doesn't, and you're wrong.

That through me for a loop as a kid cuz wasn't the king guy designed exactly the same?

He's wrong for being so utterly incompetent at the one job he has in the household

MGM was hungry for another Oscar,after the Piano Cat,however the writers went voerboard woth the idea.


>Worker and Parasite

The first short ever literally started with Tom (or whatever the prototype names were) trying to eat Jerry, fuck off Tom apologist.

>Cat tries to eat mouse

Stop the fucking presses.

Tom was named "Jasper". Jerry had no name at all yet.

>mouse defending itself makes him the bad guy

Okay first off I'm going to agree that he's got an important job and Jerry is invasive and a greedy little fuck too (When he signs on to a truce and is given a slice of steak larger than his own body as his share between himself, Tom and Butch, he is actually UPSET at this) but Tom has also shown sadistic tendencies several times.

In several episodes he has kept Jerry as a toy for amusement. Even when the short doesn't start off with Tom using Jerry to tongue-bind his cigs, he shows utter joy for torturing him in any way.

Of course, Jerry exhibits these traits pretty often as well, though we never show him keeping Tom as a toy, moreso to get him off his back.

Even then, Tom's 'enjoyment' of his work tends to be his main downfall. He's given ample opportunity to end Jerry but leaves himself open for retribution.