Hairy Polarity and the Sinister Sorcery Satire storytime

I hope you're ready for a truly mindblowing Christian commentary on the Harry Potter series.

Keep the thread bumped if you're interested






Holy shit this slammin slang really connects to a unenfrancgised youth such as myself


Ah, good ol' Tim Todd.

I, for one, will never forget the comic where his generic characters implied that there are plenty of pornographic websites based around Biblical stories.






Honestly this stuff is great satire. It's a shame that some people seriously believe it.




And we're halfway through. I'm gonna take a cigarette break.






The kid's name is Ari? So are they Jews for Jesus or something?

shit's about to getreal

Christianity is derived from Judaism. I thought people were taught this at elementary school?









author's note: every second reading harry potter is time not spent reading the bible

and the back cover

I'm gonna take a five and when I get back I want to see some (You)s

this guy's other comic about the evils of rock music made the rounds in Finnish metal scene back in 2007

I remember it had some not-marilyn manson with kiss facepaint singing some of the worst lyrics I've ever seen

well fug I found it






a tim todd thread?

on my Sup Forums?

ask and ye shall receive

>was a big blackish green and scally, had a skull-like face, large teeth and like antlers coming out of his head.
What the fuck? They should have just made a story about the parents getting exorcised, that sounds badass.

>>was a big blackish green and scally, had a skull-like face, large teeth and like antlers coming out of his head
sounds like a Castlevania boss

My wife and I are literally getting ready for a Wizard-themed pub crawl tonight.

Thank you for saving my soul with all this tubular teen slang before it was too late, Sup Forums

>pub crawl
you'll be on your knees by the time morning rolls in - probably not praising jesus though.







I'm so use to comics using those "*" as references that I keep thinking every time I see it they're saying that character is from the bible.

don't talk shit about our lord and savior Tim Todd


being a complete fucking degenerate is a-OK as long as you're a born again Christian

>I want to see some (You)s
Here you go.


This is what I don't understand about people who claim witchcraft and shit like this is real.

Why don't we see like, fucking, kids walking backwards on ceilings or summoning demons or fucking what ever? Like, if this is happening clearly there are people who are okay with it and would incorporate it into their daily life?

No, the best we get are goths who claim they are witches and LARP in the woods with candles.

I reset my router to bump my own thread. as such I see no (You)s that are replying to post-Hairy Polarity comics

>I see no (You)s that are replying to post-Hairy Polarity comics
by that I mean I see only the (You)s in the original Hairy Polarity comics







>the people we robbed didn't arrive to court so they decided I wasn't guilty
I don't know jackshit about law, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

>This is what fundamentalists actually believe.

Nice to see the American Taliban has a comic book artist besides Jack Chick.

>Detestable to God
Beating your kids because they didn't clean their rooms fast enough? Perfectly fine. Making your kids go to midnight church services on Sunday when they have to wake up for school at 5:30 a.m.? Cool. Guilt-trip them into signing up for every single service project on a moment's notice? Totally okay.

Read about a harmless fantasy world that doesn't mention any religion whatsoever and encourages thinking and cleverness over brute force- WHOA THERE THAT'S EVIL SHIT.

Excuse me, those books aren't harmless. They contain real instructions for summoning demons. Remember that part in Prisoner of Azkaban where they interrupt the story for a seventeen-page how-to guide for summoning Belial?

let's pray!


I really hope you guys don't post pics of naked chicks here

That was Order of the Phoenix, genius.

PoA details how to sacrifice small animals. Rowling had her readers take baby steps. First the tribute, then the summoning.




Did your parents ever chew you out for looking at porn, Sup Forums?

Someone who went to a protestant school here. This isn't an exaggeration of what these families look like. There was this one really awkward kid in my highschool who was convinced that there was some sort of suicide cult started by Pokemon due to demonic brainwashing that his father almost was partook in. His father was in his sixties by the way. Some teachers would send you to the headmaster if they caught you reading Harry Potter. Ironically enough though, the headmaster was a super chill dude who'd always get annoyed by teachers doing this, so he'd buy said kids lunch as compensation for wasting their time which encouraged more people to do it.

I'll never get how some people could get anal over sth. as harmless as Harry Fucking Potter. Also how would the existance of magic and witchcraft deny god anyway in the first place? He could still exist in the HP world, some dudes fumbling around with sticks while screaming EXPELLEAMUS won't change that...

That's a very anime inspired looking art style for a comic preaching about sin.

In the bible it's said that unless magic comes from God then it's actually an illusion created by the devil. How this translates to fiction I have no clue.

This shit is to wordy.

Did someone else redraw this? I've seen this with a different artist but the setup is nearly identical

Anyone have that one about Columbine?

I vaguely remember seeing these comics with the exact same scripts and plots a long time ago, but it was with typical Western comic-style art. They changed it up to the hip new (for 2004 at least) anime style to attract a wider audience, I guess.

One difference is they made it more diverse and the non-white characters more often the voice of reason. Like for I distinctly remember the horndogs were Hispanic and the good Christian kid was white, instead of the other way around here.


That would be "school violence" in .

I recall the story opening with the school's principal being more angry about a student wearing a Christian-themed parody T-shirt than the fact that a student brought a gun into the school planning to shoot up the place.

I'm sorry what? I must have misread that.

I don't have it on me, but from what I recall, the story opens with the shooter pulling a gun on a Christian student, only to hesitate when the student tries to talk him down. Cops come in and arrest the shooter; the principal comes onto the scene and complains about the student's shirt right to his face.

I can't believe Toriyama stole Super Saiyan Rose from Harry Potter

School violence it is!

Sorry for the wait

