Write the final episode

Write the final episode.

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Squidward kills Spongebob an his eyes turn red than he kill Patrick

And then picture of dead grilfriend appear on scren for one second.

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie

All this time Spongebob has been saving, and he finally has enough to open a Krusty Krab franchise of his own.

Squidward realises how empty his life will be without 'bob and tries to steal his money and frame Patrick.

But in the end it all works out and Spongebob leaves with Sandy to open Krusty Krab Atlantic.

It'd most likely either be the 3rd movie, 4th movie, or an episode that has finale-like qualities but is generally episodic.

For a movie route, I wanna say it'd have something to do with Plankton reforming, but I'd really fucking love an all 2D, muted colors, theatrical film centering around Squidward (not being written as a retarded asshole that would murder spongebob for a nap)

i had dream that spongebob ate patrick while the 2 were starving in a concentration camp.

It was already written. It's called Band Geeks.

Whatever it is I'm sure it'll "replace" the first movie as the finale, retcon it in away, or be a secondary finale. It won't be based in the same "Krusty Krab 2" setting.

Mr. Krabs runs for President

It was all a dream and he gets up to go apply for a fry cook position at the Krusty Krab

>Spongebob gets canceled.
>In 2025 the bring spongebob back on adult swim.
>Spongebob and Patrick are revealed to be a gay couple.
>Patrick is now a psychopath who kills people in funny and cartoonish ways.
>Cops see this but let him of the hook, because they thought it would be funny.
>Squidward gets raped by Patrick.
>Plankton sees this destruction and creates a carbon copy of the Nazi political party, and hires Patrick as a storm trooper.
>Does crazy shit like put crabs and other fish creatures in concentration camp's where he puts people in ovens and does other war crimes.
>Sandy, spongebob, and squidward lead the allies to victory.

The Strangler was a pretty good episode.

currently watching planktons army

I'd run with this but instead it's a full circle thing where Squidward becomes the Plankton to Spongebob's Krusty Krab

oh shit i just got when they said "for mortal eyes" they weren't doing an "aye", "aye" agreement joke for plankton to trick him into thinking he meant he agreed by saying "aye don't care", he was correcting krabs that he has just one eye and krabs repeated it deadpan, correcting himself



Didn't hillenburg say no matter how long spongebob goes on the 1st movie will still be the finale


This. Anyone can just accept the first movie as the real ending and everything after is milking.

>Ending the series that early.
>Not wanting Chocolate With Nuts or Krusty Krab Training Video to exist.

Every single character gets brainwashed. The episode ends with the first few seconds of the very first episode of the series, thus making an endless loop, and to remind you that you can't escape The Sponge™.

yes brainwash is my fetish give me the sponge boner nickelodeon


>gets boating license
>montage of all the characters clapping saying "congratulations"

>mr krabs gets sued for causing childhood obesity
>they try to change the restaurant into different themes like selling healthy food or making it a bikers bar and fail
>krusty krab shuts down for good
>cut to montage of the place being taken apart, plankton becomes successful, everyone moves on with their lives
>mr krabs get an idea on how to open the restaurant again (now a krabby patty is technically 17 servings) and everyone's lives immediately go to shit and they end up in the exact same spot
>squidward- well i guess it's back to normal
>mr krabs- except since i just hired you i don't have to pay you 18 years of government mandated raises anymore and you are back to working minimum wage
>[squidward breaks down crying]

Donald becomes a Brexit supporter and murders Squidqard and Patrick. The last scene is him driving in a boat towards Englkdjkfkdklllldlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

The final episode before the first movie.

I never really liked that as a finale. I’d rather an episode where
>spongebob realizes sponges can’t live forever from a biology book
>he and Patrick do a bucket list
>spongebob tearfully says goodbye to everyone as he is about to move from bikini bottom to travel the sea, saying he might not come back
>plankton calls Spongebob out for being an idiot and says the book was recalled years ago for misinformed information
>sea sponges live for a very long time
>spongebob happily hugs everyone and says he never wants to go
>in memory of stephen hillenberg
>nick renews the show for five more seasons after the ratings explosions

A live-action/animated sea life documentary officiated by an onscreen french narrator

delet this

Wow that's garbage. I'm sure you'd fit right in with the staff there.

They already did a bucket list episode and it wasn't weighted down with sentimental crap.

>INB4 Return To Squidville



The OP didnt tell me to write a good story

Given that the Spongebob Movie is the finale, I say the finale is Mr. Krabs working on and creating the Krusty Krab 2.

Squidward finally becomes happy.
Everythings is opcional.

Bikini Bottom is almost destroyed by a Giant Volcano

>spongebob, squidward, Patrick, and Krabs
>All in an elevator
>Remember, No Krabbypattys
>Gunshots ring out at Bikini Bottom airport

>>Remember, No Krabbypattys
Not "Remember, No pickles"
So close

bikini bottom is destroyed by the nuclear tests on bikini atoll

>patchy the pirate cries about his show ending
>potty tells him to suck it up since it became shit in season 4
>patchy channelsurfs to find Steve Galaxy and proceeds to become a diamondfag


Too edgy

the correct way to watch spongebob:
>watch the first three seasons
>watch the movie
>say "wow that movie was a perfect ending, i'm glad they ended it there instead of making new terrible episodes forever"
>ignore everything past the movie

Yes. It ends with Spongebob as manager and the Krusty Krab 2 built, which the newer seasons don't mention, because that all happens after the newer seasons.