Was this unironically the best 60s cartoon?

Was this unironically the best 60s cartoon?

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The episodes with the paint wars are kino

The silent episodes were.

>paints over someone's house and fucking takes it
>somehow in the right

>Was this unironically the best 60s cartoon?
Sí. I mean, oui.

Astro Boy

Cartoon, not anime.

i dont understand, was this supposed to be the same as the detective series? is pink panther a literal interpretation of the name instead of a diamond? or are they completely unrelated just happen to have the same unique name?

pink panther is the diamond, (according to movies: you can see leaping panther in the stone) intro of every pink panther movie was animated, then it became its own cartoon

I dunno, what are some other 60s cartoons?

They made an animated intro for the first one featuring the pink panther character and spun him off into cartoons and home insulation mascotting, in the movie the pink panther is a diamond.

I remember having a dvd of these and being miffed that half the cartoons had a laugh track burned into em but oh well

ahh ok thank you for clearing that up.

more importantly, what do the aardvark and the fire-breathing dragonfly have to do with the original movie?

The Flintstones

>dat outro song in the German dub

>Wer hat an der Uhr ge- dreht, ist es wirk- lich schon so spät, ...

Did the show have such an iconic as fuck song in other languages?

What does this mean?

>"Who turned the fingers of the clock? Is it really this late already?"
It's facetiously bemoaning the fact that the time went by so fast.

The German version was pretty unique in many regards. I think it's the only one that actually had narration... in rhymes, that is.


>Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht, ist es worklich schon so spät?
>Soll das heißen, ja ihr Leut, mit dem Paul ist Schluss für heut.
>Paulchen Paulchen mach doch weiter, jag das Männchen auf die Leiter.
>Säg und pinsle bunte Wände, treibe Scherze ohne Ende,
>Machst ja manchmal schlimme Sachen über die wir trotzdem lachen,
>Denn Du bist, wir kennen dich, doch nur Farb- und Pinselstrich.
>Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht, ist es wirklich schon so spät?
>Stimmt es, dass es sein muss, ist für heute wirklich Schluss

-Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komm wieder, keine Frage!

Roughly means:
Who turned the hands on the clock, is it really this late already? Does that mean, yes people, with Paul it's done for today. Paulchen Paulchen why don't you continue, chase the little white guy up the ladder, saw and paint colorful walls, joke around without stopping, you sometimes do bad things, about which we still laught, because you are, we know you, just color and paintbrush stroke. Who turned the hands on the clock, is it really that late already? Is it true that is has to be? Is it really the end for today?
-"Today's not all days, I come back, no question about it!"

Especially that last line he says is absolutely iconic and used to this day.

Thanks for the input. I wish more shows had unique non literal translation work.

The 'Ant & The Aardvark' segments were my favourites.

The big question: Was it a he or a she in your dub?

I got a couple.
>Scooby Doo
>The Flintstones
Basically Hanna-Barbara

>that episode where he speaks

>my favorite in the old series too
>but i fucking hate them so much in the new one
