Why is Swamp Thing so perfect?

Why is Swamp Thing so perfect?

Could ST beat Grundy?

>can the god of all plant life on Earth beat a zombie who only knows how to recite a single nursery rhyme?

No apparently.

Swamp thing could have taken him if he had a decent pair of pants.

Solomon Grundy evil swamp magic is super effective against plantlife.


I guess I learned something today.

>Solomon Grundy evil swamp magic is super effective against plantlife.
Looks like you're right about that.

Earth-2 doesn’t count because that Solomon Grundy is the avatar of the Rot and Alan Scott is the avatar of the Green and has his magic ring instead of Swamp Thing being an omnipotent, omnipresent being

didn't Swampy not want to fight in that issue (like in most 80s and 90s Swamp Thing issues)

Does this matter, Swampy's body is irrelevant

He is the best chair.

Why does Snyder suck on Batman yet his Swamp Thing is good? Also we need more Grundy vs Swamp Thing matchups

I, Vampire was also excellent, and very recommendable.

His Batman was good, too.
I mean everyone loved his stuff right before the switch to N52.
And personally I like the Court of Owls biz.
The event stuff with Joker was garbage, but even then his crap was the lesser of two shitstains compared to the tie ins and other writer's attempts.

What is this?

A chair for ants?!

Super Heavy is great and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

That second panel almost looked like Swamp Thing's legs were rapped around Grundy in a very sexual position.

>et his Swamp Thing is good?
Actually it was ass. Rebirth Swamp Thing is the shittiest thing its not even the same character

Fuck off casual

Oh, sorry.

I was referring to New 52 Swamp Thing, with Rotworld and the Animal Man crossover

>we need more Grundy vs Swamp Thing matchups
They fought in one of the JL Action episodes. I forget which one, but it was one of the first few to come out.

Had a brain fart, I meant new 52 was complete ass because it wasn't even the same character

Yeah cause it was a continuation from Swamp Thing's situation after Brightest Day with Alex Holland being alive.

That doesn't make it not ass or a really dumb thing to do

Sorry Johns Chimped out and required his GL run to remain canon. I don't really think it effected the story that much.

Is there anything about Alex Holland's character you don't like or simply "not muh"?

Wait... then what about Swamp Thing vs Poison Ivy... in a sex fight.

Because it was actually Holland this time? I personally disagree with you, New 52 ST was great up until the end of Rot World

He was more whiny

They don't really see eye to eye in the Rotworld timeline


Nah, fuck off lad. Alec Holland was the OG Swamp Thing before Moore retconned it for his dumb 2deep4u "plant pretending its a man" shit, and even in Moore's run Swamp Thing is a title held by many people through the years so whining "NUH MUH SWAMP THING" is something you can blame on Moore in the first place.

Alan is legit a worse character and doesn't act like any of the older swamp things including the very original one

>Alan is legit a worse character
Agreed, his writing should not be put on a pedestal.
>and doesn't act like any of the older swamp things including the very original one
Well I should hope not, he worships a snake god.