It's been an honour shitposting with you guys, whatever happens tomorrow, we're with you, amerifats

It's been an honour shitposting with you guys, whatever happens tomorrow, we're with you, amerifats

Kill me

If Hilary wins, I won't need to, brother

This goes much deeper than any of us thought, the food network is the key to this whole fucking thing, get digging boys.

Walking down the street to vote at 8am tomorrow.
In baltimore. Wish me luck Bros


You're a leaf but you're our leaf, and we love you. We won't let you down.

Thanks leaf means a lot.

World's future is in your hands amerifats
UK gave the first step, you must take the second

Make Maryland Great Again with me, bro.

We will do everything in our power to stop that stupid bitch from becoming president. Iowafag reporting in for trump.

Lord Kek has made his will known.
All we can do now brothers is vote.
I wish i could from NZ but alas, maybe in a future election.

Lets make America Great again.

Praise Kek.

If the election is rigged, riot
If the election is rigged, the riot will succeed

Your integers prove that you speak tha tru tru

KEK be praised!

Thanks syrup slurper

Please, don't just do it for yourself

Do it for the world


We fought the great meme war. We had our great moments. We watched happenings together, then we got the hang of it. We learned. We created a meme god and watched it grow and make the world tremble. We've seen all of our paranoid ramblings become true one by one, we've trolled the shit out of the establishments to extents only seen before in the golden days of ancient Sup Forums. We even exposed their satanic cult in ways than the FBI could only dream of.

We have been anonymous. And it was glorious.
Whatever happens tomorrow I won't forget you, guys.

I'm glad to have been with you guys throughout this whole year, it's been crazy. From the Announcement of Trump running. the Insane republican debates

Remember Rubio the Robot?
Jeb bush just being a waste.

Good stuff

Then Kek made himself known and his true act will hopefully come to fruition tomorrow as his Prophet is elected the leader of the greatest country in the world.

Thank you kek.

Thanks leafbro.

Of course, it is likely enough, my friends,' he [MemeBeard] said slowly, 'likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Chans. But if we stayed home and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. That thought has long been growing in our hearts; and that is why we are marching now. It was not a hasty resolve. Now at least the last march of the Memers may be worth a song

Sngles- I vote for Trump

Double- I vote for Hillary


I'm with you until the end, Sup Forums

I spent so much money on books recommended by you folks. Whatever happens, this has been the best use of time in my life.

Possible happening tomorrow?

Who would you foreign bros vote for?


This has been a wonderful ride friends :)