If Gaddafi wasn't so bad, why did the people rebel against him?

If Gaddafi wasn't so bad, why did the people rebel against him?

What's the ""official"" story vs the ""real"" one?

I want to drop some red pills tomorrow on Hillary supporters. I think I've got the gist of the rest, but don't understand how it all started.

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Their are stupid people who will fight because they are propagated . This explains Hillary Supporters.

High commodity prices at that time made eating expensive.

>If Gaddafi wasn't so bad, why did the people rebel against him?
They didn't. A small minority did. Mostly from anti-Gaddafi tribes. There was also a large percentage of foreign jihadists.

The vast majority of the population was on the government's side from the beginning.

But what were they propagated with?

Was this because they used a non-gold backed currency, which Gaddafi wanted to change?

Why did the minority start then?

Also, I'm not convinced Gaddafi was a totally pure leader, as so few are. What should I know about his less benign actions as a leader?


Seems partially true, but I feel he was dead as soon as he wanted to great an African currency independent of the west.

Small grain prices were very high.

Correct on Gadaffi's long term plan of gold backed currency.

This upheaval was totally engineered with the aid of so-called NGOs.

The minute Gadaffi was assassinated, the west plundered his substantial supply (hundreds of tons) and dumped it on the market to help pull the gold price down.

The minute the West had control of Ukraine, their gold was plundered and dumped on the ,market to knock down the price as well.

Follow the work of GATA.org

the CIA triggers the rebellions, not the dictators/oppresses populace.

So if Gaddafi was a good guy keeping rebels from fucking his citizens up, does that mean Assad is doing the same?

How do they do it? I want it to be broken down. You can't just tell a normie "The CIA did it!" and not get called a crazy conspiracy theorist. How do I trace the steps?

I didn't know this about Ukraine. What is the purpose of them lowering gold prices? Is it true that Libya's tons of gold were confiscated by NATO during the intervention (as in is that the "official" or "real" story, or both)?

Gaddafi was bad. The problem was that the people were tricked into thinking there was a better alternative when there isn't. Arabs require a firm hand to govern and contain because they can't correctly govern themselves. They are animals that only understand a clenched fist. Every few generations they need a leader to let them jihad a bit or go on a waaaagh. And likewise do we need to crusade against them every few generations to cull their numbers.

Exactly, but the media will portray him as an evil devil.


Gaddafi was a bad guy --a western puppet who fell out with the west. After the fall-out, he had to be nice to his people to stay in power, resulting in one of the highest standards of living in the middle east.

Like Ukraine, now look at where they are.

The old saying--beware of Jews bearing gifts.

Gaddafi took one of the poorest countries in Africa and made it one of the richest on the continent, and was actually a good example of a well functioning socialist state.
Gaddafi wanted independence from a global market that was oppressive to Africa, forcing Libya to sell their oil at a currency less valuable than what the country had potential for.
Gaddafi started a state ran bank and had hundreds of tons of gold, billions of commodities.
Gaddafi wanted western countries to purchase oil and conflict minerals at prices that were beneficial and indexed to what his nation was worth, after all Libya became a big boy in the market, it was time for Libya to set big boy prices.
This would've been devastating for western economies, having to buy resources and commodities at prices that were more expensive.
Western society could've just looked elsewhere or tried to make their own oil or commodity industry, but it's easier being imperialists instead.
CIA plants coup, lies about chemical weapons being used on kids, nato carpet bombs Libya, no evidence of Chem weapons, Gaddafi killed, a lot of Libyans killed by western backed militias

Gaddafi was a Western puppet? Could someone give the quick version of the last 100 years of Libyan history? At least the relevant stuff.

Also any redpills on Ukraine would be nice. I know 0% about that.

I should also note that you benefit from the NATO fucking up libya
You have affordable oil, gas, electronics, plastics, all because of modern imperialism and exploitation going on in africa.
Do I support what happened to Gaddafi? No, Gaddafi was a little tyrannical but he did amazing things for Libya and Africa, I view him as an African mao, in terms of how much he developed a nation.

This might what happen of "Marcos's Gold" in the Philippines.

He was overthrown by Opposition back by CIA.

>What's the ""official"" story vs the ""real"" one?

During the Dem primary debates, Hillary said that the Libyan coup happened because The People Wanted Freedom. That's it.

There were some people in Libya who were pissed off at Gaddafi: urban intellectuals and lawyers who didn't think they were making enough money and disgruntled types who thought Gaddafi was giving preferential treatment to black Libyans. Not the stuff revolutions are made of.

But even though Gaddafi had given the West everything else they wanted in terms of counterterrorism assistance, the elimination of WMDs, etc. he was still busting balls on oil deals, so he had to go.

It's hardly surprising that the first act of the cadre of Tripolitan lawyers who formed the "revolutionary government" was to set up an Oil Ministry before Gaddafi's corpse was even in the ground.

If trump isn't so bad. Why are people rebeling against him and not hillary

After all, he's what...a meanie?

vs, hillary who has in emails (acceptable in any court in the world)
taken money for bribes (pay for play)
and other shit that should not allow her to run for president

Ukraine--Victoria Neuland is on record as saying America spent $billions destabilizing Ukraine (presumably with NGOs again aka SJWs). The goal was to torment Russia. A great prize would be Ukraine in the EU, allowing America to have missiles right on Russia's border.

Note nobody really accepts refugees from Ukraine--they want them starving there to vote for that country to join the EU>

Gaddafi was killed for trying to usurp the US Petrodollar. He wanted to form an African Union and have a currency like the Euro for all of Africa, backed by gold. He wanted to trade oil in gold instead of dollars. For this he was killed to protect the world reserve status of the petrodollar

wrong, he was dead as soon as the US of A and UN convinced him not to arm himself with nukes

if you remember, they made a big adieu about this
They were celebrating his "understanding towards world peace"

If he had obtained nukes, he would still be alive today

>why did the people rebel against him?
Because there's always a bunch of useful idiots around willing to be used as pawns in "revolutions" against evil dictators, usually lead by equally evil masters, as long as the slogans sound good. The argument isn't that the leaders of the resistance are more evil than Gaddafi or that the Libyans would be better off under Gaddafi's rule (although that may very well be the case) but that Hillary has no business aiding the bloodshed in foreign countries for her political gains. It's clear that the good of the Libyans has never been a concern for her, but only how good she can make herself look to masses of idiots by ostensibly standing up for democracy in the Middle East.

reminder that gaddafi loyalists saved american soldiers in beghazi from terrorists when clinton was busy creating false media narratives

who are these (((people))) that rebelled?

Source on this? That'd be huge.

The craziest thing about this is that his Pan-African socialist beliefs would've made Africa the strongest continent, gold rich, Jewel rich, oil rich, agriculturally rich.
They literally could back their union's currency with shit they dig out of the ground, shit that they have the most of.
North Africa could be a global leader if western imperialism would cease.

>If Gaddafi wasn't so bad, why did the people rebel against him?

Google "Arab Spring" you dumb, uneducated Trump voter-tier low-IQ nigger.

In 2008 there was an oil crisis that made food extremely expensive and Middle Eastern dictatorships were very slow to respond due to the inefficient, centralized government structure. That caused the people to rebel and some of the dictators ended up getting sodomized with knives.

Gaddafi was creating gold based currency for African nations which would have collapsed dollar.

Libya was called African Switzerland before US backed civil war because they had such high standard of living. Gaddafi used oil money for the people unlike oil companies who wanted oil for themselves.


NATO bombed that also. Fucking Hillary destroyed best country in Africa.

Gaddafi was bad, but not as bad as the so called refugees that rushed to Europe in the years to come

The United States has no duty to dictate the foreign affairs of nations.

kris tonto paronto

>gold rich
>Jewel rich
>oil rich
>agriculturally rich
That's pretty much the recipe for a totalitarian hellhole with an extremely poor population lead by an extremely rich ruling class. If you can stay in power by redistributing the gains from natural resources to your cronies, there's really no need to invest much in the wellbeing of the population because its productivity just doesn't matter.

Gaddafi actually had a Jewish mother.
A few revisionists turned on him because they valued capitalism more than socialism.
Keep in mind this was a small minority, Gaddafi pulled this country out of poverty so the majority of Libyans loved him.
The global market turned on him and played up the revisionist scheme to make it look like he was an evil dictator

>oil crisis
You mean the us corn ethanol subsidy destroying the world food market?

You know Libya was already oil-rich, right? And Gaddafi used that wealth to give his country the highest standard of living in Africa.

This. He basically shot himself in the foot and crippled his army because he naïvely thought the West would actually accept him if he behaved the way they wanted him to. That's why he had such a hard time getting rid of a small number of yihadists and not having deterrence is what encouraged France and others to bomb him with impunity

Assad was going down the same path but luckily he had a big standing army and chemical weapons

>Gaddafi was the best leader in Africa, perfecting socialism
>Gaddafi was awful but the West shouldn't have intervened

I'm getting mixed signals here.

This reads as a fairytale

Somewhat poor in western standards, but had a huge increase in the wellness of living in the past 50 years.
Gaddafi did a good job at distributing his oil cash to health care, education, infrastructure, free electricity, free to start an agricultural business.
All Libyans were doing better than lower class americans

Iv read that euros and French in particular had more interest in putting him down

>the people
You are a shill and you get saged. I bet you think BLM is also "the people."

Mixes signal - awful - is when he got an idea to sell oil in something other than usa currency, that moment onward he was deemed the ultimate evil

>the highest standard of living in Africa
That's really not saying much.
>used that wealth to [help the people]
How much of it actually went to the people? Either way, even if we assume Gaddafi was a special principled dictator who really loved his people, he was 70 and there was absolutely no guarantee that whoever was going to inherit his throne would have been equally benevolent. You don't want a system that leaves you at the mercy of a tyrant's whims.

The people rebelled against him because the people are Arabs and Arabs always hate and kill just because they are like that. All it takes is for someone to put weapons into their hands and point them at a target.

You might better ask who wanted Qadafi dead, and that would be Switzerland. Just prior to his overthrow and execution, his son had gotten in trouble in Switzerland and so Qadafi tried declaring a Muslim thing against Switzerland. Big mistake, because the Swiss are the ultimate of deadly snakes.

>All Libyans were doing better than lower class americans
Citation needed.

Prove me wrong. Libya under Gaddafi rule had higher standard of living than your shitty country has today.

Libyans could go study abroad in any school they wanted and state paid for it. Gaddafi used billions for making sure that libyans had enough water.

He was a dictator, but sandniggers need strong leader. Otherwise different tribes just fight eachother just like now. Libya is now in ruins and multinational oil companies steal oil for themselves.

Hillary shipped weapons for the rebels and now those weapons are in hands of ISIS. Hillary created ISIS, that's a fact.

yay !


>Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy's plans are driven by the following issues:

>a.A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

>b. Increase French influence in North Africa,

>c.Improve his internal political situation in France,

>d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,

>e.Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in,Francophone Africa. )


>does that mean Assad is doing the same?
With Assad it's all about pipelines. Syria used to be the safest Middle-eastern country before few months before civil war. The media is scummy about him as well - most people still think that the gas attacks were his job, while UN investigation proved otherwise, but the media didn't show you "heartbreaking" newsflashes about it.

I doubt people in line to vote are going to be talking about Gaddafi

But what caused his people to fight as well? People point to the Arab Spring and high food costs as a reason, then say the dictators were so benevolent and it was just Western propaganda.

>his people

Aside from our paid operatives, the "democratic opposition" that numbers

It's very much true, but the quality of all those things sucked balls.

I remember a few months back a libyan came and spoke about how sweet the people got it under Gaddafi.
it was along these lines
http:// disinfo .com/2011/10/16-things-libya-will-never-see-again/

Gaddafi wanted to switch back to the african gold standard instead of the petrodollar.
That was his "sin"

>his people
CIA and ISIL are not Syrian people you dumbfuck.
They're just CIA operatives.

>How do they do it? I want it to be broken down. You can't just tell a normie "The CIA did it!" and not get called a crazy conspiracy theorist. How do I trace the steps?
They tailor a solution for each country. I'm not sure if detailed information is publicly available yet. Try looking at some academic papers and browsing the journals like MERIP and such if you want details. As an example. with the Iranian revolution against Mossadegh, Kermit Roosevelt literally showed up with bags of money and just handed it out to whoever agreed to go along with a coup plot. As you can imagine, this is not a very good process since you have almost no control over what will actually happen.
The merchant is correct here. The US probably doesn't want a Super Middle East stretching the African continent to form. Not only would commodity prices go up, (not really that big a deal as there are plenty of mineral reserves in North America if cartel pricing came into play), but these new rentier states would have huge potential to increase global terrorism levels. The Middle East has been a policy failure and money sink for the US and I don't think they want an entire continent like that to form. For now you have to wait for leaks and documents to be unclassified if you want to know the actual story.

That and he wanted $2 billion a year from European countries to stop refugees from going thru Libya

I know this sounds naive, but how do you know they're CIA operatives? I want to believe, but what convinced you it was true? It seems believable.

When will this world be free of the tyrannical USA?

How can they just run free like this in middle East

These were all just excuses, he wanted to dump the US petrodollar and start his own gold backed currency. Shillary knew he had billions worth of gold and what his plans were, it was in one of the first batches her emails that were released. The oil isn't important it's what currency you're selling it in

The US dollar would be ruble tier if it wasn't used in the oil trade. Saddam annouced plans to start selling oil in Euros, Iraq was 'liberated' a year later.

Wtf, "his" people didn't rise against him... they were outside rebels... just like in Syria.


>mfw I realised we were the bad guys
US (UK and France as well for that matters) directly arm and train the "democratic opposition" (which we know aren't, since they're fucking Al quaeda)

For a literal retard like me who is trying to understand babby's first economics, why does the currency in which oil is being traded matter? Doesn't it have its inherent worth which translates across currencies?

>why does the currency in which oil is being traded matter

>Use rabbit pelts for trading.
>Now rabbit pelts have value.


>Use coins for trading.
>Now rabbit pelts as a tool of trade lose their value

and btw. USA has created every terrorist group in middle east.

>>I know this sounds naive, but how do you know they're CIA operatives?
Just go live there for a few years, and see for yourself.

Everyone from any country that's had the same done to it knows who's who.

why are people rebelling against Assad? look up info on the color revolutions and arab springs. NATO intelligence agencies are one factor in instigating these groups, who are then portrayed in the media as being browbeaten by evil dictators. much of the money currently for ISIS in Syria comes from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, but the arms shipments to those countries via the United States et al. is an indirect way for us to arm them.

also, regarding gadafi... the idiot went to europe and told them they'd be buying his oil with gold. the guidos and frogs didn't much appreciate that, as euros drive a lot of diesel cars, and need his low-sulphur crude to make breathing on the continent bearable.

also, you're asking pretty late in the game for this info to be in the foreground of most of our thinking. there's a thing called google, you lazy nog.

It doesn't. Any time you see petrodollar and goldbugs, just know that they have no idea what they're talking about.

They got paid and were promissed power after him.

>Psst kid
>Wanna overthrow your dictator?
>You will get his place, this rusty AK47 and 150$ yeah
This is how CIA works.
Ukrainian coup people thought they are going to EU, whoops it didnt happen.
Rebels are bulshitted to think they fight for a better day.

Not really a question of being naive. It's all in the MSM. Just need to keep up with it.


Is Sup Forums unironically defending a state sponsor of terrorism whose actions include propping up myriad anarchist and communist movements in North and South America and killing hundreds of American citizens via the Lockerbie bombing?

If you all aren't just memeing and are seriously shilling for a dead, leftist enemy of the United States, you really are the dumbest cucks imaginable.

Compared to defending Saudi Arabia ?

the us government is unironically a state sponsor of terror, you fucking idiot.

the CIA has a long history of orchestrating coups and funding/supplying militant groups in the middle east, dating back to the 1950s.


Oh fuck. Thank you for explaining to me.

Can you explain the background on Ukraine a bit more? What led to that?

This is a long but good article


>Is Sup Forums unironically defending a state sponsor of terrorism
like the US?

>whose actions include propping up myriad anarchist and communist movements
Unlike the US which creates terrorists movements and overthrows entire continents like South America?

>and killing hundreds of American citizens via the Lockerbie bombing?

Unlike America that knowingly funds Saudi and Qatar which fund ISIS, ISIL etc.

>Can you explain the background on Ukraine a bit more? What led to that?

Some part of Ukraine wanted to go to EU.
Their leader was Ruskie asslicker.
Then rebellion happens.
Then Crimea happens.
Now Ukraine will not be in EU never ever

>overthrows entire continents like South America

Woah, I wasn't ready for a redpill that big yet. What's the greentext version?

>if non-Muslims aren't so bad than why do people rebel against them

Take a guess

to understand Gaddafi and the Libyan fiasco you need to understand USA, and its shifting role in the world.

The USA is slowly losing power. The USA is slowly getting pushed out by other trade blocks and nations - specifically the EU, China and several Asian trading blocks.

This isn't conspiracy - this is a fact and it is known by our government and any other government worth half a shit in the world. As our power declines, 2 things will happen over and over and though which happens first my change the second thing will always happen in reaction to it. These things are: 1) The USA lashing out under no or little provocation to show the world it still has power and 2) Smaller nations testing the resolve of the USA and its hegemony.

The question is not 'if' but 'when' our nation will no longer have the resources or the will to intervene globally, and small countries have a LOT to gain from a re-organizing of the world order, especially the ones who are ahead of the curve.







Who the fuck knows what else
Should probably include making and manufacturing the drug trade from Mexico to US

A short version is that Good Ole Teddy and others used his big stick, spooks, and the US Navy to overthrow, puppet, or coerce all of the governments,
because that would give US markets access to cheap coffee, chocolate, and fruit.

>USA has created every terrorist group in middle east.

I mean what is the CIA/US connection?

>Can you explain the background on Ukraine a bit more? What led to that?

EU said it might consider integrating Ukraine into EU.
Cockholes are poor as shit and sure wanted to go clean your loo like poles do for Euros.
So they chimps out, ovethrown gubment, lost half of country to russians, got themselves and russians into economical Black hole and nothing happened. Somehow they are not going to EU.

basicly they wanted to bite the russian hand that fed them for a greener pasture, but they got nothing.

Through here and different (((NGO)))

She wasn't lying, (((the people))) did want it :^)

>US connection
Soros funding for starters.
Obviously you need agents to agitate and manage the crowd.

qaddafi wasn't pure or angelic, but he was the only leader to run a debt free nation (read: no bank strings pulled), and allowed his people arms, in fact he actually had rapid response armories set up for civilians in case of attack.

He was inconvenient to us, we politically tarred and feathered him, funded and geared rebels in his nation, and have them Intel far superior to what they could have collected on their own, to destabilize the region and get different (presumably bank friendly) leadership in

The CIA/US connection for European politics dates back to World War 2 aftermath.


This is specifically about CIA documents and Ukraine

I'm not personally sure if the now the most blatant coup in the history was done by CIA specifically (not that poster)

So you think that overthrowing hostile governments and communist regimes is something that should be condemned?


I have a massive book 'history of CIA' which details a lot of their operations, goals and narratives in Europe.

soros is a hungarian


I'm 100% for overthrowing the world terrorizing country named United States of America

Who openly campaigns with Hillary Clinton.

He has American citizenship and fled to the UK after WWII you dunce.

Also when we speak about "America" in that matters it's oviously not the American people. It's the american elite that hijacked the government.

finland behave