HumanmaleXfurry female > humanfemaleXfurrymale

humanmaleXfurry female > humanfemaleXfurrymale

Well, you're not wrong.

If you include furtrash or anything similar, or even enjoy it, you should simply die.

xD lol itrol u

yeah, no shit? and water is wet.
What a pointless thread

Either way, you're a degenerate.

human male X feral female > human male X furry female

I disagree but I respect your opinion.

good thread

This, but not full feral. She can communicate intelligently but loves being a wild jungle girl by choice

I suppose that feral means full zoophile on furryism

You would be correct in that assumption.


I thought he meant feral as in uncivilized human from years of living in the jungle

That said: Both parings are acceptable if they love each other

No, among the furry circles, Feral = real animal. So FurryXFeral is beastiality porn with two muzzles.

Any porn with humans domming anything is top tier.

>he's a romancefag
>not doing sex only for pure and dirty lust

You sweet summer child.

Now I'm imagining a caveman fucking a guy in a mascot suit.

I consider both spoilers to be true.