Star vs. Forgotten Characters

Wow, he never even said goodbye. Not even a little claw wave or anything.

Other urls found in this thread:!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw

To be fair, he was a bit of an asshole. Eatin babies and all that.

I want Marco to suffer for what he has done to Jackie.

To be fair to the poor sweet idiot, he showed that he could be good and was willing to change for the better(untill Star that is)
Speaking of forgotten things, how long did the live action rip-off lasted before cancellation?

I've seen a lot of fanart of Star's cheek hearts breaking.

Has that happened in the show ever?

this, i would search it myself, but dont remember the name it had

>Tried to make life on Earth work, after realizing he was being annoying.
>Takes Jackie out on a perfect date.
>Jackie tells him he's not over Mewni, dumps him
>I want Marco to suffer for what he has done to Jackie.

Quest Buy, Knight of the Wash, should've happened in a few others besides that

The Other Kingdom. I googled "Star Vs the Forces of Evil ripoff from Nickelodeon".

Trips of truth! I guess you right, he and the red guy deserve more credit.

And for Jackie to come back as a mermaid and date Tom and be happy with life

He couldn't put his stupid cape away for a few fucking hours for his love, user. He chose Mewni over Jackie, and he lost.

What'd you get him for his birthday?

I'm seriously pissed at this. His fucking pride was too much, despite how much Jackie was showing she cared about him.

Jackie doesn't deserve to be axed. Not now.

>lies about getting rid of the cape
>still thinking of Mewni and doing shit at an easy ball game

Pretty sure he's fucking dead, user.

Apparently lasted 20 episodes and ended in a cliffhanger.

>Jackie doesn't deserve to be axed.
You're looking at this the wrong way, Jackie deserves better than to get strung along by these assholes.

She won't be, user. It's another of Nefcy's tricks, a DaRuse.

Posted in last thread. Found this in my SVTFOE file. A little outdated, eh?

He chose Star over Jackie. The reason Marco was so obsessed with Mewni is that's where Star is. Being Star's friend is more important to him than being Jackie's boyfriend.

Though aside from bad writing, why the fuck woudln't Marco have just been going back and forth between Earth and Mewni to visit with Star the whole time? Or even just calling her on the mirror phone?

I'm thinking about it in both ways.

>"It's like you never left Mewni"
He'd be stuck between two worlds user, that ain't healthy.

Autism Incarnate

If you're going to be making "Star vs" threads put the mega folder in the OP!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw

You Know, that is something that episode struck me in a weird way, aparently all the monster goons from season 1 and maybe all are quite starved for affection, it took simple hugs to make them stop and be happy for at least a second so i felt for them and Toffee knew that, exploited it to get castle avarius and makes me alittle uneasy with myself because i've done similar and without remorse, i'm gonna reflect a little on life.

>because the Christmas season starts in early November

That's adorable.

>Calling a carny game easy when they're rigged
>Getting on Marcos case about the cape, when he went through a tragic war torn hell during battle for mewni
>Marco might have ptsd from it and used the cape as a Sort of coping mechanism/security blanket sort of thing
You go to a foreign land and warzone, fight your way out of being a POW and help stop a dictator only to watch your friend die, you try to kill a demon, then watch melty toffee comes crawling at you and tell me you don't have any issues you need to work through

>bad writing
I've had to explain this like five fucking times in the last 24 hours, Star and Marco both had completely legitimate reasons for splitting up for a while.
Did this look like a "see you tomorrow" goodbye?

>That moment where Marco says: 'Buy Jackie, your are my BEST FRIEND"

Shit, most of them died.
Except Buff Frog of course, and Boo Fly who we saw all of once or twice.

THAT REMINDS ME- back in Mathmagic. Tom replaced Marco in one frame. That somewhat makes sense in the context of the show now. But Jackie was replaced by Boo Fly.

What does it mean, anons?

If he's not accompanying Star, he doesn't have a reason to go to Mewni. Ever go somewhere like a restaurant or carnival by yourself?
I guess he could call Star, I don't know why he wouldn't. Star would be against him visiting regularly; I can defend that statement, but it might be a wall of text.

He actually didn't appear in the season 1 finale

Man, he seemed less broken up about having 16 years of his life with Heka, where he no doubt experienced even more dangers

Looks like the dark horse is in the lead!

It's never to late to make amends, user. First step to tackling a problem is acknowledging you have one.


No, it looks like they're both completely distraught about not being able to live together anymore. Which makes it even stranger for them to have no contact at all for weeks on end.

>AU where Jackie is one of the monsters
>just a normal huamn working with monsters
>AU where Marboo is canon


It's not weird for some people to call their girlfriend their "best friend" (I think it's not wise). It is weird for Marco to blatantly lie like that. He couldn't have possibly not thought of Star while he said that, could he?

Either is applicable.

That's because when he physically reverted to 16 years earlier after leaving Hekapoo's dimension, MARCO'S BRAIN WENT BACK TO BEING 14 YEARS OLD TOO! There was also no indication of him having gone through anything during RwS that was as traumatic as literally watching his best friend die in front of him.

Could be stacking up and finally getting to him with the constant stuff going on. Wouldn't surprise me if Marco either snaps or just turns into a sort of sociopath. The dude is coping somehow, just not sure how well at this point. Maybe hes co-dependent on star as to not completely lose his Mind.

[spoilet]the problem is that i felt for the monsters yet i don't feel for the ones i keep playing with, i'm not worried, just slightly confused as to how it came i can care about strangers and animals but not for the ones society says should always be first

tom x boo fly confirmed

Marco coped by sitting around all day daydreaming and bragging to everyone about all the cool shit he did, completely engrossed with himself and his fantasy.
Star coped by actually moving on with her life and refocusing herself on living up to her station.

Star would have been more than happy to see him again if he didn't literally fucking climb through her window with absolutely no notice that he was about to barge back into her life expecting her to drop everything and act like nothing's changed in the past two months.


this guy get it

>Star would be against him visiting regularly; I can defend that statement, but it might be a wall of text.
She desperately wanted him to stay but she didn't want him to come back? Please explain.

Because fictional characters can never hurt or manipulate you, so you aren't invested, or afraid of what they may do.

Desensitization, user. When fucked up shit happens to people in the real world, we know it's just something outside of our control, while in a cartoon we know what's going on even when the characters don't. Y'know how people tell someone in a horror flick not to do something but they do it anyway? It's like that.

When Marco left, Star didn't want to let him go. Until she did. You remember how the episode ended, right?

Drew few Higgses, i kinda want to see more of her in the future.

She's so happy and cute. Holy shit.

I wish I still loved her...

She didn't neccissarily want him to stay. She knew that his home was on Earth, and her feelings would never be returned because he had Jackie. Him sticking around would only make her feel miserable, since every day that she saw him, she would have to wrestle with her feelings, on top of trying to buckle down and get serious about her duties as future Queen. Her memories of her time with marco are like a summer fling, but platonic. It doesn't fit with this new chapter in her life where she's trying to put things right. Consider how she was going to get through the Summer before Toffee came back. She was going to spend time with Oscar, and give Marco space. She's ready to let him go, and move on. That is why she was so upset when he came back to Mewni for no clear reason. She's had to wrestle with her feelings and she had finally got a hold of things, and he comes back to just open the wound again.

i kinda want to see her penis

What annoyed me the most is that Jackie made Marco spend $650 before dumping him.


She a cute, carl. You did good.

Gimme requests

In some of these she's almost indistinguishable from Jackie

God DAMMIT Nefcy. How you gon' do me like this?

Marco in a plain suit of armor trying to look like a knight.

rly makes u thnk

>Consider how she was going to get through the Summer before Toffee came back. She was going to spend time with Oscar, and give Marco space.
No, she was desperately trying to force herself to like Oskar so that she could do that. It couldn't have been more obvious that it wouldn't work, and it still wouldn't have worked if Moon had never showed up and said she had to come back to Mewni.

>She's ready to let him go, and move on.
More accurately, she thinks she's SUPPOSED to do that.

But Jackie wasn't planning to dump him from the beginning, just after they hugged and he lied to her.

I don't know what to feel anymore

19-year old star

Marco and Higgs dressed in armour doing knightly things

Marco spent $1300 on Goblin Dogs shit
Another sign of his immaturity, he fucking throws his money away because he's secure now and doesn't have the foresight to hold on to it for when he might not be secure.
I bet $650 he loses his money supply next episode.

Not really, how

You mean "nightly" things

Here you go! All done! I even threw in a table for good measure. No need to thank me.

Have a freebie.

you got me there

Daily/threadly reminder to love and defend your waifu, and to thank the drawfags
War is the mother of all invention and waifu wars help the inspire the creations from drawfags AND writefags

>Jarco died. Marco is getting cucked. TomStar looking dim. New girl Higgs might just be a trap. Funposting is over. Everything is suffering

Higgs and Marco in Christmas Attire

Maybe the entire overarching plot could have been avoided if Star hugged Toffee.

>clang clang clang

Going to be honest, i don't think i understand both of you, i'm not feeling vulnerable by other people nor the dread of others getting hurt by natural ocurrences,i'm saying that i'm capable of being altruist with strangers and feel happy for them yet don't give a flying fuck for who i'm using, just cater to basic superficial affection, disguise my repulsion as friendly sass and they eat it up.



Alright, I'll leave.


>"I don't want a hug."

>Marco struggles to win
>Jackie wins with ease
>her prize is a plush (Marco)
>gets taken away
What did Nefcy mean by this?

To be fair, you have to have enough emotional intelligence to understand Star vs the forces of evil. The plot is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of solid romanticism most of the drama will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Star’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation her personal philosophy draws heavily from Thomas of Celano's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these shippings, to realise that they’re not just drama they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Star vs the forces of evil truly ARE idiots of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the drama in Stars’ darkest spell “The all seeing eye,” which itself is a cryptic reference to J. R. R. Tolkien's Mordor from The Lord of the ring. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Daron Nefcy’s genius wit unfolds itself on their smartphones screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Star vs the forces the evil tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only and even then they have to demonstrate that they tolerate me enough (preferably love me or cuck me) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Please be happy and don't overdose on both of the drinks on your table

I don't know either dude. Maybe it's the knowledge that they'll always come back, no matter what. That it's a given to have people like that.

>TomStar looking dim.
Please, what could be weird about two teenagers sharing a home? One boy. One girl.

this meme is stale and you should feel bad

>No, she was desperately trying to force herself to like Oskar
Because she was trying to get over Marco. The point stands.

>she thinks she's SUPPOSED to do that. [let him go]
Her conversation with Eclipsa seems to back up that notion. This is actually what makes her knighting ceremony particularly interesting. It was Star indirectly making Marco vow to stay by her side in good times and bad. A vow to stay by someone's side, in sickness and in health...really makes you scratch your chin and look off to the side. I'm sruprised there hasn't been more funposting about this scene.

TomStar dying and Starco winning will be the next collage user
Nefcy has already written it. She's just baiting us

Still new. We'll get there.

Has Eden Sher ever voiced opinions about Starco? Or shipping in general?

I know Marco's VA is pretty open about being a starcobro.

So I just watched these past few episodes, and I did quite enjoy them, but I still can't comprehend why Star and Marco couldn't just visit each other every now and then.

I mean, why did their goodbye have to be so definitive? It made sense when Star first left, because Toffee was at large and Moon wanted to protect Star by going into hiding. That meant no contact with anyone. I can buy that.

But now that Toffee's dead and gone, there's literally no reason why they couldn't keep in touch, is there? Am I missing something?

She doesnt ship them. I know that much.

She said originally that she thinks they're good friends and didn't support them being paired romantically. She hasn't commented recently, at least to my knowledge.

She LITERALLY said "as long as we both shall live", and Marco said "I do."


I'd be interested to hear her thoughts now that she's had to verbally confess Star's feelings for Marco.

We were just having that conversation

Eden doesn't give a shit about the show, compared to folks like Adam or Sabrina