Hey Sup Forums, live reporting from australia 9pm on the 8th: clinton has won. You're welcome for the head up...

Hey Sup Forums, live reporting from australia 9pm on the 8th: clinton has won. You're welcome for the head up, i know you people are many hours behind us, so I just thought you might appreciate a spoiler. Oh, and i suppose that will save all you trump voters a trip to the polls, no point voting.

Oh shit.
Thanks user.

thanks mate

shit nigga how u travel through time tho

hes lying trump won

No problem mate, always happy to help

can someone from NZ tell me who wins the Block early on Sunday then?

>Trump wins
>Hillary gets sent to prison the second Trump gets into the white house
>the progressive left start rioting and civil war breaks out
>Trump nukes the ever living shit out of Muslims
>if you don't reply to this post you will die in your sleep
>Trump decides to kill all of the progressive left
>Make America Great Again

oh yeah? well i had a dream where i was in trumps backyard for a BBQ. Its a sign.

These lads are yanking your boomerangs, sadly trump doesn't win. i suppose the lie does sound nicer than the truth

It's the unmarried dad with a half Maori fiancee

>Hillary wins
>Russia reduced to nuclear ash Jan 21.
>Advanced US space weapons intercept all Russian ICBMs
>Deplorable white underclass rounded up and put in prison or killed
>Elite, educated, liberal population enjoys a new golden age of inclusion, cooperation, and progress

If only we had warned them about 9/11 and Pearl Harbor ...

Hello we come from the future and Trump loses.

There will be nuclear war with russia started by hillary.

You can screencap this post.


> if only
we did. Their government let it happen dontchaknow?

i will track you down, and fuckin' gut yer arse out - you time traveling shit-poster!!

True Ausfags have your back, Sup Forums...

TRUMP 2016

I'm from two hours ahead of this faggot, don't listen to him.
They did a recount, turns out Clinton tried to rig it. Trump won by a landslide and Clinton's in jail.

>implying letting 9/11 happen instead of warning them wasn't the greatest shitpost our country has ever achieved

He's lying, Johnson wins

Hey, don't call me a faggot just because i haven't heard the news yet. I'll put you in the fucking ground you sheep shagging cunt. Left, right, good fucking night.

Good fucking luck mate, I can see all of your attacks two hours in advance

Holy shit, DELETE THIS

Jesus christ, so much shit to post so little time.


I just hope the Trump victory inspires Warnie's rise to president of the Southern Hemisphere

Op you fucking liar, tell them the truth!
Jeb 2016!


now this is shitposting