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Wow. Those Flash effects look awful.

Oh my god, this movie is going to be hilarious.
So terrible.
This scene might have worked better if Clark wasn't wearing his pajamas.
Dunking on Flash was okay.
We're going to be shitposting about this movie for years.

thanks spared wathcing me this movie

Henry Cavill has oddly stubby arms.

>Superman as fast as The Flash.


It was for Charity

Not gonna lie I enjoyed that.

So the scene where they all stand there is to face a resurrected Supes? Cook


>Cyborg ripping off Blue Beetle's dynamic with the Scarab

I never thought I'd live to see the day.

>Cyborgs effects

+Super speed "oh shit he's just as fast as me" is pretty cool.
+Batman eating shit is always fun to watch
-Classic Williams theme bastardized for this shit
-Let's just fully make him the Hulk and have him fight the heroes
-Fucking Lois

superman turning his eyes and head toward flash mid speed force was good stuff

>Pet Cemetery

Oh god, he's even worse than CW Barry.

Are they even doing a media circuit for this movie? I just want another round of awkward Ben Affleck listening to people trash the movie.
This is going to get a lot of use.
The angled shit just looks bad at every level, who approved this awful design?

the fact that every review for this isn't "this is the worst piece of shit ever put in theaters" just proves WB bribes critics

>effortlessly bodies everyone

This begs the question, why does Superman need the League again?

>comes to life
>immediately tries to kill everybody

Synderman, everybody!

>that moment when Supes keeps up with Flash’s speed
Fucking based.

Because when you need to solve a problem that doesn't involve punching somebody really hard, Superman is out of his element.

I honestly did not expect it to be this bad.

>"He doesn't know who he is!"
>Acts like a psychopath until Lois' pussy game soothes him

It checks out.

>Supes dominates the league
>Keeps up with Barry
>Throws the Bleed line back at Bruce
>Lois's love saves him
10 outta 10 movie

Cavill trying to be an evil Superman is so tryhard.

He's so much better when he's normal

Wait, everyone just leaves Batman back at the ship and makes him run at his regular speed to get to the Superman fight late?!
What the fuck is this retarded shit, I'm laughing so hard.

>Aquaman is useless

God damn it. Not again.

>effortlessly bodies everyone
>They end up not needing Superman at all
>Steppenwolf beaten by his own hubris

>they just forget about the Mother Box

Great work Just Us League

Commissioner Gordon scene:
>Wonder Woman en route to roof
>Flash standing a mile away
>All waiting for Batman to slowly climb up to the rooftop gargoyle for a cool entrance

has the whole movie been leaked at this point?

If not I seriously do feel like between the WB approved clips and the clips that have leaked out over the last few weeks, we could piece all the clips together into a almost complete movie

>He's so much better when he's normal

No Supermullet?

I’m triggered.

>Those effects
Bravo Warner bros.

DCEU Flash sounds like a total fag:

>Pet Semetary
So movie Barry is CW Barry plus Cisco?

Same thing happened last time with BvS

Complete mid-credits scene with the race between Flash and Superman.

>should we bow?
>Should we show our bellies?
I can't tell if this is Whedon, or if Flash was always going to be this awful.

Superman and flash race

All the important parts have been leaked. Now you'd just be paying for that sweet sweet connective tissue that Snyder's so good at crafting

>We're going to be shitposting about this movie for years.
That was a given no matter what

The motions just look so artificial, Aquaman looks like he's a cut out being dragged across the screen when he jumps, The way Wonder Woman gets hit and she lands in the concrete with her horizontal momentum stopping immediately, it's terrible.

>tfw actually chuckled at the Pet Cemetery line

God dammit.

But seriously, this looks awful.

No, when he's acting like Superman

>that lack of emotion when Gadot says "Kal No"
>She's a good actor guys, Wonder Woman was a good movie!
t. Someone who still hasn't seen WW

Statistically speaking that's not normal for Cavill. That's the aberration.

It's funny because after all this debacle Batman and Wonder Woman defeat Steppenwolf on their own.

so is the whole movie on the internet somewhere yet?

What is it a reference to? I'm Australian and have no idea what it means.

k' stop.

40% is WAY TO HIGH for this shit

Stephen King novel, pets that are buried in a "semetary" comes back, but comes back wrong
Inevitably people get buried there too and you know how it goes

You understand what I'm saying, Superman should be Superman

DCEU Flash is just Cisco, but with almost none of Carlos Valdes' charm.

And studying to be a lawyer for some reason.

Pet Semetary is a Stephen King novel that got made into a movie in the 80s where there's this cemetary where if you bury things they come back to life, but they "come back wrong" as murderous zombies. First some kids bury their cat there, and then a guy buries his dead son, with obvious results.

it's a horror movie

>loud clapping and cheering
>very clearly not in america
youve lied to me for the last time Sup Forums

Ancient Native American burial ground that brings the dead back to life after you bury them, but they return as murderous psychopathic ghouls (I mean, they can talk and think, but they're revived as slasher movie versions of themselves essentially).

The Indians just never noticed because they just buried animals there and they came back just a little more violent than usual so, hey, why not?

I think movie flash was always kinda setup to be awful from the start but once Whedon came on it just became that much worse.

true but this is turning into BvS with the added meme and shitposting levels approaching The Dark Knight Rises

>DCEU Flash is just Cisco, but with almost none of Carlos Valdes' charm.
>And studying to be a lawyer for some reason.
Probably to get Henry out of prison or something

You're in the wrong thread. It's wednesday, go read some comics. DCEU is for something else.

All of his lines are comedic. Every single one.

WB was so desperate to make him the breakout character that he became the movie's Poochie.

so much potential with this and it's lost...
i kinda like this but the face at the end ...

>Flash Superman race
It's taken three full movies, and him dying and being resurrected to start finally acting like Superman should.
What the fuck is wrong with the writers of these movies?

America isn't a place user it's a state of mind

snyder in charge.

>as fast as Flash
>faster, stronger, tougher than WW, doesn't need weapons
>better than Aquaman, who cares about swimming?

He's not wealthy and doesn't know much about tech, but who cares? Hire an IT guy or firm for that shit.

das' hokey and old' dc was better

>It's taken three full movies, and him dying and being resurrected to start finally acting like Superman should.

Did you not watch the clip in the OP where he's all snarling and violent like in MoS and BvS?

that's the worst part of this, she doesn't even try.

tbqh family, I thought this was pretty good. Not BvS good, but good anyway. Looks like Whedon didn't manage to fuck the tone of the scene up too badly anyway, so if this is representative of the whole movie then I'm ok with it.

>It's taken three full movies, and him dying and being resurrected to start finally acting like Superman should.
It took Snyder's kid dying.
All those "Superman's acting like he should" moments are Whedon's reshoots.

Wonder Woman is a boring, paint-by-numbers slog. People circlejerked it due to the fact that it's "passable" as opposed to the utter trainwreck everyone expected after BvS and Suicide Squad, and because MUH FEMALE HERO/DIRECTOR.

It really has very little of value going for it. Flat protagonist who is completely overshadowed by her co-star as far as charisma and acting ability are concerned, an underdeveloped and boring villain, and bland and uninteresting action scenes. Wonder Woman is the definition of a mediocre studio blockbuster.

Did you not watch the clip where they're racing and he's making jokes?
And that's also why I said three films, it took him three full movies to stop being retarded, at the end of this one, he's seemingly fine.

>Flat protagonist who is completely overshadowed by her co-star as far as charisma and acting ability are concerned
That sounds like DCEU standard.

>dat eye twitch from Gal at the first closeup when she sees Superman

Also Supermans secret identity is shot, everyone and their brother is throwing out Clark like a madman

How do people like you even exist?

BvS good?

Like I said, the only difference this time is that it's a straightforward movie as opposed to an incoherent mess.

Why the shit was this filmed with a green screen?

Your movie either so lazy or so production fucked they you couldn't go outside to a park to film?

>Not BvS good, but good anyway

Because Zack Snyder is gay for green screens

by enjoying movies m8. You enjoy your movies and I'll enjoy mine

>Superman smiles

>In a cheesy Marvel-esque mid-cred scene
I guess boo?

Miss me yet?

true. you even mention the color green in his presence and he obtains a 20 inch boner while yelling screen

>Last son of Krypton
I didn't see BvS, why does she know all this shit? Why does she call him that?

Nope. He attacked after Cyborg attacked.

>"He doesn't know who he is!"
>But somehow works as an evil version of himself that belittles Batman by using his own words against him

No, seriously, what's the thought process here. It'd be one thing if he was acting scared and confused, basically just defending himself, but the exchange with Bruce is 100% evil shit

This was actually not that bad. I quite enjoyed it, if I'm honest.

Ralph is stealing your own show

Lol Elfman is re-using his old tracks
Compare this with the part where Supes notices Barry

>nigga trying to plug a white guy

That's racist.

This whole scene was awfully re-shoot as in the original cut he had his black suit which got cut out.

maybe Martha kunt told her.

actually, how does she know that? did lois and his mom told everyone his back story during the funeral?

>Aquaman getting oneshotted
>Cyborg "I can't control it" BB scarab style.
>Gadot's bored acting
>The Quip also what the fuck are these poses he does
>Fucking Batman cracking jokes
>Lois Lane out of nowhere AGAIN, stop shoehorning her into everything that has Clark
>Also, CLARK PLEASE, in broad daylight. Surrounded by cops
The only halfway decent part is the Barry realizing Clark can keep up with him. That was pretty cool.

Somehow, in the 3rd fucking movie, Clark actually kind of acts like comic Clark. Not really though.
I thought it sucked being a Superman fan lately but I really feel bad for Flash fanboys. You guys got shafted hard.

It's a just sad time to be a DC fag, especially with Bendis the Menace coming on board.

Directed by Zack Snyder. That's the thought process

Post-Credits Scene: The Legion of Doom.