Swecucks ruining my day!

30h presidential vote news and the only thing they doh is shit on Trump and lick Hillary's nasty cunt

It's Sweden, what else do you expect?

At least a slight unbiased opinion.
Fuck my country is so SJW cucks

same here, all media shitting over trump, they really fear him,news, newspaper, online editorials, kek even in radios

>implying it isn't the same all over right now
The entire world media is against him lad, the fuck did you expect?

Our country is lost.

Watch public service for an unbiased reportage

>watching swedish news

>tfw they force us to pay for it

>betala tvlicens

Not really. Just don't pay.

>socialism in Nordic countries is so good just look at them

>mfw they call me
>accidentally drop my spaghetti and let slip I have a tv
>now they refuse to stop sending me bills
>500kr every few months
Fuck I hate radiotjänst. How do I stop this. While I technically do have a tv, it's not plugged into the grid, I only use it for vidya. This shit is fucking dumb desu.

So I assume it's the same in UK? Shameful
Amen we need a new party with hookers and blackjacks.
Public service? Give me an example
They do? I don't pay anything for this garbage.
Kek yeah...no... I even got money back because they fuckedup.

>Public service? Give me an example

Meh better with socialism then your Mauricio Macri


Its not your country anymore, Sweden belongs to the Muslims.

It's gonna blow up, Sven. Tick tock motherfucker.

The mayor of London is a muslim.

Is that all you've got? Heh, pathetic.

*teleports behind you and licks your asshole*

To be fair most of Europe is assimilating to the sandmonkies.. It's a shame but what can we do?
Meh it's already changing, plus we aren't 100℅ pure socialists. We have a lot of hidden capitalism.
*Sven's brother Muhammed teleports to your house and rape your wife*

Same thing in dutch media. Has been going on for months now. Dutch media has this clear opinion that the red guys are the bad guys and the blue guys are the good guys. Has been like this since i can remember.

They got some based guy on the show sometimes that both supports Trump and SD,
or he states facts why they are doing good

It's one thing to support Trump and another to support SD. SD are fucking retarded

kek, in Spain too, it's fucking ridiculous, they just said in Cuatro that Trump has a 0% vote intention amongst college students, wtf at least make up a realistic number.

also happening here on radio stations. Bunch of faggots

I hope president Trump brings freedom to Sweden

>shit on Trump and lick Hillary's nasty cunt
same thing with 80% of polish media which are in german hands

Not that it matter since people don't listen to it and hate them

Why is it bad? Infowars is biased as fuck but Sup Forums loves it.

Different news channels for different people.

No surprise here.
Sweden is beyond saving.

So is the average pole really conservative, or is that just a meme? How does everyone there feel about Trump that you know?

Thanks but no thanks ;). But I hope he can at least influences some of our views.
Wait why is it in German hands? Do elaborate.
Problem is this (tv4) is the biggest news station here.
And Australia was doomed from the start of your nation.

Say that you just sold it or something. When they call me I just say I don't have one, fuck them and fuck SVT, no way in hell I'm paying for that shit.

Leader of the Swedish commie party (V) endorsed Clinton, our minister of migration said that Clinton would lead America in a "socialdemocratic" and "more Swedish" direction. What the fuck is even happening? Commies endorsing goldman sach?

Well yeah, it is normal that the most popular TV station voices the most popular opinions. They wouldn't be the most popular if they didn't,

They are our only realistic chance of getting somewhat back on track. Nordfront will never get anywhere.

you know who controls your media.

>mainstream media
>in Memeland
>unbiased opinion
Ooooooh, sorry...but thanks for playing.

An acquaintance I have was an anarchist in his youth (real one, got in troubles with police often, he's 50 now), is still very anti-establishment and stuff and is supporting Hillary like no tomorrow. I just don't get it.

All in all they made a bigger deal of Jennifer Lopez endorsement here than of the whole emails scandal.

Then they wonder why people hate them. In 1992, when we voted against the EU, they couldn't understand either how the "uneducated masses" refused to buy their arguments.

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.


Yeah their opinions are null at this point..
Well that's true I guess, still sad imo.
But they have nothing else except for immigration policies... I would respect them more if they actually had a plan instead of always going "muh immigrants! Muh traditions!"
That's true senpai.
Well atleast some us haven't been converted to SJW-muslim utopia.
Interesting sounds the same here during our EU vote. Even doh the losing side were only off by 3-5℅..

You gotta vote man.

If you give me US citizenship (without the need to pay tax to Burgerland) I would vote in a split second!

Just now they were talking about the election in the news here when the journalist literally said "the polls show Hillary ahead of Trump... let's hope it stays that way huehuehe"

Fucking lugenprese

gå till deras hemsida och läs innan du snackar skit

Very true, but on my end I'm a bit afraid they're going to throw me out. From what I recall they at least used to have some sort of policy where if you weren't a 3rd generation swede or older they'd throw you out. I'm only second generation since I'm half Serbian...

Like, fuck me, I want to vote for them, but I'm not gonna make myself get thrown out of this place. Despite all of the shit people give it, Sweden is a great place.

A friend of mine has an old journal from 1992. Seriously, if you read it now it's ridiculous. Pure propaganda.

It's in the form of a "let's debunk the false ideas about the EU". For exemple, you have some :

> Won't joining the EU reduce our security if we lose the control of our borders?
> "Not at all. On the contrary the incredible cooperation between the member States of the EU will increase your security!"

I let you imagine the rest on the economy etc. According to this rag, member states of the EU should enjoy full employement and absolutely no security issues today.

How cuckolded your country has to be that all your news channel talk about is elections in another country? Goddamn now I want to punch a beta cuck swede on his face.

SD will never manage to throw anyone out except perhaps immigration from the last +3 years, or criminals. and S is doing that work for them now FOR FREE
Just work and everyone will be satisfied,

Immigration is the only problem Sweden has that is worth mentioning. Can you point to any serious problem our society faces that isn't caused by immigration?

>At least a slight unbiased opinion
>In Swedish media
HAH, good one sven

They aren't going to throw ANYONE out, let alone you. They'll just put us on the long road to recovery, the absolute best possible scenario (emphasis on possible, of course I can dream up better things) is that they reverse the permanent right to stay of the Syrians that was given by the migration board (because they are literally incompetent). You're safe.

I mean, when you put it like that... Lived here my entire life so logically I have a sort of "safety net" I suppose.

Fuck it, I'm voting for them next election, I'll sneak back in if they throw me out.

>will increase your security
>safer against external threat, yes
>safer against internal threat, no

They can't legally throw you out, being afraid that they'll reverse citizenship for half-swedes shows that you are extremely indoctrinated by our media. You're half Swedish, they have nowhere to throw you to (something that I hate, not in your case, but in the case of the fucking half-arabs).

I was gonna say that I never follow Swedish media, but at the same time that made me realize I have never heard anything positive about SD from anyone, really. And the things you've said makes sense. I mean, only way they could logically reverse citizenship for half-swedes is to get 50+% of the votes, and even then I think they require two terms to change it since it's perhaps one of the "ground laws" (lacking the word for it, grundlagar), but I'm uncertain.

I need to red-pill myself on this, time to do some research.

I have and it's barebone and those that seems real are just copy-paste from the bigger parties. Kys
Oh I remember, I was part in the voting (against ofc)here in Sweden.
Yeah if only anything were true.
At least we don't have to be afraid of getting shot by the police.
Also hows the economy going? Can you even feed your leaders after the Olympics?
Politically accuracy, housing and the overall political cuckery that has gotten worse since 2004.
Yesu. Out of curiosity how are you neighbours handling the election? (From news standpoint)

>Yesu. Out of curiosity how are you neighbours handling the election? (From news standpoint)
They do actually provide factual articles on both sides, just that every opinion piece is pro hillary

Kek that's hilarious

Same thing here in Norgay as well. The media is so openly biased it almost hurts. But it's been like this for a long long time.