I've noticed something

These two are suppose to be the best of friends in the series, yet I've seen more episodes of Stan helping Kyle out as opposed to the opposite.

>He was there for Kyle in Cartmenland
>He was there for him during The List
>He made that gay little song to convince everybody to drive hybrids to get the Broflovskis back in town.

But looking at Kyle's record:
>He gave up on Stan when he became cynical
>When Stan became goth he gave up so easily at getting him back
>When Stan rushed to Kyle's place with that Bunny who was the object of worship in that Easter cult, Kyle didn't even seem eager to help

Is that Jew kid a shitty best friend?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw I realize I have become a hollow shell of myself just like Stan
>just see everything as degenerate nowadays
>tfw I have no face


>tfw I have no face
What about style? What about grace?

this is my otp

Remember the episode "vote or die" where kyle hired people to kill stan for not voting for his mascot

what about a coconut gun?

Remember when everyone said serialization would revive South Park but then the 2016 election completely ruined that idea?

>Is that Jew kid a shitty best friend?
Of fucking course he is. Kyle doesn't truly seem to "care" about Stan, at least, not in the same way Stan does for him. All Kyle really cares about is being a massive moralfag, and coming out on top no matter the situation, especially when it involves Cartman.

Wow I want Kyle to be shit on even more now.
Stan doesn't deserve this, poor boy.
Maybe he doesn't realize how shitty Kyle is because he's generally treated badly and taken for granted by everybody, even his family? His father doesn't consider him an achievement or something to be proud of, his sister beats him. Sad.

"Kyle! I'm trapped inside Facebook! Help me!"

"Hey Stan, could you water my crops on Farmville?"

Kyle is a shitty friend. And not just to Stan, he's a shitty friend to Kenny (chainsaws him in half uncaringly in Pinkeye, frequently laughs at his deaths, makes everything about him in Cherokee Hair Tampons, tells his mom he doesn't give a shit about Kenny in Chickenpox, etc) and obviously Cartman as well, although you could argue the latter is justified.

Kyle's kind of a shitty person, but unlike the others he pretends he's got higher morals than everyone.

>cartman was right all along
Really oys my veys

Being Stan is truly suffeirng.

That's probably why he's so empathetic toward his grandfather and sensitive to the suffering of others. Stan's a sweet boy.

Who said it was Kyle?

What that wasn't Kyle!

Yeah he became very empathetic but I think he also assumes most people suffer the way he does, so he tends to do his best to help them because of that. Like, he doesn't realize it's his depression.
I wish M&T still cared about Stan enough to do an episode about this, delving more into what goes on in his mind, but also specifically about what a shitty friend Kyle is.
Like, imagine an episode where something major and bad happens to Stan, and he's acting visibly sad but isn't really opening up about it, except no one is caring much and Kyle keeps complaining about something minor and unimportant and everyone is like "aw poor Kyle".

Stan a best.

Kyle worst boy.

Posting fujoshit from /cm/ on Sup Forums was a mistake

>and sensitive to the suffering of others.

Especially animals. Shit's cute.


>Kenny's better at holding his beer than Stan.
Not surprised really. Kenny is a pretty fucked up kid.

Stenny is good

At least Kenny is good to Stan

>the neglected boys of the group finding solace in each other

Bunny is also good. Honestly, any ship that isn't something that involves "Uncle Kyle" is pretty good.

I'm sorry, I'll have to decline on the Bunny. Butters is only tolerable to me when I'm not reminded that he replaced Kenny. Have some art anyway though.


What other South Park ships have cool names like these??

Will we ever see him drunk again? Will he ever be relevant again?

This is why I really hate Kyle. He's overly preachy and a moralfag but many times it just seems disingenuous. Sometimes he does genuinely seem to care about doing the right thing, but like with everything in south park, it changes on a weekly basis.

No and No


Who's that?


Oh, and Bebe/Wendy is Bendy, since you seem to like that South Park ship names are commonly real words or homonyms of them (like "Heiman"). "Buttman" is pretty funny too.

Ok so,


Never cared for South Park shipping but those names are charming.


Absolutely Not to both.



The shipping name convention for the South Park fandom has always been portmanteaus, so pretty much any ship you want.

The only exception I can think of is Kyle/Kenny being "K2". "Stolovan" as in Clyde/Kevin might also count, since it uses their last names instead of their first names.

And K2 itself is a pun on K2, the synthetic drug. Pretty clever, really.

I like that it's portmanteaus, it's generally easy to follow. Fandoms with descriptive shipping names like Pokemon or that ZADR/ZAGR/DATR,GATR etc nonsense in Invader Zim where half the characters share initials anyway gets incredibly confusing.

OP here.

Funny enough I never intended for things to get all gay up in here. I was just making a legitimate observation.

South Park is gay. It's always been gay.

>implying Jimbo isn't gay

>implying Jimbo and Ned aren't life partners

Prompt: Stan is feeling particularly cynical and is incredibly annoyed by Butters' optimism. He goes too far and makes Butters cry.

Better add keneric, for that one user

>Tfw Kenny beats the shit out of him for it.
Oh baby. This one's good.

pls no

Why must life be so cruel?

I'd prefer this be a Stan/Stenny thread.

>Expecting anything good out of "Life"
Death is the only escape from this nightmarish hell call "living", user.

It really bums out me out 'cause Kyle, like Stan, Wendy and a few others, could usually be expected to react in a reasonable way when South Park is being itself.

>Some dumb shit is happening
>Kyle/Stan or Wendy usually goes: "The fuck is going on?? The hell are these people doing?"

So I use to wonder what manner drug people were taking when they shit on Kyle. But after picking up on the shittier parts of his character it made more sense to me.

>inb4 dead is worse

No, this thread is about how the fire crotch is a bad best buddy to the not fat brunette.

Cause you touch yourself at night.

Nah, it's a based Stan thread.

Not if I keep putting Kyle's name in these post it wont be...

Kyle can go kill himself.

Fuck Kyle
Fuck Jews

Nah, you dickholes are just intolerant dirtbags

>his smile and optimism: gone

How do we save Stan, Sup Forums?

Fuck off fatass.

Can't argue against those digits.

It's too late user.
But I still want to know how he's doing.

>Kyle is happy with life because he's part of a wealthy household and can manipulate anyone into his schemes
>Eric is happy with life because he can manipulate anyone into his schemes

>Stan hates life because everything around him is going to shit and no amount of budging will solve it
>Kenny hates life because he's from a dirt-poor family and everything around him is going to shit and no amount of budging will solve it

I think I've found out why Stan and Kenny are the two favourites of the show. They portray the middle and lower class that struggle to live their everyday life. Something a fair percentage of the audience can identify with.

Kyle and Eric are hated for being the worst two kinds of people. Holier-than-thou preachers whose words are louder than their actions and the sadistic sociopath who climbs the ladder of corpses they make to reach the top.

Delete this, Kyle isn't a ginger.

We can't save him now. He's doomed, user.

But I thought Cartman was the most popular south park character? And we all know how much Sup Forums loves Kyle. Lots of people on here consider him to be best boy.

I agree with you though. Stan and Kenny are the best of the main 4. Hoping more people will realize it.

Why is Kenny a girl?


This place is as gay as fucking tumblr

Fine take this instead.

Post more suffering Stan if you have them please

He's not. He's just very, very, very, very, very, very, very effeminate.

I mean why is it in all these fucking Yaoi pics they are pretty much drawn as females?

Have you never heard of bishounen or something.

fujos like their bishies

let's meme stan and kenny back into relevance

>lets just draw one of the characters as a girl so we can self insert as him
This is why I hate fujofags

You people have fucking problems.

Of course, the way these threads suddenly came on and are posted daily, it's just some concentrated shitposting.



>visiting Sup Forums
>not having problems
you're lying to yourself, jew

>Kyle is happy with life because he's part of a wealthy household and can manipulate anyone into his schemes

nigga wat

Also, Kyle is only hated by contrarians

>you people have fucking problems.
Yes, and?

t. Kahl

>Visiting this Hive of scum and autism.
>Expecting people to not have "problems".
You're in the wrong place, Reddit.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand South Park. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of politics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Stan’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike South Park truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Stan’s existential catchphrase “Oh my God, they killed Kenny!” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a South Park tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

You'd have to either be blind or retarded to not see why people could hate Kyle. He's a moralfag who doesn't actually care about people but just wants to be perceived as superior/right.

I have some of Stan vomiting, which is kind of suffering.

>It’s for the ladies’ eyes only

>He's a moralfag who doesn't actually care about people but just wants to be perceived as superior/right.
Typical Jew Basically


>He's a moralfag who doesn't actually care about people but just wants to be perceived as superior/right.

Examples of this?

>"I've learned something today."


In Stick of Truth, he treats your Character like shit


I'm a brainlet how is that phrase something bad


Have you already forgotten last week'so episode where he tried to target Heidi as his latest interest? Not because he truly cared for her plight either, but becuase he wanted to cukc Cartman out of his girlfriend, and practically proved Cartman right by acting like the stereotypical Jew?