My ex has gone off the deep-end screaming that a vote for Trump is a vote for sexual assault

My ex has gone off the deep-end screaming that a vote for Trump is a vote for sexual assault.

Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?


How is CWC these days? I haven't heard much since the gamestop mace fiasco

He got a cut in his taint and thinks its a vagina. He masturbates by rubbing it until pus comes out.

That sounds about right

>Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?

Last part is untrue, though it would be hilarious if it was

>my ex

I am assuming this was for a reason and what you said only affirms my thinking so.

Ya done good user. Ditch the bitch and drive forward. There are no breaks on the Trump train.

>Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?


I know Americans don't have conversations with wives, but you should at least try to explain tot hem. You even got Wikileaks to back it up.

Man. He looks really normal in that OP pic, still innocent and untarnished by the internet. Here's a recent pic from a YouTube vid where he is rambling on about Sega...again. Goes by Christine now...I guess

Bill Clinton was already elected twice. Also, he's not running for president.

"Bill isn't running for President!!!!!"

whats with the red around the eyes.

Hillary is complicit and bragged about getting a guy whom she knew was guilty off for raping a child.

But whatever. Grab pussy is easier to meme.

McMullin looks like Rob "Heading out to the Hershey Highway" Halford

This senpai:

>Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?

They don't. It's all marketing.

Truth is, Bill and Trump are probably both equally guilty. Rich assholes tend to be horny perverts.

if he had actually kept his body in reasonable check he wouldn't of looked half bad, but once he got to overtly fat, simply to late

>Hillary's just a rape apologist!! See? Not as bad!

I think I'm going to throw up

Republicans are voting for Trump because he's a bigoted womanizer with racist closed minded views. He's basically the meme figurehead of all of the conservative right's racist and testosterone filled ideals. That's the difference.

>shilling this hard

You will be paying Alimoney while sleeping in a van. I guarantee it.

Dude, don't. Someone will end up posting the pictures.

The worst part is, large swaths of the black community relate to him more because of those controversies. Not even joking.

>Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?

Yes. What, did you expect a liberal with a brain or something?

Great, now someone is going to post the webm

they dont care about what trump or the clintons have done.
they only want to have the popular opinion, which is whatever the tv tells them.



she's your ex for a reason,
ignore the cunt and resume life.

>My ex has gone off the deep-end screaming that a vote for Trump is a vote for sexual assault.

Hillary's Open Borders + Massive "Syrian Refugees" + Cancelling the 2A + Obama's Open Bathrooms = American women and children are going to be raped and molested like crazy. It borders on ethnic cleansing of native-born Americans.

If your cuck'd faggot ex actually gave a shit about women being molested, he'd be voting hard for Trump, Trump's wall and Trump's extreme vetting policies and his ardent stance on absolutely respect for law and order.

>My ex has gone off the deep-end screaming that a vote for Trump is a vote for sexual assault.
>Do libs just not acknowledge Bill Clinton's numerous rape allegations?

Point out the litany of rapes and sexual assaults, child rape, etc., being done in Europe thanks to "migrants" who are claiming to be "refugees."

Point out Hillary supports letting men into women's bathrooms.

Point out Hillary wants to take away second amendment as an actual American right to defend themselves even up to lethal force if necessary.

It is completely fucking insane and retarded to vote for Hillary if you give a shit about women being molested or raped, etc. Hillary wants to grant murderers, rapists, etc., amnesty and make them American citizens, for fuck sake's.

This is nothing. Today, a fat lesbianic tumblrina told me that men who vote Trump only do so so they can enslave women again.

You need to grab her by the pussy and tell her to shut up.

No, they refuse to talk about it every time.

Libtard beta male friend with aspergers who has rarely had a girlfriend went on and on about the " grab em by the pussy comment".

Said nothing about Hillary calling his victims trailer trash and bimbos, and personally threatening them. Not one thing.

Also ignored all the crazy anti-Russian propaganda and her completely ignoring the " no fly zone" question.