Who said it best?

Who said it best?

Bottom. No question about it.

The top. The bottom needed go be rude and point like some autistic spaz where as the tops command didn't descriminate. All things should now to Hela




>ywn kiss mommy

Is it weird that I, for some reason, clearly remember the moment that I stopped letting my mom kiss me on the lips as a toddler

God the look of hurt on her face


it took a while but he did it

For shame

Top is more smug and hot, the "kneel" was really effective

But Zod has a better line elsewhere
>blablabla you should know that there's one man that will never surrender to you
>Who is this imbecile?

>Why do you say this to me, when you know I will kill you for it?


This was the best scene in the movie desu, the vet was fukin great.

Hela was more seducting, Zodd more dominating.
Why the fuck do we now dick measuring those two with each other? Both were great.

I dont think OP had dick measuring intentions, this could be just a fun thread about cool villains

It's a VS thread. Show me one VS thread thad stayed civil and fun without starting to shit on the other movie.

I think the hand gestures drive the point better. Like telling your dog to sit or roll over. It establishes dominance in the dynamics of the interaction with body language and bolstered by his tone.

Juxtapose that with Hela's demand, Thor and Loki's confused and defiant reaction to her is understandable.

Nah, it's only seems that way to you because you're probably the one that flings the first turd under your false pretense that devolves into some kind of facetious argument. I mean, nobody is comparing the two movies in this thread besides you.


In what sense? They're notable in two different ways.

Hela's insanely smug and casual order makes you not want to kneel just to spite her. Which is, in a fashion, effective. It nonetheless gets in your head.

Zod's had gravitas and a booming timbre to it. It's crude, but you can tell it's coming from a sincere and simple place.

>mfw people unironically prefer the top


There's no shame in growing independent. The problem is, no other woman will love you more than your mother--- just keep it platonic. Anything further is unhealthy.

There's more to body language than just pointing.

I would never kneel before a broad.

Zod was actually serious about it. I'd still rather kneel before Hela though.

So Zod won in the end.


>needing to point for things to obey

>needing to comman things in the first place
>not subtly manipulating them until they want to do what you want them to do

Bottom did so more commandingly. If I knelt it would have been because I believed more explicitly that he was about to destroy me.
Top however, was more convincing. Not if, but when I knelt, it would have been because Care's Hella made my private parts feel funny.

He won when he told Kal their conflict could only end with either of them dead, and Kal conceded to the declaration.

Fuck I never realized this

Zod was also the only good character in that movie.

Yeah, it was easily the best scene on MCU yet, more deep than anything Snyder ever did.



>There's more to body language than just pointing.
True. But the position and motion of the hands/arms composes a large portion of human body language. Also to consider is the posture and facial expression. Zod's stance is upright, squared shoulder, and chest out and toward the one being addressed. His face expresses seriousness.

Meanwhile in the scene in the Norway scene, Hela's posture is more relaxed and facing away from the brothers putting weight on one leg for support. Her facial expression is one of over-cofidence and indifference. Everything about her body language says that she's not concerned whether they kneel or not which begs to question why she's even directing them to kneel in the first place.

>subtly manipulating

Takes too long.

I agree. Loki turned to shit after that.


>Everything about her body language says that she's not concerned whether they kneel or not which begs to question why she's even directing them to kneel in the first place.

Exactly. She knows they won't kneel. She gives ZERO fucks about ruling Asgard, or the other realms. She sort of acts like a queen because she is the rightful heir to the throne and whatnot (playing the part), but her true drive, her true purpose and her reason for being, is killing, destroying, executing. That's her innermost ambition.

So as a figure of authority, Zod did it better. But as a figure of "you little shits are all inferior to me", Hela did it better.

That doesn't really answer the question, though. If she really doesn't care, why is she even bother asking? Her brothers didn't even know she existed until she walked out of portal and then she very casually tells them to kneel for some reason.

That's why Zod did it better. His motivation is clear and he has demonstrated that he has the power to make such commands.

>as a toddler
what the fuck, my mom kissed me on my lips until I was like 12 or 13
i-is that normal?

Yea but he does it to pussy humans. Hela is calling Thor a fucking bitch

i think it's fine before puberty.

>he does it to pussy humans.

He also calls out Superman on national TV after being told that he is the mightiest being on the planet and that he is similarly powerful. He delivers his most dramatic "Kneel before Zod" line after he sees Superman floating outside the window of the Daily Planet and then proceeds to dive through the window after him.