What's behind the vault?

What's behind the vault?

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dragon dildos

Instead of rereleasing the same ten movies over and over again they should rerelease their shorts again.


I like shorts. They are comfy and easy to wear.

There's rumors floating about that the actual Disney vault has unfinished Mickey Mouse shorts that were abandoned for one reason or another. Mostly just test reels and incredibly old promotional material, nothing supernatural like Suicide Mouse or anything.


On a serious note, I'm actually curious to know what would be in Disney's personal bank vault. Probably Steamboat Willy cels and stuff.

Some very quiet child's rotten corpse.

An embarassing photo of Spongebob at the Christmas party.

kek I understood that reference

Sketches as well. I'd be interested to see what kind of ideas Walt had that never actually made it to the screen.

There was nothing in Al Capone's vault
But it wasn't Geraldo's fault

Have you read The ones that walk away from Omelas? Well, it's that.
A forsaken child.

The alternate version of Song of the South where klansmen hang Uncle Remus.

Hey fatso, we got your favorite thing! Disappointment!
t. Lazzo

Walt Disney's cryo -stasis pod.

-Mickey Mouse's phylactery.
-The map to Toontown
-Superman's corpse parts

anatomically correct models of every Disney girl, including the animals

Walt’s frozen head, classic shorts, movies, animation cells and anti Semitic journals you know the usual stuff

Song of the South

The HD revised version of Treasure Planet and the only copy of Treasure Planet 2

Nothing in the vault wasn't Geraldo's fault
Making a fool of himself was

I'd pay good money for some original Walt Disney smut cartoons.
