Do It For Her

Do It For Her.

Black plague.

>Do Her

Todd's asexul bullshit is not funny. It needs to stop.


It's not supposed to be funny.

Its not even a sexuality, they're just naturally chemically castrated or have some sort of disfunction..

>Its not even a sexuality

That's literally what asexual means you dildo.

Todd was never funny.
The asexual thing could've been interesting drama but was literally utilized for one episode and the last 10 seconds of the season finale, with everything else with him being a "humorous" C-plot that wasn't funny.

The writers have no fucking clue what to do with Todd or why he is even part of the show anymore. He's bringing the show down at this point.

Seeing her interactions with Todd made me yearn for a gf so bad.

I actually felt that Todd's Asexuality was actually just a bullshit tone of what to put for him. Todd is a guy who basically is a loser who blames a video game for everything that has come near him.

He has nothing of interesting nor adamant to show for except for the fact that he's literally acting like a 12-year-old in a grown man's body.

But asexuality rarely gets represented honestly so whatever. Maybe we might get a documentary on how it wasn't okay to use Todd as this asexual representation.

I love it how he tried to get Hollyhock away from Bojack because he was protecting her and it sounded so fucking disgusting. The kid basically was trying to find her family members and here's this fuckhead trying to act like he knows more than her.

At least Bojack actually had the horse balls to say that "look, I'm not the right person for this job that you want me to do" immediately. And I actually applaud his character for it. He knows that he is fucked up incredibly.

Why the fuck do so many people like the gun episode? It handled the topic poorly, reused the same joke nonstop, and the pacing was all over the fucking place. Combine that with the fact that it's a Diane episode and you easily have the worst episode of the season, possibly the entire show.

Nah but I will for her.

Hollyhock can get this hollycock

>muh represhentashun


I want her to show up at one of Todd's meetings.

Final Fantasy IX made me want to fuck mice enough and now this??? Stop

>The asexual thing could've been interesting drama

Could it have been? Really? Because as far as minority sexual orientations go, asexuality is the one that noone will ever notice unless you tell them and the one that requires no major changes in lifestyle whatsoever.

Best girl. Wasn't she the age of consent?

>Why the fuck do so many people like the gun episode?
Most of Sup Forums didn't like it, I don't know what you're talking about.

At least Freya has a tail.

It's 18 in Arizona but she was in college in the next season so probably, yes.

I'll do her instead if you get what I mean.

The message was that men would rather give up their guns than giving women equal rights and protection as they are, but I agree that the pacing stained what could've been a good episode.
On the other hand, I still don't fucking get why Diane was bitchy about Mr. Peanutbutter fulfilling her dream. Her explanation of why she's upset about it makes no sense whatsoever.

She was just a child, she didn't know any better.

I don't know man, 17 is old enough to make these decisions and accept their risks.

She was 16?

>The message was that men would rather give up their guns than giving women equal rights and protection as they are,

What the fuck kind of insane message is that? Who writes this shit and thinks "yes this will entertain people"?

I'd put my penis inside her vagina, if you know what I mean

Idiots, mostly. It was by far the least thought out episode with an obvious political bent. It never comes up again and doesn't matter so quite frankly you can skip it and not miss much of anything.

Her age wasn't really the point. Even if she is of the age of consent, hell, even if she was 18, it was still a shitty thing for Bojack to do. Or to let happen, if you want to be generous to him, but I think he had a much greater role in it than most anons seem to want to give him.

Bojack thrives on this notion that at some mythical point, things were better or could have put him on a better path. Out of all the drugs he uses, his addiction to misplaced nostalgia and the warm comfort it provides is the most damning. He wasn't trying to fuck Penny - he was trying to be with Charlotte in the past, and even took Penny through some of same good memories he had of her mom. And that's the real issue. He was taking advantage of a teen's confused desire to feed his selfishness.

Charlotte saw right through that. She saw what poison Bojack was. Even if Penny was 21, I'm pretty sure Charlotte's response would have been exactly the same. The fact that Penny's a high schooler and Bojack's like three times her age just makes it worse.


Sorry, being gay isn't quirky or topical enough anymore. Even trannys are blah nowadays. We need more weird sexual outliers!

>with a gun, I felt the confidence and safety all men feel at all times
Because mass shootings are carried out by people who feel safe and comfortable. The whole episode just seemed to forget it was a parody and just went full preach mode on guns and men being evil.

>On the other hand, I still don't fucking get why Diane was bitchy-

Going to stop you riiiight there.

Diane has been shown to be a mire of shit and bitchness. Bojack Horseman may be similar but at least you can see him coming, he addresses it, and actively tries to better himself. Diane is a sinister, subtle garbage disposal with the sucking force of a black hole.

I've seen these kind of people far too many times. (Mostly online, which makes me thing I inhabit the same interests as these people, and it is a disturbing thought). They get into shit situations, or shit spirals out of control around them, usually due to their own actions, and then they become 'victimized' for it, but they never 'do' anything about it.

True story, one such person was in a shit situation and he couldn't be in the same discord group as another individual. I offer many, many, many, many alternatives. Ignore them, don't talk to them, DO talk to them in a civilized way so we can clear up any misunderstandings, be polite, ask them kindly to stop. They just refuse it all and want to escalate the shit.

>wanted Hollyhock to ride BoJack's dick so hard


> wanted this too
> even before I found out they are brother/sister

I'm saying that they need to bring it up in the 4th season and use it as satire.
Maybe do what they did in season 2 where they used improv to mock Scientology.
Let's say that being trans and whatever bullshit is actually just a trend because everyone thinks it's hip to want to be on that gender spectrum shit. Well, they could have everyone in town saying they're asexual because it's the latest fad, and Todd has to come to grips with that.
Maybe they could even pull in the girl he got a date with last season and have her just being on the "fad" bandwagon and reveal it when she wants to fuck. Would probably go something like this
>Hey Todd let's fuck
>I thought you were asexual?
>Well, yeah, everyone is, but that's just the new thing to be
It'll never happen, but I think that'd give Todd something to do

christ me too man. God i need to get my life on track

Nothing about Todd is funny. He was a one note joke character that has gone nowhere at all. The asexual thing is even more a joke about why he's gotten no development.

He exists to be a retard.

Just use all the various bullshit labels there are already.
>yeah, but I'm demisexual
>well what's that?
>I don't feel sexual attraction to someone unless I form an emotional bond with them first
>That sounds, normal. Aside from people like Bojack don't most people have at least a few dates before sex?
>No, but like a really deep emotional bond. Something that only comes from years of otherwise platonic friendship that allows us to connect beyond just sex
>Wow, that is deep
>Unless the guy is like, really hot.

>discord anecdote


It was her dream, not something she wanted to become reality. It was a fantasy, something she doesn't truly want but likes to imagine she has. PB ruined it by making it a reality, which is why she's given up on their relationship. He doesn't know when to stop and think "hey, maybe I shouldn't do this thing".

I couldn't finish season 4. Episode 6 hit way too hard.

What did I miss?

Wait what?

Todd is legit the worst part of the show, and I'd rather see him replaced with any other character. That mouse, that drugged up bitch Bojack used to star with, the chickens from the chicken farm, literally anyone would do and would be both a better character and more funny.
