Justice League: Spoiler Thread

Saw Justice League last night in a special pre-screening. Ask me any questions you have about the movie

Personal Highlights:
>Barry is Jewish
>Shazam cameo (?)
>Aquaman tries super fucking hard to be cool and edgy
>Superman is actually pretty good

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Any Darkseid appearances?

Such KINO!

Not gonna spoiler any of my text this way through, just a heads up

And no. Darkseid never shows up. He gets his name tossed out but other than that nothing. And the way they beat Steppenwolf is such total fucking bullshit. They make him afraid which causes the parademons to go and attack him. They all fucking dogpile on Steppenwolf and he boom tube's the fuck outa there.
Shit was weird

Sounds terrible.

I mean, it's competent action schlock. If you enjoy films on a level that goes beyond your typical summer blockbuster, then you'll probably pick up on the hundreds of tiny inconsistencies that go between each scene. Personally speaking, I was really annoyed every fucking time they made a joke in the film. You ever see those really bad superhero text message images that shitty ass nerd websites make? Yeah that's about the level of quality for every god damn joke

Yeah, then I'm probably not gonna like it and skip it. Those little details will annoy me and make me hate it. Had a similar experience with Suicide Squad.

It sucks that this DC timeline has crashed and burned.

I mean, would've it been THAT bad for DC to take there time and did a slower and longer build up for the JL movie?

Why are they so greedy??

Best scene in the movie, and I'm not gonna lie but it was actually pretty hype shit, was when they bring superman back to life and he immediately starts fighting the league for some reason. Pretty much he starts kicking everyone's ass except Barry who only now decides to use his super speed. So while everything is going on in super slow motion, Barry tries to get the jump on Supes. But then you see Superman's eye start to follow him. Then Superman starts to move about as fast as the Flash, although Flash still has him beat by a tiny bit, so Flash is trying his best to dodge every punch while Superman proceeds to kick his ass. That was pretty cool. Wish there were more fights like that in the movie

Oh and when Superman goes on his rampage, he grabs Batman and says "Do you Bleed" to him. That was pretty cool too.

Those were the 2 best moments in the film. Really the best thing about Justice League is that Superman actually gets to be... Super

It doesn't matter

The movie's going to be a success

People were literally clapping when Superman came back to life

People were literally clapping when Cyborg said Booyah

Justice League was made for the lowest common denominator. DC doesn't want art, they want what will sell the best

Why the fuck did you do that?

>The movie's going to be a success

Sad but true. In a way, it works like wrestling, they know they got the smarks money, but they want the marks and marks marks money.

Hey, if it's not a success that's great. I think it'll do well but only because people are fucking morons and like being fed shit that doesn't challenge them
Justice League is a wrestling match with CGI and bad jokes

Anyone find the Flash to be really pathetic in this movie? He cant fight and is afraid of bugs to the point of not saving civilians before batman convinces him to do so. He has no friends and no social life. He is dumb as fck. He runs like a retard and occasionally falls over while running. This gotta be the worst version of Flash that I ever seen.


>A forensic scientist is afraid of bugs

Pretty sure he's not a forensic scientist in this?

Eh, hopefully they improve on it in the future but Barry was a paperbag before so I don't really care. They might very over done it tho

>inb4 "HE MAKES JOKES SO HE'S JUST A WALLY RIP OFF" instead of recognising he's a more socially awkward Bart

He's not a forensic scientist, he's studying Criminal Justice.

Oh he's not a Forensic Scientist till the end of the movie. Bruce literally buys his way into the field
Flash could have been a really interesting character. Make him a conscientious objector or something, give him a little rivalry with a character like Wonder Woman who sees the need for war, have his arc end with him using his powers to save someone's life through nonviolent means. But no, instead we get Quips McGee

Any Lantern reference at all?

Every business is greedy

If I love BvS I would utterly hate it, right?

Yeah. He dies hella quick in a flashback of Steppenwolf fighting a bunch of Cavemen, Amazonians, and Atlanteans

That being said it's one of the alien lanterns. Nobody in particular I think. Kinda looked like the one lizard dude who regrows limbs
Business can be as greedy and soulless as they want so long as the product they deliver is good. That's why Disney does as well as it does
Yeah. It's more of a Joss Whedon film than a Snyder film so if you like all the dark edge of BvS you're gonna be really disappointed. That and the Quips. Sweet mercy the Quips.

>Yeah. It's more of a Joss Whedon film than a Snyder film so if you like all the dark edge of BvS you're gonna be really disappointed.

I assumed as much. Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted.

>They make him afraid which causes the parademons to go and attack him. They all fucking dogpile on Steppenwolf and he boom tube's the fuck outa there.
Holy shit my sides


AJ Styles vs. John Cena in the Royal Rumble this year has better storytelling than Justice League.

>Flash all laying there like my french whores do

I didn't say it was good wrestling.
Yeah. It's a crowd-pleasure for braindead morons. People fucking CLAPPED when Cyborg said Booyah
I know, right? Half the people in the theater couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a joke or not

Oh yeah also there's a lot of Ass shots of Wonder Woman in case you where, y'know, wondering

If you loved BvS then I'd suggest suicide as the only option ASAP.
Yours is a deadly and potentially contagious disease that should be erradicated.

>there's a lot of Ass shots of Wonder Woman
Oh fuck the SJWs are gonna tear this movie apart

Oh, what's it to you? It's not like DC seems to have any intention of making more movies like it. It gonna be all corny jokes and bland visuals from here.

So, how about that Commissioner Gordon? Or Mera? Victor's Father?
Are any of the Superheroes' supporting cast any good?
Don't tell me about Lois Lane, I fucking hate Lois Lane on this universe and wish for her immediate death.


They are already tearing apart.
>Wonder Woman is stronk and is directed by a stronk woman.Let's make is a 92.

>jobbing this hard
Well, they did something right.

>ass shots of Wonder Woman

What ass? It's practically concave.

She wears a lot of tight fitting pants. They probably put a couple slabs of ham to give it a fleshy texture

Not that user but

>Commissioner Gordon doesn't have too much to offer in the film,he just says some shit and it's done
>Mera was cool duo to her powers and a little plot she droped about Aquaman and his mother
>Silas was cool,he was a cool character for the little time he had and he got the balls to say Steppenwolf to"Fuck you"(not literally,he just said that he wouldn't telll nothing to Steppenwolf)
>Lois is there just to put some sense in Superman's mind
>Deathstroke looks badass and Luthor looks like Luthor(he didn't fried his brain while talking)
>Superman was based as fuck

Gordon's in it for a second. Mera even less. Victor's dad is caught by Steppenwolf for some reason. There is no supporting cast for any character that contribute anything meaningful at all to the overall plot Aside from Lois Lane
