I actually really like Kevin. he's a jerk in a way i like more than Ronaldo and Lars, who are just unbearable

I actually really like Kevin. he's a jerk in a way i like more than Ronaldo and Lars, who are just unbearable.

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>How do friends work!
Love the guy to be honest.
Stevonnie x Kevin best ship

he is a chad, so of course he is better

That’s pedophilia.

14 +13= 27

hey, Sup Forums, why are all kevins jerks?

Stevonnie is still two kids.

A fusion is more than the sum of their parts

So this was okay and not pedophilia because she was in the body of an adult at the time?

I don't understand what makes him a jerk. He's a jerk for being hetero? Was his asking someone to dance actually supposed to be interpreted as sexual harassment?

But he's pretty much a rapist. Steven is still traumatized over the almost rape.

He's a jerk because he got his heart broken by a girl he likes for sharing his feelings with her.

He wasn't just asking to dance. He was also being a jerk about it, saying that they are the best in the party and not taking a no for an answer


Being a jerk about asking someone to dance shouldn't mean someone is considered "the most evil person ever!" lol. Even Sugar admitted that they made Steve uncharacteristically angry at Kevin in the racing episode. Sure, he's a bit of a womanizer. But Steven and his friends have literally been attempted to be killed by Peridot, and by Lapis. It doesn't make sense that he'd take Kevin's "crime" more personally than theirs.

sex is worse than violence

Lars and Kevin are both okay
Ronaldo.... Nah he's a prick and a psychopath


He can take over your body and it'll be your fault!!!

Holy shit. I forgot about that. Steven totally fucks over Lars and takes over his body without permission, and yet he's pissed at Kevin?

that episode was basically mario odyssey before mario odyssey

minus the tf2 joke fodder

The way I see it if someone is trying to fuck your girlfriend you're going to hate them. Now imagine you're a young kid and this guy is trying to fuck your girlfriend AND you.

>smelling his finger

Okay, but also, Lapis tried to kill his girlfriend. I think I'd be more upset that somebody tried to kill my girlfriend than I would having someone trying to fuck my girlfriend.

This fucking Guy

Did Guy ever found out that Mary is still a child and how did he react?

I'd be aroused, desu. I had a thing for older guys when I was young.

>"Steven, I thought you name is Clearence"
What did ((((they)))) mean by this?

You're right, Lapis got away with too much shit just to be sweapt under the rug like it never happened. That doesn't make Kevin less shit.

It's like when a gay is flirting how handsome you are and wants to dance with you but you politely say no and he wouldn't take no for an answer and his thirstiness to be with you comes off as being a jerk instead of respecting your rebuffs

That's a bit of a straw man argument. Physical fighting is different from sexually tense situations

Dancing isn't sex. And also I think attempted murder is possibly more severe than sexual misconduct.

He acted like an ass on the race episode

His own parents even treated him like he was at fault. Also, the "cool kids" proved they're all unlikable.

> Even Sugar admitted that they made Steve uncharacteristically angry at Kevin in the racing episode.

I like to think that Steven was subconsciously angry because Kevin indirectly was making a move on Connie (that he likes), and on him.

I want more Kevin episodes, he is such a fresh air in this series

No it's more like a 13 y/o and a 14 y/o sharing the same body. Stevvonie is less masture than Connie by herself. Stevvonie doesn't operate with the maturity of a 27 y/o either, she acts like a kid, because she essentially is a very large child.

Like most women

>Kevin is probably 16-17
>Steven is 14, Connie 13

Eh he's basically a non-character. Just a walking stereotype.

>Just a walking stereotype
and that makes him awesome

But it's the role of the male to pursue until the female gives in. That's how it's always been, ever since sexual dimorphism first came about. The female has to be choosy because of their naturally greater investment in offspring, and the male has to prove their worth by being relentless.

sorry, but Steven has to resolve everything with tears

Kevin was great this episode:

Fluorite must be a fusion between various different Coprolite (literally fossilized pieces of shit) gems then.

You mean, in a way that makes your pussy wet?

>Kevin is okay

I love him because of how stupidly angry steven gets towards him
not against killers out for blood
not for tyrants that want to reduce his homeworld to a battery
not for emotionally broken humans or gems
but for a random guy that flirted towards what he considered to be a hot chick

he is the man

No Kevin is EVIL!

He actually hit on a girl, at a party!!!!! The bastard deserves death!

Jesus Christ, you guys are still going with this shit

my name's Kevin you fucking dork.
Cartoon people are scared of me because one day I'm gonna take their jobs and create something that's actually worthwhile.

>"My name is Kevin you fucking dork"

Wait, so Steven and Connie aren't dating? They're just...jam buds?

>The female has to be choosy
But simultaneously the male has to ignore their choice? If so then why all the unnecessary 'programming'?

They are dating so much they don't even realize they are dating

You're doing Gods work ahahha