How did Green Lantern ever recover from this utter thrashing?

How did Green Lantern ever recover from this utter thrashing?

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That racist hal didn't protect us from the hawkpeople.

Hal even friends with those bastards.

People will call this cheesy and dated but I absolutely love this moment, and the rest of the comic series

He doesn't, he just fucks up a little worse every time

How many fucking times did Hal save Earth's whole population, or even a single major city in America that more than likely had a sizable black population?
Just asking.

was the Green Lantern/Green Arrow series just them trolling each other? why were they hanging out with each other?

Thanks to his feeling of superiority over green arrow because his sidekick doesn' t do drugs.

Oliver made Hal check his privilege, then Ganthet joined them on a road-trip that ended way too soon even though the series still continued.


Funny how people bash Aquaman for his power seeming useless yet he's highly competent with his abilities while Hal has what's possibly one of the most powerful weapons of the DCU, but keeps on getting his ass owned or humiliated.

Two words: ROAD TRIP

Be honest. How many times can you actually name where Hal actually did that?

he killed the bastard in Zero Hour, so I guess he got his comeuppance

None, that's why I'm asking. Never read a single GL story that's older than this crossover.

Do GLs have jurisdiction to get involved in the politics of the planets they police?

Hal recovers from controversy by starting an even worse controversy.

like being a pedo or becoming parallax.

So he's kind of like Donald Trump?

I assume he flew the guy into space while screaming STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!

Ask Sinestro.


Hey Sinestro, do the GL have authority to interfere in the politics of the planets they police?



lol fuck them join sinestro corps


What the hell Hal he's like your best friend.

>implying you wouldn't smash an attractive 240-year-old
Hal "age is off the clock, ready for my cock" Jordan knew what was up

Shoulda called Black Lantern.

>John Steward actually calls himself this in his first appearance
It feels so wrong to read that now.


they were going through a bad break-up, they got better at least

the fuck is it with Major Force and fridging GLs' girlfriends

Why didn' t they bury her in her home planet?


I wish they didn't ruin the arc with the 10,000 retcons to make Hal a hero again

It was pretty great and Kyle is best lantern btw

Well, Hal doesn't check his.

I mean the main villain of Aquaman is still a black man whose name is almost entirely composed of the letters "black man."

Gee Hal, how come Parallax lets you have ten rings?

pre-Xanshi John is a treasure

Also, Hal is either in his 50s or had food in the fridge before Clarke was even born.

>the guy who wrote this now writes Skylander


Who the fuck keeps food in their refrigerator for over 17 years?

Because Hal is an ass.
Hal Jordan and Spike Spiegel.

>right winger is secretly a pedophile
Why does this keep happening?

>this is John's first page ever
w e w

hey it's space legal, Hal isn't really bound by US laws

To be fair, both of them are older than him. Kara has at least a decade on him, if not more if he's the same age as Superman, or even younger. Arisia is at least 200 years older too.

He's more like a cougarfucker.

He did this just to make Arthur look bad, it's fine.

>US comics did loli before lolis were a thing

But Sup Forums told me that DC didn't have any virtue signaling.

back when segregation was still a thing yeah

>the two parademons that come out of nowhere to punch him while he's on the ground
>gets me every time.

"I'M REALLY 2000 YEARS OLD" only works in anime, Hal.

So is Cosmic Odyssey worth reading?

You get a pass when people's right to eat a fucking sandwich in peace is being trampled on.

...also schools, healthcare, jobs, etc.

>implying Hal isn't an anime protag.
He is Gundam.

as a comedy yeah, also it is an important story for John and J'onn
also the way Xanshi was destroyed is literally one of the funniest things I've ever seen in comics

This gets funnier every time.

>even Gathnet calling out Hal for racism

Holy shit

Why is Darkseid just chillin' there? I thought he was evil.

Things were a lot rougher back then.

Best part about that movie.

Wait, when the fuck did this happen?

Nonchalant chillin' is like a solid 80~90% of Darkseid's MO. Usually it's his minions who do the fucking shit up at his behest.

Nah he's Gurren Lagann. Mobile Suits don't care about willpower, only the color red.

I would have been fine with Rebirth just being an asspulls to bring the corps, Guy and John back (seriously, 90's Guy Gardner is painful), but rolling back Hal wad a step too far.

Now we have Halfagging, Barryfagging, and this whole sentiment of "just roll it back!" instead of being creative.

Latest issue of Hal and Pals

I always liked his next attempt at Darkseid too

He's waiting for Metron to get off the seat so he can sit in it.

If modern white cops kill black people at the drop of a hat I cannot imagine white cops back then would have just let that slide and walked off.

you're asking questions which don't really have a sensible answer
just read this story, it's not too long and it's current Neal Adams-tier insane, while also for some ungodly reason being an important part of GL and New Gods canon

just last week in Hal's Metal tie-in

Damn, Hal got so sad his gloves turned yellow.

Seeing Hal pretty much get mugged made me like JL War

That's Kyle though

cuz they're friends user

Darkseid is all about relaxing man.
He could blow up Earth whenever but right now there are some fancy chairs to sit in.

Except Trump never tried to kill the Justice League, so worse

DC cares more about Aquaman than GL, so they're trying to fix Aquaman's reputation while they use GL as more and more of a joke

It's his cousin THICCseid

>Darkseid and Fate on the same side

Kyle is just a weeaboo, Hal is the actual shonen protagonist

They were fighting the sentient version of the Anti-Life equation.

>before lolis were a thing
Loli comes from the classic novel Lolita, it was a thing long before DC comics.

I want an edit where John Stewart tells this old guy to go fuck himself.

>They were fighting the sentient version of the Anti-Life equation.
Comics are fucking weird.

DC predates 1955 by a considerable margin.

>Except Trump never tried to kill the Justice League
That we know of.

Anime as fuck

John is a beefy motherfucker, has no weapon, is in broad daylight, has witnesses, and the situation has taken too long. The officer's only chance was when John touched him.

Even back then when there were plenty of openly racist cops, they usually stopped at hosing people and or implying you're gonna get your shit fucked. John just happened to be in the exact right time where arresting a man for breaking up an argument in that part of the country would get the officer in hot water. He's also mostly keeping his cool, which is a big part of not getting arrested.

TL;DR John's a big scary motherfucker talking calmly but firmly at the right time and place to a pussy cop.



If the president wants to kill the League, who does he send after them?

>Taking a stance against legally enforced racism is virtue signalling

Kill yourself.

Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon, and the entire WB board of executives

Man fuck you, Ippo is shit.

Hahaha, oh FUCK.

Are you going to deny the fact that this is how most of Hal's fights go?

The constant slashing of police salaries and department self-policing of officers ensures that in the modern scenario the cool headed veteran officer wouldn't exist..

Don't bring company wars here, this is a good thread.


>Light hearted, harmless, topical, political dad jokes offend me

I didn't deny Hal was also shit.

>Don't bring company wars here, this is a good thread.
I'm surprised, since it starts with utterly BTFOing Sup Forums and they usually get mad at that.

Nah it was just a joke, I’m actually pretty hyped for Justice League

>tfw it's really easy to find people to watch an MCU movie with, but I have to watch JL by myself